External NAS enclosure recommendations?


Nov 1, 2004
Hi all,

I have need for a 4-bay NAS enclosure to run a RAID 5 setup. I've scoured this site, tomshardware, newegg... I'm having a difficult time discerning what will suit my needs. I don't have very strict requirements, but most of the ones I'm finding on newegg seem to have common problems like "drops off the network randomly" etc.

Another issue I see is that a lot of the reviews and info I can find seems to be 2-3 years old... I'd think that a lot of these types of network drop issues would be resolved with this technology by now.

Is there a definitive review of current (2011) NAS enclosure models somewhere? Any other recommendations on what to look for? This will be mostly used for media backup/redundancy, so I don't need something that's screaming fast, but reliability is a must. Would be nice if I could hotswap drives, had minimal user interference needed to rebuild a failed drive, etc.

Thank you for any responses.
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Thanks for the replies guys.. the smallnetbuilder site for NAS was pretty much just what I was looking for. :)