EA giving away 1 free game for 1 yeah Origin anniversary


Nov 11, 2008
I got an e-mail yesterday from Origin saying they will give me a free digital download game. Didn't see a thread about this so figured I'd make one. Choices are limited but meh, free is free. Not sure which I am going to choose yet. Only goes until 6/23/12

Dragon Age: Origins, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and Spore

got the email yesterday. never played spore, so i picked that up. not to excited, but free is free...
DA:O and BC2 were enjoyable. Spore was... not nearly as interesting as it should have been.
Does anyone still play bad company 2, how are the servers? I'm leaning towards that or spore, I like god type/rts games but idk if it seems that fun.
Hmm, wonder if I can still get it?

Also, anyone know how to turn off Origin's popup each time you start Windows? I tried looking in settings and didn't see it anywhere. :mad:
Nothing that would interest me as I have 2 of those 3 but gotta give em credit for doing something pretty cool. Theyre still evil though. :D
Dragon Age: Origins is one of my favorite RPGs of all time. I cannot overstate how good it is. If you are an RPG fan and somehow haven't played it yet, that's the game to get.
Dragon Age: Origins is one of my favorite RPGs of all time. I cannot overstate how good it is. If you are an RPG fan and somehow haven't played it yet, that's the game to get.

It's good but the main plot is kind of meh. The sideplots and character stories are great but the main plot is nothing more than generic fantasy. Still it's one of the best CRPGs in a long time.
Well, I haven't gotten one. <rummages through spam folder> Guess it's just select people.
i couldnt get through 20 minutes of dragon age idk why.. mass effect 1 is one of my favorite games too
It's good but the main plot is kind of meh. The sideplots and character stories are great but the main plot is nothing more than generic fantasy. Still it's one of the best CRPGs in a long time.

Bah, don't get me started. I loved the main plot. :p Also, such a GD shame they didn't develop on the Morrigan ending in DA2...what the hell, that would have been great.
Spore is an absolutely awful game, BFBC2 I own a hard copy and DAO I own on steam.

Still no reason to install Origin, and they'll do absolutely anything to try and hook people in, haha :)
Also, anyone know how to turn off Origin's popup each time you start Windows? I tried looking in settings and didn't see it anywhere. :mad:
In the settings menu under 'general' you need to scroll down to the bottom and there's an option to disable it. The scroll bar blends in so well that it's hard to notice it. It should be a different color.
Dragon Age: Origins is one of my favorite RPGs of all time. I cannot overstate how good it is. If you are an RPG fan and somehow haven't played it yet, that's the game to get.


DA:O is amazing!
Spore is an absolutely awful game, BFBC2 I own a hard copy and DAO I own on steam.

Still no reason to install Origin, and they'll do absolutely anything to try and hook people in, haha :)

Like Steam with their sales?

I wonder how much Valve/Steam will change was Gabe is gone...blind Steam fanboyism will probably still exist though.
If someone wants a code I have one that I won't use.

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Should've been a free game of the users choice....EA blows. I have the other 2 games already and Spore sucks.
Like Steam with their sales?

I wonder how much Valve/Steam will change was Gabe is gone...blind Steam fanboyism will probably still exist though.

Every business that sells something at some point puts things on sale.

But EA are giving away games, purely because they're so desperate to kick start Origin and hook people in to using it, they'll do almost anything. It doesn't surprise me that they're giving away games, I did comment in the past that they couldn't pay me to use origin and that's essentially what they're doing by giving away free games.

It's not steam fanboyism, you don't have to love steam to hate origin and hate EAs general asshattery, they provide sufficient reason enough to do that on their own. Their big "fuck you" to gamers by making BF3 require origin was pretty much the last straw for me.
I already have BC2 and the other 2 i'm not interested in, so pm if you want the code.

*** My code is gone already
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Every business that sells something at some point puts things on sale.

But EA are giving away games, purely because they're so desperate to kick start Origin and hook people in to using it, they'll do almost anything. It doesn't surprise me that they're giving away games, I did comment in the past that they couldn't pay me to use origin and that's essentially what they're doing by giving away free games.

It's not steam fanboyism, you don't have to love steam to hate origin and hate EAs general asshattery, they provide sufficient reason enough to do that on their own. Their big "fuck you" to gamers by making BF3 require origin was pretty much the last straw for me.

And if I want to play Half Life 2 singleplayer I have to start up steam, but that is fine since it is Steam right? Same thing with all other Valve titles, must have steam or you are SOL.

But this always gets overlooked for some reason. Why can't anyone be neutral. You have no idea what Valve does with Steam, they could be spying on you too. They are a business too, just remember that.
Every business that sells something at some point puts things on sale.

But EA are giving away games, purely because they're so desperate to kick start Origin and hook people in to using it, they'll do almost anything. It doesn't surprise me that they're giving away games, I did comment in the past that they couldn't pay me to use origin and that's essentially what they're doing by giving away free games.

It's not steam fanboyism, you don't have to love steam to hate origin and hate EAs general asshattery, they provide sufficient reason enough to do that on their own. Their big "fuck you" to gamers by making BF3 require origin was pretty much the last straw for me.

I'm guessing you were too lost in your "EA is worse than Hitler" meme to notice that the free games only went out to people subscribing to their newsletter, which are people already using Origin, which makes it a pretty shitty way to convince non-users to use it.

I guess I shouldn't be shocked that people are on here bitching that EA is giving away games for free.
Pretty much everyone is already using origin or at least has an account, because people had no option for BF3 one of the biggest PC games of recent history, they already have millions of "subscribers".

The problem they're having is that they forced peoples hand to join up but they're using it the bare minimum to play BF3 and that's about it, going back to their actual preferred platform for everything else probably because they already have well established libraries of games on places like steam, GoG etc.

Basically what they're doing is:

1) Force gamers to use origin with exclusive titles.
2) Realise that gamers aren't buying/playing anything other than the exclusives
3) Offer free games to try and entice users to use origin more and gain favour


1) Make a good platform
2) Users naturally join your service because it's good

People defending EA are always quick to mention that they're a business so they're justified being profit orientated in their decisions so what's the deal here by giving games away? Everyone here knows its to pull people into the platform to entice them to use it in future so they make that money back in future sales.

The reason they have to do that is because a lot of people don't actually want to use Origin of their own accord, when they have a choice of where to buy games they're going elsewhere. It's a strong-arm tactic to manipulate people, the same way that making BF3 exclusive to origin was.

I completely agree, Valve aren't any better with exclusivity of their games to steam, but I didn't join steam because I was forced to, I joined because I like the idea of digital distribution and they were first to arrive on the scene with an (eventually) good client, their business also behaves in a ways which I align with more, they're interested in developing a relationship with their customers and keeping them happy, and EA are just out to fleece you for every penny.
Nothing in my email. Would have been a good chance to try out that Spore game I heard a lot about at that time of its release, lol.
I didn't join steam because I was forced to

You are in the small minority then, because the rest of us joined steam because our Valve games wouldn't work without it.

Origin is in the exact same state Steam was when it was first released--a lockdown environment being forced upon us to play EA/Valve games. Steam is no better just because it has more third-party support; the same thing EA is adding to Origin now.

Either you hate both of them, or hate neither of them, because everything else is hypocrisy.
if anybody doesn't want their code I will gladly take it. i wasn't subscribed to their newsletter because its obnoxious and now i lack the free goodies ;(