Fantastic Four Director Kills His Own Film On Twitter


Aug 20, 2006
The reception of the new Fantastic Four film has been nothing short of an utter disaster. It became a sinking ship as early as its premiere two days ago, largely in part to director Josh Trank, who essentially trashed his own film on Twitter and set off a firestorm of criticism and conspiracy theories between him and Fox. Despite contradictive reports of who is to blame, one thing we can be certain of is that things went terribly on set.

There's a reason Trank's tweet has caused such an uproar and raised so many questions. Until now, everyone involved in Fantastic Four has been so busy denying there was any disruption or chaos on set or between the filmmaking team that Trank's burst of truth and despair is difficult to interpret – even by those who have been trying to follow the developments on the film closely. Is this merely more evidence of the erratic behavior those who worked on the movie have discussed anonymously in the press?
He got fired from Star Wars. This film is why. I have not heard a single redeeming quality about Tranks. So, I don't consider this a Fincher/Alien 3 scenario, and I consider it more a Stanley/Lost Souls type of deal.
Time for marvel studios to do it. The article mentioned that may get the rights. Unless this movie makes gobs of money.
Time for marvel studios to do it. The article mentioned that may get the rights. Unless this movie makes gobs of money.

From what I've read the reason this film was force fed via Fox was specifically because they had to do it so Marvel wouldn't gain the rights to it (I'm not sure the details, probably time issues). Which IIRC, was the whole point of the never seen first Fantastic Four movie.

Oh well, I anticipate Fox to blame piracy for why this movie did so poorly.
I had low expectations the moment I found out they changed canon to include a token. I don't mind black superheros, Cyborg, or Blade for instance, but I do hate when they change canon just to put a token in. Especially when it would fundamentally alter the relationship between the characters as with this case. I guess they had other problems on the set too.
I'll never understand why people care about changing characters and etc... There's no such thing as "canon." These are film universes of characters that get retconned and changed all the time. Why does it matter to alter them slightly? It doesn't. It creates a since of openess and freshness to have that concept of "change."

It never bothered me for a second they decided to have Sue Storm be adopted. Not once.

What bothered me was the super serious take they went with it. It doesn't fit the mold of the comic book and that is the real travesty. That should be the element people focus on when discussing "breaking canon." That's the only qualifier.
This ENTIRE film was made so that Fox wouldn't have to give the rights back to Marvel.

I hope it does terrible so marvel gets the rights back.

We need Silver Surfer and Galuctus in the MCU.
I dont see what difference it makes, I knew this movie was going to suck from the first trailer. Everyone working on it knew it was going to suck after the first day producing it. If you know your movie is a piece of shit while you sit there and continue to mold said shit into funny shit shaped pieces with your shit covered hands, why are you complaining once everyone agrees with the end result?
I had low expectations the moment I found out they changed canon to include a token. I don't mind black superheros, Cyborg, or Blade for instance, but I do hate when they change canon just to put a token in. Especially when it would fundamentally alter the relationship between the characters as with this case. I guess they had other problems on the set too.
I don't think they changed the actor's race for any PC reasons. I believe the actor is good buddies with the director, so he futzed with the canon to shoehorn him in.
I don't think they changed the actor's race for any PC reasons. I believe the actor is good buddies with the director, so he futzed with the canon to shoehorn him in.

Maybe so, but they should have changed the invisible girl to black in that case as well. Them not being siblings really annoys me for some reason.
From what I've read the reason this film was force fed via Fox was specifically because they had to do it so Marvel wouldn't gain the rights to it (I'm not sure the details, probably time issues). Which IIRC, was the whole point of the never seen first Fantastic Four movie.

Oh well, I anticipate Fox to blame piracy for why this movie did so poorly.

