DOOM Multiplayer Maps Explored

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Bethesda Softworks has put out a new DOOM trailer that gives you a brief glimpse of the multiplayer maps included in the game. The trailer is just 43 seconds long so don't blink or you might miss something.
I don't know man....Kinda looks like shit to me for a 2016 AAA title.....That being said...I pre-ordered it the other day...Only spent 35$ with a coupon code. I remember playing Doom 3 when it first came out back in 2004 on my 6800 GT.....Damn that was some fun ass game play times...I remember the sounds and graphics as I shot the plasma rifle......I hope this game doesn't suck
I don't know man....Kinda looks like shit to me for a 2016 AAA title.....That being said...I pre-ordered it the other day...Only spent 35$ with a coupon code. I remember playing Doom 3 when it first came out back in 2004 on my 6800 GT.....Damn that was some fun ass game play times...I remember the sounds and graphics as I shot the plasma rifle......I hope this game doesn't suck

What coupon did you use, was it private? $35 is a pretty good deal for it, and I was looking to order it as well.

I remember playing DOOM 3 when it came out as well. The ambient background sounds were great.....I remember early on in the game I was hearing this distant but huge deep banging sounds, sounding like something was trying to bust through a wall or door, and it went on for a while....was making me serious
I remember when I first tried Doom 3 it scared the shit out of me, it took me a long time to work up the courage to play through it. When I finally dropped my fear I was in complete darkness in my room with headphones on and played straight through in one night. It was one of the most memorable and exhilarating gaming experiences of my life.

Some early screenshots of monster design for Doom 4 made me hopeful that they could create something terrifying again, but after seeing videos it seems they're favoring shock value over terror in this iteration.
My biggest concern is that fatalities will become stale before halfway through the game, and my guess is they probably serve some function to help player survival. Hope I'm wrong about that.
9 maps is ... discerning. Unless Snapmaps have an impressive amount of assets to use, I smell DLC.
Maybe they will make another Quake after this I would be all over that more then Doom due to the atmosphere alone.
Looks really slick though way more then Halo 5....
I really want to like this DOOM game.. but the last one wasn't that great... or pretty much any game from ID in many years
Wonder if it will support skins like one of the Quakes. I remember downloading a skin pack and it had a nude skin which gave people a laugh. Genitals was just a pube patch.
I have hopes for this as multiplayer. I miss the days of pure deathmatch. The days when everyone jumps into a server with the same gear. No leveling up, no loadout screens. Just pure action, fun, and skill based on what is available in that map.
Also it would be nice to have a real server browser again. Not lobbies that the game gets to choose what server I join.
What coupon did you use, was it private? $35 is a pretty good deal for it, and I was looking to order it as well.

I remember playing DOOM 3 when it came out as well. The ambient background sounds were great.....I remember early on in the game I was hearing this distant but huge deep banging sounds, sounding like something was trying to bust through a wall or door, and it went on for a while....was making me serious

sent u a PM dude...
What coupon did you use, was it private? $35 is a pretty good deal for it, and I was looking to order it as well.

I remember playing DOOM 3 when it came out as well. The ambient background sounds were great.....I remember early on in the game I was hearing this distant but huge deep banging sounds, sounding like something was trying to bust through a wall or door, and it went on for a while....was making me serious

I remember when I first tried Doom 3 it scared the shit out of me, it took me a long time to work up the courage to play through it. When I finally dropped my fear I was in complete darkness in my room with headphones on and played straight through in one night. It was one of the most memorable and exhilarating gaming experiences of my life.

Some early screenshots of monster design for Doom 4 made me hopeful that they could create something terrifying again, but after seeing videos it seems they're favoring shock value over terror in this iteration.
My biggest concern is that fatalities will become stale before halfway through the game, and my guess is they probably serve some function to help player survival. Hope I'm wrong about that.

I remember how much of a pussy my friend was that he used the flashlight mod , so he could have light all the time....Shit...come to think of it....I used that mod too... :chicken:
I remember how much of a pussy my friend was that he used the flashlight mod , so he could have light all the time....Shit...come to think of it....I used that mod too... :chicken:
Haha, there was a lot of people that couldn't handle that. I played through it in the dark. I was younger then, my nerves probably couldn't handle that now...
I've played 'em all, used to LAN on token ring with Q1...this doesn't look very exceptional =( I do hope it's good.
I don't know man....Kinda looks like shit to me for a 2016 AAA title.....That being said...I pre-ordered it the other day...Only spent 35$ with a coupon code. I remember playing Doom 3 when it first came out back in 2004 on my 6800 GT.....Damn that was some fun ass game play times...I remember the sounds and graphics as I shot the plasma rifle......I hope this game doesn't suck

Doom 3 was one of a handful of games my wife ever played. Scared the crap out of her, but she loved it. Hopefully it's even close to as good, because 3 was great.
Little worried as most of what we've seen has been multiplayer. Looks cool but I'm worried the gameplay will be too similar to other titles... it looks like UT + Quake..
Haha, there was a lot of people that couldn't handle that. I played through it in the dark. I was younger then, my nerves probably couldn't handle that now...

I used the mod not because it couldn't handle the game. But because I enjoy actually seeing what I am doing.
I used the mod not because it couldn't handle the game. But because I enjoy actually seeing what I am doing.

Yeah, I use that excuse too.

I'm not 'afraid' of spiders.

I just don't like them.
I used the mod not because it couldn't handle the game. But because I enjoy actually seeing what I am doing.
I do feel they could have gotten away with a dim light from panels or burnt out lights etc if anything to show off the nice detail they added. Or the flashlight should have been taped and more like horror movie flashlights, you know the ones that are about as bright as a keyfob light but are a full size D maglite.
I've played 'em all, used to LAN on token ring with Q1...this doesn't look very exceptional =( I do hope it's good.

