Ebola.com Owners Want $150k For The Domain

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Are we taking any bets on whether or not this guy gets $150,000 for this domain? I think it will sell, maybe not for one hundred and fifty thousand bucks, but it will sell.

"Ebola.com would be a great domain for a pharmaceutical company working on a vaccine or cure, a company selling pandemic or disaster-preparedness supplies, or a medical company wishing to provide information and advertise services," Schultz told CNBC in an emailed statement.
Bet you some government will enforce the "eminent domain" clause on it and force it from them from between 1 to 10 dollars!
aids.com - an information about AIDS site run by MD.com, whoever they are.
anthrax.com - yup, the heavy metal band's official site
flu.com - wouldn't connect for me
influenza.com - redirects to lung.com, the American Lung Association's page for the flu
measles.com - redirects to a really scammy looking "softwaredownloadz" site that throws up a fake survey based on your ISP, don't even go there
smallpox.com - redirects to cyberfinder.com, whatever that is
hepatitis.com - "server not found"
typhus.com - up for sale
cholera.com - up for sale
chikungunya.com - up for sale
malaria.com - finally, the sort of site that this guy hopes to make a bunch of cash from, which shows why he's never going to get that kind of cash
Bet you some government will enforce the "eminent domain" clause on it and force it from them from between 1 to 10 dollars!

When it comes to the spread of infectious diseases I think most probably believe that government has a wide berth. Ineffective government is primary reason why this disease has plagued the regions it's currently out of control.

That said I don't think the this domain name would be of much value in combating this disease.
the cdc has a web site that is all they need, or ebola.gov let the squatter keep it.
Why are they douche bags? If they're allowed to do it, then why not!:confused:

It's a fundamental flaw in how names are assigned. When the Internet started people just didn't consider that some people may take domains and not use them. Locking up domains so that no one else can use them may be legal but it's against the spirit of the Internet.
It's a fundamental flaw in how names are assigned. When the Internet started people just didn't consider that some people may take domains and not use them. Locking up domains so that no one else can use them may be legal but it's against the spirit of the Internet.

Spirit of the internet? Get what you want, whenever you want, however you want.

Guess I grew up on the hood side of the internets? :D
No one likes pure speculators why should we they don't give a shit what they are doing so long as it's money making.
Domain squatters are pretty lame, I agree. That being said I think it's fine they are asking 150k and I hope the government doesn't have the right to take it away from them... THAT would be a bigger violation of the spirit of the internet.
I think it will ether go for a few grand (up to 25) or for millions if the outbreak spreads.

myself I would probably sell it at cost to those trying to contain it or simply redirect it to the WHO's page on ebola but thats just me.
All of you that hate domain squatters are just butt-hurt that you didn't think of the idea first.
Domain squatters are pretty lame, I agree. That being said I think it's fine they are asking 150k and I hope the government doesn't have the right to take it away from them... THAT would be a bigger violation of the spirit of the internet.

The government doesn't really have the authority to claim imminent domain because the website isn't the only way to spread public knowledge.
All of you that hate domain squatters are just butt-hurt that you didn't think of the idea first.

Not necessarily ... one could argue that domain squatters are no different than submarine patents (patenting an idea you have no idea how to execute) or patent trolls ... they sit on a commodity until someone needs it and they they try to sell it at a premium markup ... good business surely but no better than many of the corporations that people like to regularly roast here ;)
Speculators are how we ration resources.
There is a difference between someone speculating and someone only there as a roadblock impeding transactions. Middlemen are there to absorb price shock and act as intermediaries between customers and suppliers. They also raise the median price in doing so, but a pure speculator that is only in the market to trade like a currency will raise the price without offering anything in between. They do not look to provide any service or care about the markets they are in, they only look to be a roadblock hoping to make a buck off a transaction.
There is a difference between someone speculating and someone only there as a roadblock impeding transactions. Middlemen are there to absorb price shock and act as intermediaries between customers and suppliers. They also raise the median price in doing so, but a pure speculator that is only in the market to trade like a currency will raise the price without offering anything in between. They do not look to provide any service or care about the markets they are in, they only look to be a roadblock hoping to make a buck off a transaction.

I know when I make an investment, I only do so if I know I can act as a consultant to others and give them advice. /s

Of course speculators raise the price. That is their job.
Of course speculators raise the price. That is their job.

And a hookers job is to fuck you. Yet, being fucked by a hooker is illegal, and you're not paying $150K for the privilege.

Legal? Sure. Sucks for the little guys that want it for a legitimate purpose. It's like that with anything, though. I see you might want something, so I rush in and buy it at a low, MSRP cost. Then, you say you want it and I say it's 10000x the MSRP. Even worse when it's a one of a kind. The original buyer has no interest in it other than selling it to you at a huge markup.

Great way to make money, but not exactly the most honest way. Maybe I'm just not asshole enough.
"Doesn't really have"... so you mean government has a little bit of power here? In what way?
Ineffective government is primary reason why this disease has plagued the regions it's currently out of control.

