Gamers who play both PC and PS3


Apr 27, 2006
Long story short, getting a PS3 in a bundle with a new tv. Have not owned a console since N64. I have a 58" 1080p plasma hooked up to my pc, and a 2560x1600 monitor. I am a PC gamer, I like my high res and 60+ fps if possible.

Are there many good games that play 1080p + 60fps on ps3? Anyone with a large screen think 720p games look bad from ~ 10ft, do they at least get decent frames?

Don't have a care about FPS games, not buying any for ps3. Interested in racing games as I do have a G27 though. And some ps3 exclusives, though haven't looked into it at all, only found out today I could get the ps3 for $50 more than I was paying for a blu-ray player with the bundle.

So PC + PS3 players, what do you think? Keep the ps3, or sell it?
Long story short, getting a PS3 in a bundle with a new tv. Have not owned a console since N64. I have a 58" 1080p plasma hooked up to my pc, and a 2560x1600 monitor. I am a PC gamer, I like my high res and 60+ fps if possible.

Are there many good games that play 1080p + 60fps on ps3? Anyone with a large screen think 720p games look bad from ~ 10ft, do they at least get decent frames?

Don't have a care about FPS games, not buying any for ps3. Interested in racing games as I do have a G27 though. And some ps3 exclusives, though haven't looked into it at all, only found out today I could get the ps3 for $50 more than I was paying for a blu-ray player with the bundle.

So PC + PS3 players, what do you think? Keep the ps3, or sell it?

as someone who does PC + PS3, i think you've answered your own question.
Go for it, I play mainly PC as well, though my PS3 sees a lot of use as a blu-ray player and I think you'll enjoy GT5 when it finally comes out.
Since you're getting the PS3 anyway, why not try out the exclusives on it? The Uncharted games, Heavy Rain, GT5, God of War 3, LBP(2)... there are some great games on the system, even though they aren't high resolution and don't run at 60fps.

Most gamers would prefer gameplay over graphics anyway. If you're not one of them, then yea, sell the console because you'll never be happy with it.
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In addition to what others have said, if you don't already have a blu-ray player you might as well hang onto it. There is a Play-TV add-on for the PS3 which adds some basic PVR functionality, if that interests you.

If you already have those types of media devices and the console-exclusives don't grab you, selling might be the best way to go.
If you already have a media center then sell it. If you dont buy a couple exclusives and use it for media streaming etc.

If you are anything like me once you play the exclusives you are interested in the machine will just collect dust. Good exclusive games dont come out enough for me to justify owning my PS3. If i didnt use it for media streaming i would sell it in a heartbeat.

It would actually be nice if you could rent them like you could older systems.
You're going to be playing on a controller not a mouse/keyboard, does it really matter if the PS3 can't do 60+ fps on all games?
Modable PC games are superior to PS3's stuttering 720p games, which is one factor that makes the PS3 a no-go for me. If you have it, you might as well use it before making up your mind about keeping or selling. I'd ask the store for a discount on the TV rather than the PS3.

Next year, even entry-level PCs will beat the PS3 at gaming (thanks to cpu-gpu integrated chips from Intel and AMD vs. PS3's dated design).
They both play their own games well, but PC has superior online multiplayer (because of mods, user created levels, somtimes bigger maps, some games don't have dedicated servers) but console wins at local multiplayer. (unless you play serious sam)
So if you ever want to have a few friends round to play a game, you cant do that all at the same time with a PC, but can with the console.
Also with a PS3+PC youll be covered for pretty much any exclusive game that comes out (other than wii shovelware).
My main concern is the frames, not gfx. I remember that clearly about older consoles, you'd get in an action scene and bam you're watching a slideshow and your controller input gets all laggy too. Same with pc games, getting under 40fps, you can't control for shit.

I can't see playing a racing game with 30fps. Even a game like Dead Space, I loaded that up tonight on pc, v-sync on forced it to 30fps and was impossible to aim. Turn off vsync, 150+fps and butter smooth at 2560x1600.

Both my pc's have blu-ray drives, have 2 standalone players that do netflix etc., have a WD TV Live, Verizon FIOS HD service with DVR.

Basically the only thing that I'd use this for would be non-FPS ps3 exclusives. GT5 would be my biggest attraction, but 30fps would be harsh. So sounds to me as though I should sell this BNIB and put towards the high end amd 6000 series.

Either way I am getting a killer deal though. Getting this through my friend who gets employee discounts from Sony.

