EU Banning Violent Games?

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Rich Tate

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2005
Germany is pushing for a violent game ban across the European union. They believe this ban would be a better way to protect children.

Germany, which took over the six month rotating presidency of the Union at the beginning of this month, is leading the initiative but the European Commission has also been pushing for more control of video game violence.
What violence? Last I heard it was Muslim extremists in Europe were causing all the trouble. Do you really think that'll stop them from rioting in France, blowing trains and buses in Britan, and non-muslims being shot at in Turkey?.... I dont' think so.
It's just some elderly politicians who don't have a clue about what they are talking, as usual. A ban on violent videogames is as "possible" as a ban on violent movies, violent books...and the news on TV.

P.S. I am a German living in the UK
The children! Won't SOMEONE think of the children?!?


Anyways, as usual, higher-ups have no clue what they are talking about... Banning violent video games isn't the solution, and never will be. Well, maybe until VR consoles come out, then it MIGHT be a different story. But even then, adults should not have to suffer the consequences.
I have a better idea, how about if you fine the parents who buy these violent games for their kids?
I have a better idea, how about if you fine the parents who buy these violent games for their kids?

Now there's an interesting idea, albeit one that would be very difficult to get going. Maybe if Mom and Pop lost some coin every time they bought junior Grand Theft Auto: Kill The Police or whatever, they'd reconsider for once.
What violence? Last I heard it was Muslim extremists in Europe were causing all the trouble. Do you really think that'll stop them from rioting in France, blowing trains and buses in Britan, and non-muslims being shot at in Turkey?.... I dont' think so.

I have a better idea, how about if you fine the parents who buy these violent games for their kids?

As I have probably said a hundred million times now, I don't feel banning any medium is a solution to the problem.

If it isn't video games it will be TV, movies, music etc.

What we need in my opinion is education and stricter buying guidelines to keep parents informed and a violent game out of the hands of the child himself.

I firmly believe banning content will not solve anything, and will merely shift the blame elsewhere except where it belongs.
Since when is Star Trek violent? Not to be nerdy but the mission of the Enterprise is peace and exploration. . .
I kinda find it ironic how one of the most bloodiest nations in the past (mind you who killed thousands of kids brutally), now wants to protect kids rights by banning violent video games.

I know they changed and not the same, but damn, I just find it funny. I don't know if this is starting back up by squelching peoples rights to have self responsibily of self control or if they are honestly doing it for the kids with no financial motovation.
Yeah, and we should ban firearms too! That should protective children from violent acts too!:rolleyes:
Wow. It's crap like this that will cause the EU to disintegrate. Stick to a common economy and the necessary incidents of that. I don't see a common censorship panel for video games going over well in countries that are already suspicious of further integration.
They can't exactly ban games like CounterStrike....I mean, all a person has to do is download Valve Steam and just buy CounterStrike. Or they can just download it on BitTorrent/eMule and get a CD Key off eBay or somewhere else...same goes for movies, and other games such as, Grand Theft Auto.
I kinda find it ironic how one of the most bloodiest nations in the past (mind you who killed thousands of kids brutally), now wants to protect kids rights by banning violent video games.

Stop and think about it for a second, it actually makes perfect sense. With the memory of those discoveries still in the minds of many it's not surprising that they want to do everything to stop any sort of violence from occuring again. You can hardly blame them for their (relative) abhorance to violence. I agree that things like this are a counterproductive over reaction, but I understand the mentality behind it.
What a bunch of ****ing Nazis.

A better idea would be to ban invading France and killing Jews.
Well the same mind-set is here in NY. We have whole bunches of ailments on the rise (bed bugs, TB, resistant infections etc) and hospitals/schools going banrupt because thousands of people come unchecked over open borders and drain services . But politicians in NY are more concerned with banning trans fats in foods (they get the soccer mommy vote that way). It's a form of unsanity. We get hyper focused on trifles while going into denial about larger problems. Western societies have been politcally feminised (Socialism) and they will nurture us to a slow death as other failed but compensating cultures try to finsih us off. Be safe all you gammers ; )

Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about this:


Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America

"Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood...

Subjection in minor affairs breaks out every day and is felt by the whole community indiscriminately. It does not drive men to resistance, but it crosses them at every turn, till they are led to surrender the exercise of their own will. Thus their spirit is gradually broken and their character enervated; whereas that obedience which is exacted on a few important but rare occasions only exhibits servitude at certain intervals and throws the burden of it upon a small number of men. It is in vain to summon a people who have been rendered so dependent on the central power to choose from time to time the representatives of that power; this rare and brief exercise of their free choice, however important it may be, will not prevent them from gradually losing the faculties of thinking, feeling, and acting for themselves, and thus gradually falling below the level of humanity."
As I've said before, while they're at it, I think Germany needs to ban the Bundeswehr while they're at it.

After all, it involves carrying guns, and could be a possible precursor to violence.

I also think they should ban cold remedies; a lot of people taking cold medicine seem to be coughing, sneezing, and blowing their noses. Maybe if we ban cold medicines, some of this will stop!!!

And yes, my arguments are once again going to the main truth...correlation does not prove causation. I hope gamers in the EU will stand up with a reasoned, well-thought out response that shows the politicians that a) they know that their reasoning is flawed, and b) like many, they are sick of politicians who pass useless laws in an attempt to justify their jobs and be reelected by the uninformed.

