FS: HIS 6950 2GB - $100..

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Limp Gawd
Nov 27, 2009
This HIS 6950 purchased from member Machupo on 2/23/2012 (thread). This card started artifacting in DirectX 10/11 games on 7/23/2012 and I was unable to get it to RMA due to HIS being jerks mainly. Machupo was able to provide the NewEgg invoice (card was bought 1/30/2011), but because I wasn't the buyer they weren't going to honor the warranty.

I've never seen any artifacts with DirectX 9 or when playing movies (Bluray or DVD) and I had honestly forgotten about the issue because I have been playing so much Guild Wars 2. But then I fired up Bioshock Infinite today and was reminded of the issue. They squares are not overwhelming but are definitely noticeable (screenshots below).

I have tried running the card with the factory firmware by flipping the BIOS switch on the card, but that did NOT resolve the artifacting in DirectX 10/11. The card was never overclocked by Machupo or me, only shader unlocked.

I have no idea what this card is worth in this state, if anything but if Bioshock Infinite could run in DX9 mode I doubt I'd even be bothered to try to sell it because I never notice any issues. So based on that, I'll start it at $100...

Here are some screenshots, because they flicker, they are quite hard to catch in a screenshot... (All screenshots from Bioshock Infinite Benchmark mode on Ultra)


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Thanks lilbabycat, I thought about trying it but don't think I want to mess with it...
Decided not to sale, had offers ranging from $45 - $90 if anyone was interested. I bought a 7870 Ghz OC and put it in my main PC and moved the 6950 to the PC behind my TV (replacing a 8800 GTS 640MB that was bad).
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