Here's the deal on slickdeals:

I am paying right around $1,600 for the 55" package, so $800 off an already slickdeal. If I sell the 3d kit and ps3 on ebay, looking at a nice 55" led lcd for under $1,100.
Next year, even entry-level PCs will beat the PS3 at gaming (thanks to cpu-gpu integrated chips from Intel and AMD vs. PS3's dated design).

All the computing power in the world will not be enough to play games which just do not release on the PC. And there are tons of those. The PS3 has a very strong lineup of great exclusive games. And don't forget the games that go console exclusive too... an example would be Red Dead Redemption. I hope to god that they release a PC version of it, but if they never do, it would be really sad to have to miss out on what I consider Rockstar's finest game to date. There are lots more in that list.

GT5 would be my biggest attraction, but 30fps would be harsh.

GT5 is supposed to run at 60fps, with dips into the 50s during intense scenes (Standing starts with rain effects for example). This is straight from the developers' mouth... who knows if it's true. I personally doubt it but we'll see.

Although from your posts, it seems like frames per second is your primary concern while gaming. And not story, presentation, gameplay or anything else. The current consoles do not have games which slow down into slideshows... once in a while, you have games with bad framerates and then you just ignore them when the reviews tell you so. Dead space had a horrible control scheme with the flawed vsync implementation... not sure using that as an example of a game being bad because of low framerates is a good idea.
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I don't really give a rats ass about how many FPS a console game plays at because I can't do anything about it anyway. If the game is good enough to not make you think about it, then it's frame rate doesn't matter regardless.
I use my PS3 / Xbox 360 for the sports and arcade games predominantly. I use the PC for the FPS, strategy and RPG games. At the end of the day its all about the games! :)
I play primarily on the PC and I use the PS3 when I can't get it on the PC whether it be things like Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted 2, and other exclusives like that.
I have both a PC and PS3. PS3 is used mostly for exclusives and for games like Madden that play better with a controller (not that Madden is on PC anyways). Something like Fallout or FPS's ... I always play on PC.
I have like 10 games for the PS3 (pretty much the best the system has to offer) and I would rather be playing L2D2 or something on PC instead.
I have a PS3 and I'm a PC gamer. There are games that are just made for consoles and then there are games that play better on a PC. Keep the PS3, you wont regret it.
I use my pc for all fps games, wow, and other western rpgs. I have my ps3 for console exclusive games, Japanese rpgs and some sports titles like the new nba jam that will hopefully be here shortly. Oh and it also doubles as my blu-ray player. I am primarily a pc gamer, but my ps3 has major value for me.
I'm new to PC gaming. However, I have to say as much as I will love my XFX 6870, I don't think it will play a game that's better playing than Uncharted 2 on my PS3. If only I could just buy the PS3 chipset on a PCIE card and slap it in next to my GPU. Then I could truly do away with separate consoles.
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I have a 46" 1080p TV for my PS3 and a 30" @ 2560x1600 w/ dual GTX 480s so I imagine I'm about as close as you can come to someone with the same setup you have.

The PS3 will obviously never look as good, in fact most games I load up on my PS3 look quite horrid just based on lack of AA, most recently I remember being horrified looking at Red Dead Redemption. At the same time alot of games look really very good like Heavenly Sword/GoW3/Uncharted 2/Killzone 2/Castlevania.

I don't know what to tell you about your concern about the FPS other than "adequate" is how I would describe my experience. I think that GT5 is absolutely worth having but if 30fps will really kill it for you then don't bother. Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted 2, Heavenly Sword and other exclusives helped make the choice for me on the PS3 originally and after having had all 3 current-gen consoles I only kept the PS3.

You don't need it for a media center obviously, you'll only use it for the exclusives but it can replace a blu-ray player. Sounds worthwhile enough to me, if just barely.
I rarely play my PS3 nowadays but Id never sell it. Still good for blu-ray movies especially with a nice HDTV.
Having a console to compliment a PC is the only way to fly, this coming from an avid pc gamer of over 20 years.

I use a 360 though, but the PS3 is just as awesome.
I had a launch PS3 given to me as a gift. While I almost never play the PS3, there have been a few exclusives come along that had me using it. I say use it for a while. Try Uncharted 1 and 2 and some of those exclusive racing games you were talking about. If a little down the road you find yourself almost never using it, or not enough to warrant keeping it, sell it off then.