And it's not likely to break and torrent records either. It's one thing to watch what should be a good film recorded via handy cam. Very few will put up with both craptastic picture/sound AND craptastic overall movie.
I am personally fed up with comic-book movies and their repetitive structure and formulas (Save the Cat's 3 acts...). Except for C. Nolan's Batman, these movies are mostly indistinguishable from each other.

After Aquaman, it is just a matter of time before Hollywood releases a Squirrel Girl movie:
his first movie, Chronicle was pretty good...guess all the big studios thought he was the next big thing after that
I dont see what difference it makes, I knew this movie was going to suck from the first trailer. Everyone working on it knew it was going to suck after the first day producing it. If you know your movie is a piece of shit while you sit there and continue to mold said shit into funny shit shaped pieces with your shit covered hands, why are you complaining once everyone agrees with the end result?

Well. Shit.
I haven't seen it, but do they explain why they are all young? I guess in some alternate reality the government is letting MENSA kids do super dangerous experiments without any kind of liability.
I haven't seen it, but do they explain why they are all young? I guess in some alternate reality the government is letting MENSA kids do super dangerous experiments without any kind of liability.

Well... the younger they are the less people that there will be around to sue you for whatever happens.

If they die or whatever, they won't have any children who will sue you... or have any grandchildren later on, etc.

Sure you could get sued by the parents.. but that would pretty much just be a one time thing.
I'll never understand why people care about changing characters and etc... There's no such thing as "canon." These are film universes of characters that get retconned and changed all the time. Why does it matter to alter them slightly? It doesn't. It creates a since of openess and freshness to have that concept of "change."

It never bothered me for a second they decided to have Sue Storm be adopted. Not once.

What bothered me was the super serious take they went with it. It doesn't fit the mold of the comic book and that is the real travesty. That should be the element people focus on when discussing "breaking canon." That's the only qualifier.

Because if they get it wrong the damage the property and likely close the door on it. Even if they do it right, you're bait and switching people expecting the old property.

The problem is that its cheap story development. Even turning the whole old version upside down, the story is based on prior work. Writers and publishers need to stop being lazy and create entirely new properties if they have new stories to tell.

I think today's writers are so full of crap they couldn't write anything new with popular resonance and they have take over old pieces of work that had resonance and in most cases twist them to have any traction with their work.
Wow, I didn't even realize this film was out! Why make another lousy Fantastic Four movie? This one doesn't even have Jessica Alba! At least while you watched the last two train wrecks you could stare at Jessica Alba!
I dont see what difference it makes, I knew this movie was going to suck from the first trailer. Everyone working on it knew it was going to suck after the first day producing it. If you know your movie is a piece of shit while you sit there and continue to mold said shit into funny shit shaped pieces with your shit covered hands, why are you complaining once everyone agrees with the end result?

Because Michael Bay has proven it's possible to polish even the stinkiest, chunkiest, most corn-filled turd into a summer money maker with sufficient CGI and explosions.
I haven't seen it, but do they explain why they are all young? I guess in some alternate reality the government is letting MENSA kids do super dangerous experiments without any kind of liability.

