First look at Silverstone RV03

According to bit-tech the RV03 should come in at about $139. Having such a similar pricepoint as the RV02 makes me wonder if their markets will overlap and cause either one of their sales to suffer.
According to bit-tech the RV03 should come in at about $139. Having such a similar pricepoint as the RV02 makes me wonder if their markets will overlap and cause either one of their sales to suffer.

i don't think they have different markets. They're both geared toward the same market: the 1337 g4m3r crys1s @ max settings crowd that don't want to spend more than $150 on a case. If anything, it'll just increase silverstone's overall case sales to that market. And anyway, who cares? That's silverstone's problem. Not our problem as consumers.
don't think they have different markets. They're both geared toward the same market: the 1337 g4m3r crys1s @ max settings crowd that don't want to spend more than $150 on a case. If anything, it'll just increase silverstone's overall case sales to that market. And anyway, who cares? That's silverstone's problem. Not our problem as consumers.

I agree that they cater to the same market. I'm not so much conerned for SS' sake that they're within the same price bracket as I am puzzled by their decision to do so. If you look at CM's HAF cases for exmaple the HAF X is ~$180, HAF 932 ~$130, HAF 922 ~$90, and HAF 912 ~$60. They have one case for each price bracket even though they're all aimed towards the same market. The RV02 and RV03 will compete against each other instead of supplementing each other. It's kind of like the Honda Civic/Acura RSX deal. They were roughly the same price and competed against each other (hurting sales of one or the other) so Honda axed the RSX in North America.
-edit- NVM

Saw the bit-tech link above. The redesign looks so much better than before. I am definitely interested in buying this case now.
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I agree that they cater to the same market. I'm not so much conerned for SS' sake that they're within the same price bracket as I am puzzled by their decision to do so. If you look at CM's HAF cases for exmaple the HAF X is ~$180, HAF 932 ~$130, HAF 922 ~$90, and HAF 912 ~$60. They have one case for each price bracket even though they're all aimed towards the same market. The RV02 and RV03 will compete against each other instead of supplementing each other. It's kind of like the Honda Civic/Acura RSX deal. They were roughly the same price and competed against each other (hurting sales of one or the other) so Honda axed the RSX in North America.

I wouldn't say so on the CM front. Someone who wants a mid tower would get the 922 while someone wanting a full tower would get the HAF X. Yes, their styilng does appeal to the same crowd, however, but they do have different markets based on size.

Thing with the RV02 and RV03 is that they HAVE to be priced similarly because they offer the same features (mostly), have the same build quality/materials being used, and similar sizes. Only way to have them not compete with one another is to take the RV02 off the market, and it seems they don't want to do. They've done the same thing with the FT01 and FT02. They're doing the same with the TJ07 and TJ11. I guess silverstone feels each of their cases offer something different and they want to grab as many consumers as they can. Not sure though. They don't exactly have the brightest people in their marketing division nor do they seem to do the best market research.
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+1 simplicity is where its at. I want a tower that keeps everything cool and quite while not looking like it fell of a space ship.
Hate to necro this thread but I just found the RV03 and really like it. yes I like angular cases, but am wondering will it fit my PSU. Does anyone know what is the max size PSU the RV03 can fit?
Hate to necro this thread but I just found the RV03 and really like it. yes I like angular cases, but am wondering will it fit my PSU. Does anyone know what is the max size PSU the RV03 can fit?
According to the Bit-Tech article linked to a few posts up, the maximum length PSU that it can fit is 180mm.

For reference, that is almost every power supply on the market that is less than 1000w.
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For reference, that is almost every power supply on the market that is less than 1000w.

