Electric Fan and computer


May 18, 2007
Hi all,

I want to ask if Electric Fan, normal table fan not the computer fan can harm computer with it's magnetic field. I have one on the desk and when it is turned on it negatively harm image on CRT monitor which shows that magnetic field is relatively strong and affected image is still visible even fan is far from monitor, but it is also close to computer. Can it somehow damage computer? I know that electronics are not that affectable as magnetic media and computer itself is source of many magnetic and electric fields but if the long usage of fan near computer can cause later damage to hard drive or other components or it is safe and only keep it away from CRT monitor? Does someone have experience with this?

I cant provide any scientific information, but any magnet that is powerful enough to harm the image on a CRT doesn't go near any of my computers. Better safe than sorry, I suppose.