But yeah, if you are so used to mid range graphics card quality and speed that you can't really accept less, the consoles are something best forgotten. If you can put up with the relative low quality graphics, and performance, a PS3 is not a bad platform at all.
Also the PS3 recently was updated to it's compatible with 3D movies like Avatar.

But, the PS3 doesn't have the horses to pull off 3D games.

I'm hoping next year that MS and Sony announce next-gen game systems. Their systems are looking pretty anemic and they're becoming kludges as MS and Sony try to keep them relevant.
I'm new to PC gaming. However, I have to say as much as I will love my XFX 6870, I don't think it will play a game that's better playing than Uncharted 2 on my PS3. If only I could just buy the PS3 chipset on a PCIE card and slap it in next to my GPU. Then I could truly do away with separate consoles.

3DO and a well known AIB vendor tried this already with the Creative 3DO Blaster (seriously, look it up) in 1994-5. Needless to say it wasn't successful.

Besides, if you really want an RSX in your PC go get a 256MB 7900GT. Save for half the memory bandwidth, texture units, and ROPs, it's basically the same thing.
But, the PS3 doesn't have the horses to pull off 3D games.

I'm hoping next year that MS and Sony announce next-gen game systems. Their systems are looking pretty anemic and they're becoming kludges as MS and Sony try to keep them relevant.

I dont see the ps3 or 360 being replaced any time soon.
I have both, too. I use my ps3 mainly for blurays & stuff like Guitar Hero, Red Dead Redeption, Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat games. Plus exclusives like MGS, inFamous, God of War. Great games you can't play anywhere else.
PS3 is a great system and as many people have already stated has great exclusives. Granted, if the game I am looking for is released on PS3 and PC I will usually go for the PC as the graphics will look better (though I don't use my eyefinity setup as often as I should). I have to admit, my PS3 mostly gets used for Rock Band and Guitar Hero, as I really enjoy playing on my Roland kit hooked up to a drum amp.
I also have both. My PS3 mainly gets used for Blu-Rays, which look and sound a hell of a lot better than DVDs do, and the occasional exclusive. It'll see a lot of playing time when GT5 finally gets here (and when I get Rock Band 3), and it sounds like yours would too. Just keep it.
I just got a 40 inch HDTV for my den and I'm going with a PS3. Like the others said, it's for Blu-Ray and exclusives. For everything else I use my gaming rig.
But, the PS3 doesn't have the horses to pull off 3D games.

I'm hoping next year that MS and Sony announce next-gen game systems. Their systems are looking pretty anemic and they're becoming kludges as MS and Sony try to keep them relevant.

The PS3 is the most powerful piece of awesome ever, and because it is future-proofed, it will be the case for the next 100 years.

Just ask this guy, he'll tell you.
I also own both.

1. PC - my main gaming machine
2. PS3 - bluray player and for fun multiplayer games with friends like psmove, etc.
A game like Heavy Rain is why I keep a PS3 besides as a backup BD player. I'm amazed this hasn't shown up on the PC yet. I wish it would.

It's a fantastic game.
A game like Heavy Rain is why I keep a PS3 besides as a backup BD player. I'm amazed this hasn't shown up on the PC yet. I wish it would.

It's a fantastic game.

They said they wont be doing a sequel to heavy rain, but they did do omikron Indigo Prophecy and for PC. Theyve only done 3 games, but are planning 2 more. As a tiny development studio I don't see a PC platform development as that doable without outsourcing.

Also wasn't it orignaly going to be a PC game aswell? So there might still be the code hanging around somewhere.
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I have both and put a 500GB HDD in my PS3 so it is a media player, BD player and Game machine. What's not to like? Well, it would be much appreciated if they improved the Music player area to have a search feature but my requests fall upon deaf ears.
They said they wont be doing a sequel to heavy rain, but they did do omikron Indigo Prophecy and for PC. They've only done 3 games, but are planning 2 more.

As a tiny development studio I don't see a PC platform development as that doable without outsourcing.


Also wasn't it orignaly going to be a PC game aswell? So there might still be the code hanging around somewhere.

Yes. Originally it was planned and then scrapped. :(
But, the PS3 doesn't have the horses to pull off 3D games.

I'm hoping next year that MS and Sony announce next-gen game systems. Their systems are looking pretty anemic and they're becoming kludges as MS and Sony try to keep them relevant.

I love when people pull crap out of their pooper.

The first 3D title that comes to my mind for the PS3 is... KillZone 3.

Yes, 3D graphics and also able to use the PS Move.

I've also heard Motorstorm is running in 3D?