Ya that's kinda what I though which sucks because I love this case, but I have a Corsair HX 1000w haha

But you never know its not out yet they might change that, cause it kinda sucks that its being advertised as an enthusiast case but it cant fit any power supply.
Been thinking about this case. Hopefully, it will fit a larger power supply, I've got the AX1200 I'm running right now.
I'm looking for a new case as I'll be building a new rig soon. The 90deg placement is nice for air cooling, and I like the new configuration of the RV03 but the small size PSU limits me (AX1200) and the look is horrible in my opinion. I would get one if Silverstone made it look more classy like the FT02. Speaking of which, why not sell an FT03 (classy version of the RV03) instead of the "trash bin" they are calling the FT03? Please give it a new name and release a classy looking FT03 built on the RV03's "new" layout.

Also, Tony, how does the RV03 compare to the FT02 (with AP181's) in terms of cooling capabilities??
The Raven V03 looks like a plastic hunk of junk, that I'd probably mistake for a cheapo case. However, I do like the way the components are arranged in a sideways configuration. If silverstone could make the top cover flat and not spikey, it would be more visually appealing in my opinion.
my first thought looking at the rv03 was "wow that is ugly"

my second thought was "well i guess they make different styles of products to meet different consumer demands"
Here are some more pictures of the RV03 (and TJ11 too).

The slides state that the RV03 takes up to 10 3.5" hard drives. I wonder where they are exactly located. If they all go behind the motherboard tray I doubt they can be adequately cooled.

Has anyone got pictures of the mainboard tray back side where the drives are supposed to be mounted?
Here are some more pictures of the RV03 (and TJ11 too).

The slides state that the RV03 takes up to 10 3.5" hard drives. I wonder where they are exactly located. If they all go behind the motherboard tray I doubt they can be adequately cooled.

Has anyone got pictures of the mainboard tray back side where the drives are supposed to be mounted?

The standard five drive locations will be in the removeable drive bays - and, like many other cases, you can put additional HDD drives in the 5.25" drive bays (most of the time it will require additional adapters).
In some of the more recent revisions seen, one of the bottom 180mm fans is positioned partially under the mobo tray to blow over the the HDDs and underside components on the mobo.
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Oh come on now...WTF SS. :rolleyes:

RV03 outside is (as ET would say) "Thermaltrash". :D Ugly as hell.
I understand they want a gamer line (RV) and a sophisticated line (FT), but come on....don't go overboard. That's hideous.
PSU up front, meh. HD behind motherboard? I would assume they will starve for air back there and run hotter than they would in the 02 variants.

I don't think Thermaltake have even made anything that radically hideous, I don't like many of their cases, but they have always had one or two that are functional and decent looking. I liked Corsair's recent cases, but I'd be surprised if they move any further along with the development of Sonic the Full tower, and the silver beer cooler.
Ugly case. It looks like a Kicker car audio amp. Maybe great for a kid, but I'm guessing that isn't their target demographic. It's a shame too. The layout is actually pretty nice.
I'm wondering how the RV03 will compare to the RV02E / FT02 in terms of cooling and noise. Having the extra space for 13.5" video cards and USB3 connections is a huge plus for the RV03. I'm just not sold on the aggressive looks and more so the PSU limitation of 180mm.

I know we still have to wait for more details, but I'm looking to buy a new case now and I'm on the fence between an FT02 and the HAF X. The cooling capabilities, XL-ATX support, USB3, and water cooling options are winning over the ugliness of the HAF X....

I currently have a water cooled system, although I will be moving back to air with my next build. Right now all I'm buying is the case and PSU (AX1200), so I still need space for water at the moment. This and the lack of USB3 are what's holding me back from buying the FT02. That and the "tight" video card spacing.
Oh wow, what has happened to SS in the past few years. They haven't released anything impressive since the TJ-10. The FT-02 gets an honorable mention, but its still nothing like their older TJ-3/6/7/9 cases.

Tony_Ou, I'm glad to see that the TJ07 will still be in production, as I am rather disappointed with the TJ11, as I'm sure many are. Are there any plans to at least update the TJ07? The case didnt have much faults, it just needs a couple of filters, and a 120mm fan.
Tony probably won't answer your questions anytime soon since he's in Vegas for CES right now. That's actually where I met Tony for the first time last year hahaha.

