Female Gamers Love Gaming More than Sex


Double woof really.
I agree, this is just the result of chasing after too much "pretty looking" pussy and not getting a mature, stable woman instead.

That's the fault of just about most guys in existence. We all want the pretty , hard body but once we realize how vapid most truly beautiful (on the outside) women actually are then (after many failed relationships with such women) you realize that a pretty (not drop dead beautiful but pretty none the less) and stable woman is a much better choice.

I've dated more than a few so called "gamer" chics who were quite beautiful but in actuality they were just fucked up. I mean pretty much all of them had some kind of serious back round issue that just made it impossible to connect with them.

After I learned that lesson I found much more stable girl that really was down to Earth and haven't looked back since. She games (quite a bit) and when some big game comes out she'll be just as excited as I am to play it , she'll stay up late with me while we both conquer it and have a lot fun doing so. And she wasn't even that into games until she met me but now she's really enjoying it , I'm even introducing her to some serious classics of the past (she just finished Warcraft 3 and start Starcraft 1).

Stop looking for the gamer girl and just look for a girl you connect with. If she's worth a damn and respects your eternal love of gaming then fucking lock that shit down. The end.
That's the fault of just about most guys in existence. We all want the pretty , hard body but once we realize how vapid most truly beautiful (on the outside) women actually are then (after many failed relationships with such women) you realize that a pretty (not drop dead beautiful but pretty none the less) and stable woman is a much better choice.
Or alternatively as Notorious BIG once said, disregard females and acquire currency.

That way you can game as much as you please, and translate some of that currency into sex with beautiful young women when the mood strikes. This strategy is far more sound, as you don't open yourself to losses of half of your estate and entanglements with inlaws, and the milk remains fresh even as you age. *raises glass*
I'm a little confused, what's wrong with her exactly? Let me guess, her boobs don't defy gravity? I mean really, give the girl some credit for not having a fucking muffin top! In any case, you guys are a funny bunch! Me? I'd skeet skeet all over that.
LOL @ thread!!

An entertaining bunch y'all are.

And LOL @ the light sabres... -especially the one on display on the furniture.
Personally, I think she's a bit on the fat side myself. Not ugly but certainly not my first choice.
my wife likes gaming more than sex.... and she doesn't even game!
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That's easy, buy her something that looks expensive so she can be the envy of other women, tell her you'll watch the Royal Wedding recording with her, and listen to her inane dribble about her social network occasionally nodding your head and repeating back the last few words she said. Instant multiple orgasms without any physical contact.

You are one sad, bitter nerd. Yeah, keep blaming your problems with women on the fairer sex...meanwhile, it's obvious to everyone else that the common factor in all your problems is you...
Personally, I think she's a bit on the fat side myself. Not ugly but certainly not my first choice.

Personally, I try to maintain two different sets of standards for situations like this. Is she hot in the "I'm only looking at her pictures on the internet" sense? No. Is she hot in the "If I saw her in real life would I want to get her number" sense? Hell yeah!
Personally, I try to maintain two different sets of standards for situations like this. Is she hot in the "I'm only looking at her pictures on the internet" sense? No. Is she hot in the "If I saw her in real life would I want to get her number" sense? Hell yeah!

In real life she is still on the fat side. Not so fat that I wouldn't hit it after a night of drinking but getting close. Regardless of her looks I'd play video games with her if she is any good.

In her craiglist ad she could use the word "voluptuous".

For my personal tastes (internet and real life) I prefer there to be some space between their inner thighs when they are standing straight. If they need chub rub it's too thick. I know not everyone is into thinner chicks and that's great! Less competition.
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In real life she is still on the fat side. Not so fat that I wouldn't hit it after a night of drinking but getting close. Regardless of her looks I'd play video games with her if she is any good.

In her craiglist ad she could use the word "voluptuous".

For my personal tastes (internet and real life) I prefer there to be some space between their inner thighs when they are standing straight. If they need chub rub it's too thick. I know not everyone is into thinner chicks and that's great! Less competition.
LOL! Listen robble, you'll get that space when you spread her legs. It doesn't look like it's overlapping. :D
For my personal tastes (internet and real life) I prefer there to be some space between their inner thighs when they are standing straight. If they need chub rub it's too thick. I know not everyone is into thinner chicks and that's great! Less competition.

Have fun


I'm a little confused, what's wrong with her exactly? Let me guess, her boobs don't defy gravity? I mean really, give the girl some credit for not having a fucking muffin top! In any case, you guys are a funny bunch! Me? I'd skeet skeet all over that.
She's a bit fat. After all, if I wanted to have sex with a chubby person I love, I'd just masturbate.
LMAO at some of the comments in this thread :D

You are one sad, bitter nerd. Yeah, keep blaming your problems with women on the fairer sex...meanwhile, it's obvious to everyone else that the common factor in all your problems is you...

You beat me to the punch. Ducman69 sounds like exactly the misogynistic type who contribute to the bad reputation of males in general. If your past experiences have made you so cynical that you have no interest in pursuing a meaningful relationship with the opposite sex, that's your problem, but don't go presenting your opinions as "words of wisdom" to us in the younger set. No thanks.
Be critical all you want. Lightsaber lady looks fine by me.

Light saber lady is perfection in my eyes. Someone else can have the anorexic freak shows. Nothing kills a boner more then ramming your rod into a gals pelvic bone because she has no "meat" as a result societal standards demanding woman have absolutely no fat and thin muscle tone to look "beautiful"
There is a whole range of sizes between fat and anorexic.
Note the light between the thighs.

among females, the asians are the master race

amen! That's one of the reasons I love hawaii. Plenty asian hotties running around all the time.

I know a few females out here that game. Some are ok, a couple are cute, none are HOT.
While you guys go nuts over eachothers' personal preferences, I'm going to sit back and enjoy the stream of pictures being posted.

Thanks guys! :D
While you guys go nuts over eachothers' personal preferences, I'm going to sit back and enjoy the stream of pictures being posted.

Thanks guys! :D

If that is all you are looking for, just google "tits".

(Can "google" be used as a verb? Should it be used as a verb?)
if you all have females more interested in playing games instead of spending time with you, you're doing it wrong.
If that is all you are looking for, just google "tits".

(Can "google" be used as a verb? Should it be used as a verb?)

If you want to substitute the word Google for "open your browser of choice and open your favorite search engine, and then search for 'tits'" then go for it

Could also just use "search for x" but it's not descriptive like Google. Search what - books? My car?