domain user needs to map home drive


Limp Gawd
Dec 20, 2005
Dear Experts

I have got my work laptop (windows 7) that was configured to access a domain work.

When I log in to my laptop the username that was assigned to me is like that : country\d50001122,,,,,,,,made it up and password is : forum

Carrying two laptops one for work and one your private use is not workable,,,,,sometime I do my personal work (downloading file , doing my time sheet , saving some useful article ,,,etc)

When I am at home I want to backup my work from the laptop to a network drive on my home desktop computer (called storage1).

On my desktop computer I tried to create a username d50001122 ( I removed the country with slash) and with same domain password.

Then I enabled the sharing and the security on my home drive.

I tried from my laptop to access that drive but error message pops us :

You do not have permission to access \\homedesktop\storage1. Contact your network administrator to request access

Did i miss something ? is that error because of user is a domain user ?
A little confused on the issue...are you trying to login to your work computer (which is domain bound) and access a network share that you have on your home desktop?

I believe what's happening is when it goes to authenticate, the user you're entering is being authenticated as DOMAIN\username, where as it should be HOMEDESKTOPNAME\username.


Home Desktop computer name = zillah-pc
username = d50001122

When you connect to the network share from your work computer, it should prompt for a username. you need to enter zillah-pc\d50001122. If you just type in "d50001122" as the user name, it tries to authenticate against the domain, which is why it is failing, I believe.
you need to enter zillah-pc\d50001122. If you just type in "d50001122" as the user name, it tries to authenticate against the domain, which is why it is failing, I believe.
Thanks jnick , good idea let me try that.
but since initially I had entered the wrong username,,,,how can I let this window
(credential window) to pop up again to enter username and password again ?
Why not just Map the network share and check 'use alternate credentials'?
Am I missing something here?
"laptop to a network drive on my home desktop computer (called storage1)."

Is the home PC named "Storage1" or "HomeDesktop"

whats the name of the share on the home desktop
Is the home PC named "Storage1" or "HomeDesktop"

whats the name of the share on the home desktop
Shared folder called : storage1
PC ( home computer ) called : HomeDesktop
Do you have share AND file permissions set for the folder? Have you talked to your Enterprise Admin at work?