Facial Recognition Billboard Only Shows Ads to Women

All stereotypes are false, including this one.

It raises awareness of a topic everyone already knows about. In civilized nations, women are nearly equal to men anyway (none of this 'glass ceiling' horseshit either, I'm talking about active combat military female bans and such minutae), and everyone in civilized nations knows that less-than civilized nations (read: barbarians) still treat women like third-class human(?) beings.

It's like having an ad campaign that Apple products are expensive and to raise awareness by only showing those advertisements to people who use Windows
When are people going to realize, it's okay to discriminate as long as it totally isn't hurting anyone. =-)
Can someone explain how a guy wouldn't see this? If he is sitting right next to a girl, certainly he can look over her shoulder (or just look over if she is shorter) and see the ad anyway?

I realize guys don't get the ad displayed with their mug, but its not like its preventing them from seeing it at all (thus discriminating). I bet you could even fool it with a scanned facial image of a female. But as the posts reflect, I don't think most guys would care anyway to go to that length to see an ad not intended for them.
I have no doubt that the ad itself was meant to be " a failure" and instead be a catalyst for the charity's story to "go viral". Either way, I personally believe the money spent on the campaign would have better been spent directly helping those people....But then again, that would be using MAN logic, and this ad was clearly meant to gear towards WOMEN logic.

(ok i'm done i swear)
Kinda hard to do when they can't see the awesome campaign. Unless the campaign reads "go nag your closest male about this issue RIGHT NOW".

Like I said in one of my first posts, I don't think it is necessarily the best idea for a campaign. But then who knows, perhaps there will be some link on the blank ad to the cause... Perhaps they are hoping the wives or girlfriends of these rich men will explain it to them and get them involved.