Same thing for us -- we had a small computer science club, and we got money together to buy like 8 copies of Quake -- played it after school on the token ring network... nailgun + Quad damage was so much fun, comp sci teacher was playing right along with us.

The little video they whipped together, looks a lot more like Quake Live with fancy graphics than anything else. The other videos I've seen with audio, the "announcer" in mulitplayer sounded pretty sissy as well. 9 maps? If you are a multi-million dollar developer with a team of people working on it... 9 maps is paltry and pathetic. Of course there's probably triple that lined up in the pipe, but paid DLC is the only way to get it.

If they want to keep with the spirit of the original DOOM -- they'd better make it fully mod friendly, stand alone servers, not some locked down, internet authenticating, "official servers only" bullshit.
I used the mod not because it couldn't handle the game. But because I enjoy actually seeing what I am doing.

+1 I did not use the duct taoe mod because I could not handle the darkness, its because the game was virtually unplayable without it. Every second room was near pitch black and you had to use a flashlight constantly. If there was an enemy you had to find it with flashlight, put the flashlight away and shoot couple of rounds blind, take out the flashlight again to see if its dead or if there is another enemy, put it down again and shoot again blind... I started to feel very stupid very fast. After installing the duct tape mod the game turned out to be surprisingly good. Duct taping a lightsource on your guns is something any soldier would do anyway in situations like this so its not like it breaks immersion or anything. :p Or at very minimum, use the fucking flashlight on your left hand while shooting with the right. You have two hands FFS! :D
Little worried as most of what we've seen has been multiplayer. Looks cool but I'm worried the gameplay will be too similar to other titles... it looks like UT + Quake..

Quake, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Halflife, Shogo. For me, these were the multiplayer champs back in the day. I spent many hours online and in LAN parties with those games.
I can only hope that it will be like UT and Quake.
I just played through Doom3 and rarely had to use the flashlight... and when I did it just made everything look flat... I think you did yourself a disservice using it...

Anyways, This new "Doom" (why can't they just call it Doom 4? shm...) looks fine, a bit too much like Quake III though, but that's fine... Some good/interesting art direction, as always with id...
Well, to be fair Doom 3 was a re-inventing of Doom, so it also could have just been called Doom. It wasn't a sequel to the first two. This isn't a sequel to Doom 3, either, so Doom works here too.

Agree on the flashlight. In fact, I think on my last play, I didn't use it once. I do mod the definition file though to turn on the actual light sources for the plasma gun. That occasionally helps out in dark places, and it looks good too.
Did you play Doom 3?
Near the end it's pretty clear how it's a sequal to the first two games.
...not that it matters now, just seemed to be a big thing people missed...
Uh, yes. I've played through it numerous times. However, I'm basing that on the fact that id themselves had said that it was more a retelling of the originals than a sequel.
Wonder if it will support skins like one of the Quakes. I remember downloading a skin pack and it had a nude skin which gave people a laugh. Genitals was just a pube patch.

The only skins I am interested in are the bright OSP/CPMA like skins.

This game is shaping up to be a borefest. I even liked RAGE.

J3RK, did you have fun with Doom 3: LMS? This thing completely revitalized Doom 3 at the time.
I actually got that for it once, and I'm not sure why I didn't play it. I must have gotten distracted. I absolutely love Doom 3 though. It's one of my all time favorite games really. Still play it fairly often. I also LOVE RAGE. RAGE is a great game. Flaws? Yes, a few, but it's a really solid and enjoyable game. I think people just have too much fun hating it, to actually play it.

As far as skins go, I would LOVE to see the Phobos skin from Q3A. I always liked it best. Nice Doom flavor, with lightning on the armor. He also had the most interesting "story" (if you can call it that) out of the character descriptions in the Q3A manual. (early slipgate explorer that came back a bit different) :cool: I would love to see a new Quake. Something entirely new. The Strogg story is complete after IV, Q3A was an arena game, so no real plot, Q1 was a mishmash of styles, so Quake in a somewhat related, but different setting would be very cool. (for the SP portion, and Q3A style for the MP portion)
It'd be cool to get Peterson back to inject some of that H. P. Lovecraft vibe into a new Quake game... that's the thing I liked most from the original anyways... oh, and, Reznor to do the sounds/music :)
It'd be cool to get Peterson back to inject some of that H. P. Lovecraft vibe into a new Quake game... that's the thing I liked most from the original anyways... oh, and, Reznor to do the sounds/music :)

That would in fact be cool. Add a bit more to do than just key collecting, but without getting too heavy-handed with the story.
Did you play Doom 3? Near the end it's pretty clear how it's a sequal to the first two games... not that it matters now, just seemed to be a big thing people missed...

I have no idea what you're talking about. Doom 3 was a reboot.

IMO the tone of the series has drifted too far away from what made Doom fun. Doom I/II had elements of horror, sure, but your character was a bad-ass space marine who had no qualms about walking into hell with a chainsaw to get some revenge on behalf of humanity, mowing down demons by the dozens along the way. Doom I/II had combat with a variety of enemies in both close and open environments. Doom 3 is a straight-up horror game with mostly close-quarters combat and things constantly teleporting on top of you to scare you. It was fun, but I only played it once.
meh... guess it might've been more of an easter egg thing... but near the end there is a video/log of a guy talking about the archaeology dig and how they found evidence of a similar battle fought long ago between hell and earth... then you find the carving depicting Doom 1 cover... (the left-most one)


so I figured that was pretty clearly pointing to this being after the events of Doom 1/2... I didn't realize id was telling everyone it was a completely reboot/retelling before, obviously it was a different kind of game... I really enjoyed the fast pace action and puzzles of Doom 1/2, hope to see a lot of that in new "DOOM"