Easy way to check cooling for most Dell systems?


Aug 16, 2013
My Dell Precision T1650 has a diagnostics function in the BIOS. It indicates several relevant temperatures. Is this a good way to make sure cooling is adequate in a PC that is otherwise not suspected of having a problem? Do most or all Dell systems have this?

Is there a better way to check cooling without having to download weird programs? Though the Dell diagnostic will speed up the fan, I'm not sure if it's doing anything to actually get warm.
As for whether all Dell systems have this feature, it can vary depending on the specific model and series. However, diagnostic tools, including temperature monitoring, are commonly included in many Dell systems.
If you prefer not to download additional programs, using the built-in diagnostics is a reliable option. Keep an eye on temperature readings, especially during intensive tasks, to ensure that your system stays within acceptable temperature ranges. If the BIOS diagnostic indicates acceptable temperatures, it's likely that your cooling system is doing its job effectively.
To check temps via software, there are loads of options out there (I like HWMonitor for simplicity).

If you mean physically check the cooling, then you just gotta unscrew the bottom and see how much dust is caked into the fans and heat sink... Then get a strong air duster to get rid of all that crap 😅
To check temps via software,
most of those dont work, as the bios has to allow access to the temp sensors and dell doesnt like that...

OP, If you hear your dell sounding like a jet, there is a problem. otherwise, keep using it. there are built/designed to keep temps within spec, not to our preferences, but intel/amds.