EA's Origin Service Required To Play Battlefield 3

Valve require steam to play their games :eek:

Agreed. Seriously WTF are people crying about? People hated Steam at first, now they love it. Give Origin a chance.

At least STEAM will run offline, I don't think Origin could do that if it wanted to, being DRM cunningly disguised as a game service.

Do you know this for sure or are you just coming up with something to feed the pissed off masses?

What's the big deal? seriously just install it and get it over with. I love Steam as much as the next guy (Have close to 300 Steams games) but this whole "Fc*k EA Fu**&* Origin " it's getting ridiculous. Don't buy the game if you don't want to run Origin end of discussion.
Good day gentlemen! :mad:

I don't trust EA to make something that requires nearly 100% uptime. I have Origin, and it doesn't seem that bad, but I already have all my friends on Steam and Xbox Live, now I need to re-add all my friends on Origin.

Lord forbid we have choices and options. Life is always so much better when there is a monopoly. :rolleyes:
i don't mind having both origin and steam... it would be nice to have everything in one location but in the end... it still doesn't bother me as much....
Removing themselves from Steam completely removes BF3 from competing with MW3. Marketing geniuses. This was the wrong time to make a stand over this issue.
I am fine with games being on multiple services, but excluding other services from participation, especially when it seems to be intentionally engineered to be that way and make Valve look like the bad guy, is the absolute worst way to go about it.
I am incredibly unhappy with this, especially since I had issues with EA with DA:O and ME2, where their craptastic servers would rob me of either being able to play the game, or of my DLC (and therefore from using my saves that use the DLC). To know that they are further herding their games into a service which I imagine to be as equally mired in horrible service as their previous games have experienced, makes me unhappy. It's not as simple as Steam vs Origin being the same entities. One is far more stable than the other, has a shining good record, and is generally loved by PC gamers. The other is just know for infuriating practices.

DUDE !!!! ITS EA's FUCKEN GAME !!! they can shove it up their own asses for all we care!
Valve does the same bullshit with theiir own games!! So your telling me i can buy portal 2 and install it origins? NO FUCken WAY !

stop blowing Valve and realize this is good for all us and reducing the possibility of a monopoly in the market.
also Why the fuck can't i play starcraft 2 games on steam ? or fuckein wow or diablo ?

why are you all focued on what EA is doing? So they want to compete with steam big fucken deal !??!!?
you guys are hypocrites and are just valve butt lovers at this point !
The issue is that EA and Valve now have services. Blizz/Acti has one forming (battle.net). A few years from now we'll have 5+ different background services that must be run just to play a game from that developer/conglomerate.
Dunno about you, but I have an i7 and 6GB of RAM- running Origin, Impulse, Steam, Capsule, multiple browsers, IM clients (three of those), and even a music player has yet to shave a single FPS off my gaming experience.

----Speculation Below----
Then, further down the road we're going to get subscription based services. Want to play Battlefield? Your only option will be to subscribe to the universal EA Online Service, at $19.99 a month. Want to play a blizzard game ? Gotta pay the universal Blizz/Acti Online Service. It'll essentially be like paying for cable tv, but with games.

And then the random price increases come.
So what you're saying is that, OH NOES VALVE WOULD NEVER DO THAT? Amirite? 'cuz, ya know, with a monopoly... wouldn't be much to stop them if they did. If that is as inevitable as you claim it to be, I WANT 5+ services so that they're all competing for the best rates, best features, etc...

From my point of view, I want to keep my digital collection under one roof. I don't use any other service other than Steam, for convenience. However, since they do offer a retail option, I'm in for one. I know it still requires Origin to play, but since it has physical media I can separate it (mentally if anything) from my digital collection and be happy :)
Just going to put this out there, Steam isn't the service to use if you want anything and everything under one roof. Its innate requirement for games to be so tightly integrated into it that it has problems with other clients and hook-ins and etc is one of the core issues with the Steam platform (and one of its core principles- it's a really frickin' anti-competitive platform). It's why Impulse- and Origin- is so much nicer with that because it integrates the games into the OS more properly and leaves them more detached from the platform (thus, when my sister had to reinstall all of her Sims 3 games and she had some on disc, some on Impulse, and wanted to get some on Origin, it was no problem to set them all up to work together; if Steam were in that mix...).
I like having all my games on Steam.