This version is based off of the Ultimate Marvel Universe an imprint that was started about 15 years ago that once upon a time was actually pretty good. Currently that universe along with the 616 marvel universe has been destroyed in a company wide reboot.
As someone who grew up in the sixties reading marvel, DC and whatever Dynamo was in, I enjoyed the stories back then, even though they threw in the golden era justice league of america alternate super heroes (old green lantern, old flash, etc) in a while which sort of screwed things up in my 8 year old mind. Then we had captain marvel with and without bucky which was a little weird, and the human torch being an older adult fighting the submariner at the same time he was young and part of the fantastic four, that was weird too. But since then we have so many multiple universes that when you go see a movie with a title of say, Batman, you don't have any idea what you're going to see. There are so many different versions of Batman, that it could be anything. Now, it's not terrible; if you have good writers, good actors, and a good plot to go with it (as Keaton and Nicholson did back in what, '89?), you can take liberties with the original facts (like making Mary Jane the girlfriend instead of Gwen Stacey when spidey first came out with Tobey Mcguire) the movie can be enjoyable. But if you rely on just blowing things up and special effects, it's going to get old real fast. Don't get me wrong, you'll still attract the kiddies who don't need a story, but for the rest of us, it's usually no thanks. I'll still go see the movie; I like movies, and will sit through pretty much anything on a big screen (even the hated blair witch nonsense). But I'll go after the rush is over, so I can use my coupon.
As someone who grew up in the sixties reading marvel, DC and whatever Dynamo was in, I enjoyed the stories back then, even though they threw in the golden era justice league of america alternate super heroes (old green lantern, old flash, etc) in a while which sort of screwed things up in my 8 year old mind. Then we had captain marvel with and without bucky which was a little weird, and the human torch being an older adult fighting the submariner at the same time he was young and part of the fantastic four, that was weird too. But since then we have so many multiple universes that when you go see a movie with a title of say, Batman, you don't have any idea what you're going to see. There are so many different versions of Batman, that it could be anything. Now, it's not terrible; if you have good writers, good actors, and a good plot to go with it (as Keaton and Nicholson did back in what, '89?), you can take liberties with the original facts (like making Mary Jane the girlfriend instead of Gwen Stacey when spidey first came out with Tobey Mcguire) the movie can be enjoyable. But if you rely on just blowing things up and special effects, it's going to get old real fast. Don't get me wrong, you'll still attract the kiddies who don't need a story, but for the rest of us, it's usually no thanks. I'll still go see the movie; I like movies, and will sit through pretty much anything on a big screen (even the hated blair witch nonsense). But I'll go after the rush is over, so I can use my coupon.

Buddy please use paragraphs :)
There's one thing that I have to add which I forgot, just in case somebody in Hollywood reads these forums. I can accept it when you turn a black character white and vice versa. I can accept when you take a character like Starbuck in Battlestar and make him a female. I understand. However.....please remember, tall is usually better, as is physically fit. If you give me a Chinese Superman who is five feet tall, chubby, balding and can't pronounce the letter L, or a black Supergirl who's six foot six, covered with tattoos, who speaks ebonics and has a butt like a shelf, then I'm going to get really, really pissed off.
Buddy please use paragraphs :)

Sorry the style of my writing bothers you. I've had a lot to drink today. And can't remember which forums allow indenting, and which don't, or automatically change what I write. At least I use punctuation when I can remember to. I'll try to do better, teach.
Sorry the style of my writing bothers you. I've had a lot to drink today. And can't remember which forums allow indenting, and which don't, or automatically change what I write. At least I use punctuation when I can remember to. I'll try to do better, teach.

It ruined my entire day! Lol :)
The problem with this movie is that people are tired of origin stories being told multiple times. The story never progresses if you keep going to the beginning. How many times have we seen Spider-Man rebooted? Yes we get it! Write some good stories and people will watch.
Seen't it(not in theaters). Really disappointing, 3/4 of the movie is the build-up to them getting their powers and once they get them you never see them use it in action until the very end. Once they do use their powers, they only work as a team once to defeat Dr.Doom. It's over way too quick.

In the Avengers you get multiple action scenes throughout the movie where the team works together but here they only do it once at the end.
Seen't it(not in theaters). Really disappointing, 3/4 of the movie is the build-up to them getting their powers and once they get them you never see them use it in action until the very end. Once they do use their powers, they only work as a team once to defeat Dr.Doom. It's over way too quick.

In the Avengers you get multiple action scenes throughout the movie where the team works together but here they only do it once at the end.

Yup. I was expecting more from this film. Sue's character annoyed me a bit. She didn't seem like she wanted to be part of the team. I guess the comic books I read when I was younger didn't quite give off that vibe.
This movie was so bad, that Marvel killed the Fantastic Four franchise / comic series. Marvel has put the series on ice themselves.