Perhaps the parents should have stepped in and exercised some responsibility as to the number of hours their children play games, and to oversee what content is in them, rather than the government taking charge?
Germany started two wars before video games were around...I guess they just want to be carefull. :D
There is a simple explanation for this.. its all part of the secular progressive and politically correct movement. Its also hitting America, not only Europe. If anything makes my freedoms feel threatened, this is one of the big ones. :(
Wouldn't this lead to increased dowloading of warez? If you can't buy it legally in a shop then kids will find a way to download it instead. I'm sure many German gamers do this already to get the 'uncensored' versions of games that other countries can buy legally. I guess a lot of kids do the same with pr0n - can't buy a skin mag in a shop so get on the web and download some (and of course get exposed to much worse while doing it) ...
It will never happen. Of course, a whole stinking ****heap of EU money will have to be spent finding this out.
Don't tell Hillary Clinton or CHUCKIE SCHUMER, both Senators from my home state of NY have been on the BAN VIOLENT VIDEO GAME bandwagon for years...

You know I have these crazy urges to go out and start chomping on little YELLOWS Sphere's, while being chased by Ghosts of different colors until I chomp the big YELLOW BALL and they turn Blue and then I chomp them...

I wonder why that is???

:p :D
You know I have these crazy urges to go out and start chomping on little YELLOWS Sphere's, while being chased by Ghosts of different colors until I chomp the big YELLOW BALL and they turn Blue and then I chomp them...

I wonder why that is???

:p :D

HEY!!! Don't bring that hateful violent video game banter in here! It's unwanted!


:p :D
What violence? Last I heard it was Muslim extremists in Europe were causing all the trouble. Do you really think that'll stop them from rioting in France, blowing trains and buses in Britan, and non-muslims being shot at in Turkey?.... I dont' think so.

Many EU countries, such as Denmark, are guilty of blatant human rights violations, especially when dealing with immigrants, and refugees. I cant help but think that these are contributing factors to the problems over there.
Plus it'll only promote pirating. It's the classic "I'm not allowed to have it, so I want it more."

People always find a way to get something.
Germany is pushing for a violent game ban across the European union. They believe this ban would be a better way to protect children.

I hope they have some good, clear evidence before they try pushing anything on other nations, rather than just "beleiving" this is the solution.
Sheesh I would hate if I lived in Europe and found 90% of all video games out there suddenly banned because one country out of a few dozen thought it would be a good idea...
"In todays news. Kids are on a rampage! They are killing people over the video game banned that happend last week. The banned was to make children less violent, not so today. Now 152 people reported dead and 42 are reported hurt."

That the way I see if it happens :rolleyes:
Sheesh I would hate if I lived in Europe and found 90% of all video games out there suddenly banned because one country out of a few dozen thought it would be a good idea...

Living in (assumingly) the US is better where one person out of 250+ million thought it'd be a good idea to send a bunch of troops to Iraq and keep them there way too long?
Living in (assumingly) the US is better where one person out of 250+ million thought it'd be a good idea to send a bunch of troops to Iraq and keep them there way too long?
OH SNAP!? You are the win! :rolleyes: All your elected officials in Congress voted on it. Now they are flip flopping. ;)
Living in (assumingly) the US is better where one person out of 250+ million thought it'd be a good idea to send a bunch of troops to Iraq and keep them there way too long?

That is a result of the same sort of PC mentality. I wasn't for the war as long as the boders were wide open - but once there the forces should have been allowed to finish instead of trying to play nanny and giving soldiers 12 things to check before shooting. That war could have been over by now but the left got us playing Nanny State over there too. "Excuse me but is my eye hurting your elbow Mr HeadChopperOffer?"
Sad part is Unless we all decide to exercise our civic responsibilities, Hillary Clinton will be elected and "violent games" (however they decide to define what that...) will be outlawed here in the US. At the same time you can expect any "real firearms" you own to be confiscated, to ensure pacification and compliance.

So does that mean I think it will happen in the European Community? Yes, eventually it will happen. And the reason it will happen is because most people can't separate correlation from causation. When they look at a game like Grand Theft Auto they refuse to entertain the idea it could have any socially redeemable value. So these people are going to use issues like this to gain political control. Any suggestions of reprisal will only serve to strengthen their position in the public view. My advice would be to enjoy your video games now... and hope they don't do "house to house" searches to confiscate the contraband.

Of course the better solution would be to tone down some of the games. But Developers can't see the political ramifications of their choices, all they care about is profits, so that's probably out of the question. Oh! You thought you had some "right" to "freedom of expression"!?! Well I'm sorry to inform you that if you don't show responsibility you won't continue to have any "rights".
1) I In reference to the Iraq war I don't think anyone thought it would have gone on this long and at its start the nation was pretty much evenly divided on the issue (Though it all depended where you polled) its not like it is now where everyone flipped flopped and now most people are against it AFTER the fact which of course makes it too little too late

2) I am specifically referring tot he fact that the EU sounds like nations all take turn holding control of the EU and they then can push the agendas ahead. I honestly don't know how it really works but it certainly does not sound like any input from the population is involved.

3) Hillary Clinton even if she became president does not mean laws she wants will be passed all willy nilly. It needs to be approved by congress and also the supreme court would probably end up involved since it directly interferes with the bill of rights.

4) I do not blame developers for this they can make the games they want. The games are so clearly labeled who they are for there are signs in every video game shelf it feels like explaining the ratings some stores have ID checks upon checkout the video game industry goes to far more lengths to insure that parents are made aware of the ratings then the music or movie industry does.
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