I want nothing to do with Origin.
People "like" steam because it has matured, it works, and it's just better than anything else the competition have brought to the table. We don't like Steam, but its lesser of all the evils.

Yet whent he competition tries to bring something to the table emo-rage rampages across the net.

i don't mind having both origin and steam... it would be nice to have everything in one location but in the end... it still doesn't bother me as much....

Exactly, I love Steam and wish this was on it, but the fact that it isn't wont stop be from getting and enjoying it.
Well so much for battlefeild 3, too bad they chose to hurt their customers with DRM rather than make it easy to play.
DUDE !!!! ITS EA's FUCKEN GAME !!! they can shove it up their own asses for all we care!
Valve does the same bullshit with theiir own games!! So your telling me i can buy portal 2 and install it origins? NO FUCken WAY !

stop blowing Valve and realize this is good for all us and reducing the possibility of a monopoly in the market.
Congratulations on ignoring my point. I wouldn't give a damn if EA wasn't known for the most shitastic online services. When Steam takes an internet dump, it doesn't keep me from playing my games. When EA's services crap out, I can't play my games. See the difference here?? Or do I need to copy paste this statement a few more times? If Origin actually puts out an acceptable level of uptime, then I won't give a crap.
I am all about the reduction on monopolies and competition, it's awesome. If anything, it means Valve will have to do more to improve Steam and it will have to be significant. I'm not a blind fanboy by any means.
Just a FYI for all those bitching about $60 games -

Adventure 2600 for Atari was released in 1979 and cost $29.99. That is nearly $90 adjusted for inflation.
Phantasy Star (on Sega Master System) was $69.99 when it first came out. I still distinctly remember seeing it at Kay-Bee back then. I got it on sale for $59.99, from what I remember. Or maybe $49.99. Still, it was an expensive game: 4 Mbit and battery backup. But it was so worth it.
Phantasy Star (on Sega Master System) was $69.99 when it first came out. I still distinctly remember seeing it at Kay-Bee back then. I got it on sale for $59.99, from what I remember. Or maybe $49.99. Still, it was an expensive game: 4 Mbit and battery backup. But it was so worth it.

Damn, that's $132! :eek:
When Steam takes an internet dump, it doesn't keep me from playing my games.
Erm, every time (and this happens pretty often, to everyone) I'm playing a DoW 2 match and Steam takes a dump, I get booted out. And usually get a disconnect and loss. Yay Steamworks, amirite?

Anyway, there's been nothing to say that if Origin goes down while you're on a server that you'll get booted out. So if they managed that, would be a nice improvement over Steam... The core reason they seem to be using Origin is for front-end purposes, which if Origin was down would mean, yeah, getting in a game would be tough.

When EA's services crap out, I can't play my games. See the difference here?? Or do I need to copy paste this statement a few more times? If Origin actually puts out an acceptable level of uptime, then I won't give a crap.
Battlefield 3 is the only game even described to work like this yet. The way I look at it, Battlefield 3 is leveraging Origin's answer to Steamworks. Any game that doesn't use that... shouldn't have that problem. As has already been mentioned, you can launch most Origin games without even having Origin running (yes, I even checked my processes to see if it started something in the background, and newp, nothing; Origin wasn't running at all but my Origin game- Dead Space 2- which I only own through Origin was running).

@Uptime, I've only observed Origin to be down once so far since I started using it a few days after launch. That one time was scheduled maintenance. In the same time period, Steam has been down more than a dozen times for me, both for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.
the sad thing is that most people don't care. they click on "OK" to install a smiley toolbar if it pops up and they install whatever DRM is required if they want to play a game. to most people a PC is a blackbox. my guess is that the percentage of people who just don't buy the game with this kind of DRM is neglible for EA. or they could just add a hat and 100% of people wouldn't care. i hate how every preorder on steam now gives you a crappy hat for TF2.
I suppose you only shop at WalMart as well - because I would hate for you to have to go to more than one location.

I shopped at Wal Mart last night, and do the rest of my shopping off Amazon.com

what's wrong with that?