Actually it has more to do with superstitious locals who also don't understand or care to understand scientific reasoning.

When local citizens are forcibly breaking into Ebola infected medical wards and "freeing" the "prisoners" to take them home.... And when the ebola-infected dead are ritually embalmed by family-in spite of all the warnings of having nothing to do with infected blood....what has it to do with "ineffective government"?
Actually it has more to do with superstitious locals who also don't understand or care to understand scientific reasoning.

And wouldn't this be a sign of an ineffective government? Widespread public education is absolutely essential when dealing with infectious diseases.
And wouldn't this be a sign of an ineffective government? Widespread public education is absolutely essential when dealing with infectious diseases.

They've tried to educate the populous. The populous has chosen to blow it all off. I do mean chosen. You realize in the USA we're more in a panic about Ebola than drunk driving which kill 3X as many a people a year...or flu which kills 10X as many a year...or smoking...or the long term health effects of just plain being a fat ass?

Our population is just about as moronic and uninformed when it comes to matters of science. Just look at the idiots we elect to Congress, who have as much scientific understanding as a 5 year old. Only difference is we don't still go in for ritual curative bleeding, family embalming, and so on.
aids.com - an information about AIDS site run by MD.com, whoever they are.
anthrax.com - yup, the heavy metal band's official site
flu.com - wouldn't connect for me
influenza.com - redirects to lung.com, the American Lung Association's page for the flu
measles.com - redirects to a really scammy looking "softwaredownloadz" site that throws up a fake survey based on your ISP, don't even go there
smallpox.com - redirects to cyberfinder.com, whatever that is
hepatitis.com - "server not found"
typhus.com - up for sale
cholera.com - up for sale
chikungunya.com - up for sale
malaria.com - finally, the sort of site that this guy hopes to make a bunch of cash from, which shows why he's never going to get that kind of cash

What about clap.com?
"Doesn't really have"... so you mean government has a little bit of power here? In what way?

What I mean is that the authority to take a domain name doesn't reside with the government for top level domain registrars that don't involve government TLDs such as .gov and others like that. The organizations that control the TLDs can't really take the domain name back either because of the contract they are under with the owner. However the government could take authority of the domain if it used national security reasons. But that is unlikely in this case because the domain name isn't really the best way to disseminate the information.
They've tried to educate the populous. The populous has chosen to blow it all off. I do mean chosen. You realize in the USA we're more in a panic about Ebola than drunk driving which kill 3X as many a people a year...or flu which kills 10X as many a year...or smoking...or the long term health effects of just plain being a fat ass?

If you look at these governments though there's any number of things that they haven't been effective at doing for a long time. I'm not saying there aren't good reasons as to why they've not been effective, just that they are. And maybe you're right in that so many people are ignorant of the facts that it would be an uphill battle.

As far as "panic" in the USA, I think that's an overstatement. But sure there is lot of concern and some of it is no doubt hyped. My wife works at the largest hospital in the area and there's certainly a lot of concern about being prepared there. In fact this year, if you don't take the flu shot at her hospital, you get terminated.

Our population is just about as moronic and uninformed when it comes to matters of science. Just look at the idiots we elect to Congress, who have as much scientific understanding as a 5 year old. Only difference is we don't still go in for ritual curative bleeding, family embalming, and so on.

What's interesting about some of these so called idiots is that some of more vocal ones against mainstream science are well educated MDs.
And a hookers job is to fuck you. Yet, being fucked by a hooker is illegal, and you're not paying $150K for the privilege.

Legal? Sure. Sucks for the little guys that want it for a legitimate purpose. It's like that with anything, though. I see you might want something, so I rush in and buy it at a low, MSRP cost. Then, you say you want it and I say it's 10000x the MSRP. Even worse when it's a one of a kind. The original buyer has no interest in it other than selling it to you at a huge markup.

Great way to make money, but not exactly the most honest way. Maybe I'm just not asshole enough.

There is more than one hooker.
"Doesn't really have"... so you mean government has a little bit of power here? In what way?

The government can basically do whatever the hell they want so yeah, they do have at least a bit of power to take the domain.
The problem with the US is that the panic is likely to be far more dangerous than the actual problem is. This is traditionally the case in situations where the media causes a panic of some kind or another.
The problem with the US is that the panic is likely to be far more dangerous than the actual problem is. This is traditionally the case in situations where the media causes a panic of some kind or another.

My wife noticed that. She's usually the one to fall into the hype. She didn't this time. Don't know why... She says the media is making it a huge deal when it's not that huge of a thing (could be if we didn't take any precautions, but we are).
My wife noticed that. She's usually the one to fall into the hype. She didn't this time. Don't know why... She says the media is making it a huge deal when it's not that huge of a thing (could be if we didn't take any precautions, but we are).

This is a huge deal though. That's not to say everyone should panic but as I've mentioned earlier, there's a good bit of worry about this disease even in the medical profession because one simple mistake can be very costly. The situation in Dallas was completely mishandled initially and it could have been much worse.
Africa matters, even if we think it doesn't.

Imagine an outbreak at the Bushveld complex.