Ditch my P180?


Sep 21, 2005
I have the first version P180 without any of the cable management features (I really wish I waited to get a P182) and it is a pain to get the cables where I want them to be. I haven't done any mods to it due to risk of messing up the case. Should I take the time to mod out the old P180 (I have decent dremel skills but I don't know if I will see a big improvement after taking the time to do modding). Or I ditch the P180 for say something like the Cooler Master 590 or 690 (cheap and nice airflow cases)?
Well the question is... Do you want to take the time to mod it? Do you have the all the tools required?

Or would it just be easier to buy a new case?

Answer those and there is your answer.
The P180 is not a bad case. I would definitely take some time and tools to it before you decide you ditch it for something new. Sometimes you just have to pull a case a part and make your own tweaks to it before you're happy with it.