It's efficient.
LOL at all the comments in this thread. I quoted 3 people and posted the word 'LIARS' and I got moderated for that.
That is freaking BS.. I don't want to install EA's shit ass download manager to play BF3. That is strongly making me think about cancelling my pre-order.

For the record, I don't use steam either. I used it long enough to play the Portal games and then it was promptly uninstalled.
Phantasy Star (on Sega Master System) was $69.99 when it first came out. I still distinctly remember seeing it at Kay-Bee back then. I got it on sale for $59.99, from what I remember. Or maybe $49.99. Still, it was an expensive game: 4 Mbit and battery backup. But it was so worth it.

Hey, Alis rock!!! And who can FORGET they needs to go shortcake... in a CAVE!!!
My only gripe is having to use a seperate service when Steam has treated me mostly well over the years.

I would have felt less pissed if rather than exclusivity they offered a special bonus for Origin only, like a special dogtag graphic or some stupid shit people would gobble up, worked great for TF2. That way they would still get the majority of sales through Origin and Steam fanboys like myself would get my game through my prefered method.
I am not installing anything "steam-like" from EA. It is EA after all. I actually thought about buying this, but I can't do it now. I like how they thought it would be no big deal, just like the other myriads of shit they do to piss us off. You cannot compare it to Valve's Steam. No way in hell, just look at Steam... as DRM disguised as it is, they actually make me want to have it installed. Its really useful in a lot of ways. EA pulling a me too is a joke at best, sorry :(.
Whats funny is people will say they wont buy it, but they will. You will buy it and you will like it.

Over at twenter people rage about Shogun 2 and the other latest TW games requiring steam, saying they wont buy it because they hate Steam, but they all bought, they play it, and continue to rage against Steam.

Yes Origin sucks, Steam also sucks in its own ways. But you just have to deal with it, really its sad that people get so upset over shit like this. Find something better to do with your life if things like this upset you so much.
Whats funny is people will say they wont buy it, but they will. You will buy it and you will like it.

Over at twenter people rage about Shogun 2 and the other latest TW games requiring steam, saying they wont buy it because they hate Steam, but they all bought, they play it, and continue to rage against Steam.

Yes Origin sucks, Steam also sucks in its own ways. But you just have to deal with it, really its sad that people get so upset over shit like this. Find something better to do with your life if things like this upset you so much.

better to do? Troll [H] is the best thing some people can do.
Origin doesn't bother me. I like how they use the box art for the icons,
Dr. Suess needs to re-write Green Eggs and Ham. Diablo 3 and DRM:

"No I can't play it on a plane!
No I can't play it on a train!
I will not buy it, no way Pablo,
I'm not buying damn Diablo!"
God you people are so fuckin dumb! can't you see this is the way games sales and the market is going in general? all your fucking games are going to require a digital distrubution method. So ea wanted to create their own service and compete with steam so be it. If you actually tried origins you will find out that its not any different than steam its light weight doesn't use much resouces and operates exactly the same as steam. You can even say steam is a form of DRM. Your complaining about nothing and what you should be concerned with right now is BF3 a good game or not ? Not the fucking distrubution method you dumb shits!
What this guy said...
MMM... wow a WHOLE 14 games to pick from with a bunch being expansions and a beta trial. I wonder why steam cant put pretty box art up? All I get are trailers, screen shots, which friends play the game, who recommends it:( . Man origins is JUST like steam but even better! I can't wait for the web browser server search feature to join a game.... /sarcasm

I have the same thought process about it as the post on first page... if every single of my pc games with ANYONE... i'd like to keep it that way. Dont really care about company bs. This is so similar to PC map packs which used to be free to PC users now we pay the same as console players and people bitched and moaned then .. and now its common practice. So have the logic that this wont be a trend, everyone that does this origins thing will give a big thumbs up to every other developer on how to make even MORE $$ out of us..

And last but not least did I miss the memo of the EA being on the good side went out?
i'm too dumb to edit my post but the last line was epic fail typing

And last but not least did I miss the memo of the EA not being evil?
Good to know that the people who advocate "getting over it" are the same people who would buy a turd in a box if it had an AAA franchise title with box art splashed all over it.