FTS on V-Max.


Mar 16, 2005
Who's doing it?

Hitachi has been doing it for years, awesome concept.. Glad EMC is finally doing it.

I've know about this for almost a year, was going to get in on the Early Adopter Program, but the timing never worked out. Was stoked with they annouced it at EMC world.

V-Max has it now depending on your enginuity levels. Just installed my 2nd 2 engine V-Max 40k @ 5876. Going to upgrade my 20k to same rev in a few weeks.

Just stuck a VNX5700 behind my v-max, added a new disk group, created a new thin pool, and building a bunch of tdats as I type this. Will be sticking a 240 and a 480 behind it a few weeks. Other then buring 7h,8h,9h,10h and 8 runs of fiber.. its pretty kick ass.
I have about 80Ts of external storage behind my V-Max40k now. Each block of storage is its own thin pool, and playing nicely with Fast-VP. Big win here for EMC... and unlike usual.. Don't need a license to enable FTS.. built into solutions enabler and it just works. Obviosuly a slight towards HDS.. HDS requires the license and its based on capacity.

If you get the chance to use this.. USE IT. I'm doing internal symmigrations from internal pools to external pools with zero disruption of service.

I will note, i'm not doing any encapsulation, and have no plans to at this time. If i'm going to move a host from a CX to vmax, i'll either san copy it to the v-max, or use some host based tool like PPME or OpenMigrator depending on what i'm doing or what the os/app is.