If I was in CES and was Tony, I probably wouldn't be checking here. I mean, I probably would be partying to damn [H]ard after the show! :D
Horrible looking case (IMO) wouldn't even consider it for my next case, regardless of airflow.
After taking another good look at the case, now that better pics are all over the internet, I have to say, the case is actually not that bad! Could use a little more work, but its not bad nonetheless!

$600+ however is a brutal price for this case IMO. I'd so much rather get the 800D instead.

I really appreciate the fact that they didnt jump on the tool-less/screw-less boat like everyone else has, GJ!
The whole case is made of 2m-4m aluminum, much thicker than Lian Li cases.
The materials used for the TJ11 compared to the TJ07 and inflation, the $600 price tag is justified.
I'm going to wait for it to go one sale or a reviewer to resell the case in the forums.

No offense, but i don't see any reason for going over 2mm thick aluminum (which the more expensive Lian Li cases use) except to inflate the price of the case. TJ11 is well over 100$ more exepnsive than PC-X2000FB and PC-888, the most expensive LL cases. It's nearly the twice the price of the most expensive Silverstone case (except TJ11).

I'm not arguing about the price of aluminum and workforce - i'm arguing about if the price and material use is justified - and i must say no in this case.
No offense, but i don't see any reason for going over 2mm thick aluminum (which the more expensive Lian Li cases use) except to inflate the price of the case. TJ11 is well over 100$ more exepnsive than PC-X2000FB and PC-888, the most expensive LL cases. It's nearly the twice the price of the most expensive Silverstone case (except TJ11).

I'm not arguing about the price of aluminum and workforce - i'm arguing about if the price and material use is justified - and i must say no in this case.

I understand your point. TJ07 owners will not take anything less than all aluminum case.
The extra weight of the motherboard rotation needed thicker aluminum for support.
The amount of components that can fit in this case will cause it to flex under the weight.

If the FT02 was all aluminum, it would have been $350-400 so $600 for a bigger case is plausible.
I understand your point. TJ07 owners will not take anything less than all aluminum case.
The extra weight of the motherboard rotation needed thicker aluminum for support.
The amount of components that can fit in this case will cause it to flex under the weight.

If the FT02 was all aluminum, it would have been $350-400 so $600 for a bigger case is plausible.

lol...WE changing his opinion on the TJ11. WE I dare you to drop even $400 on that thing just so you can realize how stupid you were for doing so. That case doesn't fit your rig. I know you want to watercool or whatever, but from someone that's tried it, it's not worth it unless you just want to trade the peace and simplicity of air-cooling just to to deal with the hassle of H20 for a somewhat better overclock and at the same time not noticing anything tangible in your day to day use of your computer.
Any updates from Silverstone on the Release date? January has gone and I still don't see any retailers or reviewers listing this case yet. Also can we expect a Fortress styled version of this case?
I watched the same couple of videos today again of the RV03 at Computex last year and the CES preview this year. In the video Tony says they moved the one of the AP181 fans back a little to help cool the hard drives on the motherboard backplane. From looking at these pics at the beginning of the thread it looks like all the PSU cables will just lay on that fan and to me looks like it won't do much good. I was tempted by the RV03 by its smaller size then the FT02/RV02-E but now I think if i get this case it will be for a secondary build.
Any updates from Silverstone on the Release date? January has gone and I still don't see any retailers or reviewers listing this case yet. Also can we expect a Fortress styled version of this case?

In the CES video Tony says end of Q1 or beginning of Q2, march or april
Lets say that you have the case on a desk, looking at the side of the case with the window facing you, the PSU would also be exhausting hot air on you, right?
Lets say that you have the case on a desk, looking at the side of the case with the window facing you, the PSU would also be exhausting hot air on you, right?

Yeah, great for winter. Move it to the left side of your desk for summer months! :D

In all seriousness, does the PSU really put out much heat (especially when it's sucking air in from outside the case)? The exhaust from mine always feels cool compared to my case fans, but maybe it's just because my system only uses like 250W.