Denon AVR-587 vs Marantz SR6200 -- Can someone help me choose?


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2008
Hey guys,

Just looking for a receiver to replace my Sonic Impact T-amp that I'm using with my Energy C-100s/Klipsch Sub-10. I'm just looking for something that would be good for music from my PC in general, with some decent power and hopefully better reliability than my T-amp (started dying pretty quick after I bought it)

I'm looking at the Denon for around $130, and the Marantz for around $170.

Any thoughts?

Thanks! :)
I would try another t-amp. They are roughly half and one third the price of what you mentioned. I've had my t-amp for a few years with no problem.

T-amps are awesome. I used to drive a pair of klipsch lascalas with them.. Super clean and they got very LOUD with the little 6 watts per channel they pushed.
Do both have the features you want?

A look at the specs for both online reveals that the Denon weighs about 22 lbs and the Marantz weighs about 32. I'd go for the Marantz based on weight if it has the features you need.
what are you using for a dac?

I probably should've mentioned I'm not using a DAC and am running off onboard sound right now.. So if any of these receivers has a good DAC, that would also be a huge plus too

Basically I know both of these have more than enough power for me (because I'm sure they're both much more powerful than my T-amp). So I'm just looking for clean sound + a nice DAC, don't really care "too" much about other features.

Also, do you guys know how the sound would compare to a T-amp like this?
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would you be interested in getting a dac and great 2ch amp?
and spendng about $250?
I don't know.. I'm trying to keep it around $150.. $200 absolute max. But what do you have in mind anyway? Maybe if I get the amp now and DAC after it won't be too bad. But also.. My choices are somewhat limited because Canada has a really crappy selection compared to the US, or our stuff is a lot more expensive :\
the reason i was asking about a dac is because you can get really nice power amps that are about 10-15 years old for pretty cheap, around $100-$150 US.
^ this is a fantastic deal. Rotel amps new start at $800 and only go up in price.

but they are only power amps. no input switching, no volume control they are meant to be used with pre amps that handle all that.. but some DACs have volume control and input switching or input switching may not be if you paried that with a DAC that can do those things its a fantastic deal.
this little bad boy is only about $125 USD.

the nuforce dac is good also.

however for the budget i would reccomend that marantz or the topping.
i like this topping as it has a good power transformer and a bit more power
Thanks for the info really help. However at this point I think the Topping or the Marantz would be the easiest choices for me... But the question is, which of them between the 2? :p

I know both will have enough power for me, I'm just wondering which will have cleaner sound.
the marantz is great if you dont have size limitations. goo DAC inside it too.
Alright awesome, I'll try to get my hands on it :)

One last question.. When I go to see the receiver (Marantz), is there anything I should be testing in particular to check the condition of the it? Or is just kinda like if it works it works?

Thanks so much for your help :)
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test all speaker connections, spidf inputs and volume pot. although it probably has a digital volume pot.
test all speaker connections, spidf inputs and volume pot. although it probably has a digital volume pot.

Are the SPDIF inputs what I would be using to connect the receiver to my computer? Or is that optical out?

Also, what do you mean by test the volume pot? Sorry for being so noob :p
make sure then when you use the volume dial the sound doesnt crackle and the sound between the speakers stays even.

spidf inputs means coax/optical.