Dew Mod - The COMPLETE how-to is UP!

Mar 13, 2006
Hey guys,

A while back I posted here about the Dew Mod... folks didn't like the site that it was on, and I don't blame them... it also was ONLY a summary. Now, I've posted a complete how to and worklog, come check it out!

Give me your thoughts!

that is the worst site design I've ever seen.

from the small picture of the desk, I can only tell it might be good. but I don't see any other image or a next button, oh well.
OUCH dude :( :(

You need to re work your frames and just like the other guide said the whole design.

Its not bad its just so plain it makes it bad.
Well few tips:

1. Dont put thumbnails in the the skinny frame on the side. ( It pisses people off who want to see them all and they have to scroll when the could see them all in the main frame)

2. Make those links into some kind of navbar becuase most sites have the bottom frame header as like a advertisement or external links. Also they dont stick out so..........

3. Finally just add some content boxes and background and rework the layout and it should be fine.

good luck

:D :D :D :D
Great mod, buddy. I still have to get my MD from a bottle. I'm sure your system pays for itself after a few years.
Man it must be awesome to not have to walk all the way to the fridge for a cold MD. Great mod.
thats awsome !!!...... you should maybe make a base or something for the case to hide the syrup and co2 tank....

also.. i bet if you showed that to the md people... they would hook you up with all sorts of stuff...
That shit hurts my eyes, You need to rethink your frames.....Also your navigation is a bit weak :eek: :rolleyes:.... Kick ass mod though...
Site needs alotta work like people said, I saw two pages then had to close the tab. Gets some nice full shots, but other than that...nice mod Id definatly like to have one myself.

Also, Prices and where you got some of your parts. Maybe a lil more step by step.
Thanks for the feedback folks.. sorry about the site.. I got it up in a hurry. I'll fix it up a bit!

Since when has this forum been for web design tips? Its a great mod, leave the guy alone :rolleyes:
eh, now if it poured heineken however then I'd give ya two thumbs up. Anyone remember that coffee machine mod? I think it made max pc this past year.
your mod is awesome but your website sucks in every possible way, especially resolution. even 1280x1024 is too low...
Great mod. Get steve to put it on the front page and all these sycophants will be kissing your ass instead of being hyper-critical.

I just wish you had more pics, especially of the fountain part of the case.
Great mod, but I must say I like Coke's Vault better than Mountain Dew. I prefer the taste and it has 2x the caffiene. If I were you, I'd be crying right now for making a MD case. Not that it'd be hard to get Vault syrup instead.
Jonsey said:
Great mod. Get steve to put it on the front page and all these sycophants will be kissing your ass instead of being hyper-critical.

I just wish you had more pics, especially of the fountain part of the case.
Wrong. Steve wouldn't put that up on the front page.

And the critiques are only hypercritical if noone offers methods to improve the site. You on the other hand, are counterproductive in his skills as a web master improving. Sucking up to poor site design doesn't help him one bit.

Beer, your site design isn't very intuitive. A few people have given you good ideas for improvement and I think you'd do well to consider it.

Good luck on the next incarnation.
MUCH BETTER than your last linking to your mod. But yeah very non-intuitive layout and framing. Just make a big page or pages and let us scroll through the work for better flow. But again, much better and your worklog gives us a lot more insight into how much work needed to be done to get the mod completed. You will get much more respect that way for your hard work as when people see a completed mod, it is hard to comprehend the hours taken to create the work. Great mod. Clean up the website and it will be perfect.

Kudos on the build, and like someone mentioned not sure I like the hood over the dispenser area, but I can see why you did it.
What would be the most awesome is if it used Mountain Dew as the liquid coolant.

Impractical? Yes

Awesome Factor: 9
TheGamerZ said:
It would gum up the pump and prolly the block.

As long as it kept moving and there was no air in the line it would be fine. Point being: even if you had to clean it every 3 months and were forced to drink warm MtDew, it would still have a coolness factor of 8.5.

Oh yeah cool mod. Use a template for your next web design project. Like Wisconsin women they are fast, clean and easy.
TheGamerZ said:
It would gum up the pump and prolly the block.
then have de-ionized water in the loop that feeds into the dew-dispenser. If your temps are too high, drink some dew to make the water flow :D
Cool mod, crap site...

I wish I could dispense Mtn Dew... That stuff is awesome...
Why no pictures of you with a cup underneath the tap getting sweet, sweet Dew?

I like Code Red better though. Sweet modding, nonetheless.
That Mod is INSANE!! I wish I had the time and money ( not to mention skill) to do something like that. Of course, I would be drinkin Budweiser or Canadian, but Dew is acceptable as well.