Dell Files to Strip "Netbook" of Trademark Status

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It looks as though Dell isn’t too pleased with the fact that another company has the trademark on the term “netbook” so its off to court they go. Ahh, there’s nothing like a little litigation to get the blood flowing!

It was only a matter of time before something like this happened, of course -- the word "netbook" is in such widespread usage that Psion's nastygrams are unlikely to have any meaningful impact, and the company's weasely claims that it was only going after those "making a direct financial profit" basically guaranteed it was chasing after one of the big players.
Why does that article have such a negative slant against Psion? It isn't like they are one of those companies that patents a bunch of stuff that they never sell. Psion actually had a product they called the "Psion Netbook".

And what kind of petition to cancel a patent is "We're hurt by it, so that's good legal ground to cancel this patent."? I mean, if I wanted to start making computers, and I felt like naming them "Dell Notebooks" could I petition to cancel the Dell name because I felt it hurt me for them to still have it? That's some screwy logic there, but Dell probably has enough lawyers to stream roll right over Psion.
Why does that article have such a negative slant against Psion? It isn't like they are one of those companies that patents a bunch of stuff that they never sell. Psion actually had a product they called the "Psion Netbook".

And what kind of petition to cancel a patent is "We're hurt by it, so that's good legal ground to cancel this patent."? I mean, if I wanted to start making computers, and I felt like naming them "Dell Notebooks" could I petition to cancel the Dell name because I felt it hurt me for them to still have it? That's some screwy logic there, but Dell probably has enough lawyers to stream roll right over Psion.

Yes you're right. In the meantime we need to rename that red fruit to something else because it's probably cutting into Apple's sales.


"Netbook" can be used as a common noun just as "apple" and "window" is. Psion doesn't like it, well that's just too bad. They need to come up with a name that doesn't stumble over common nouns if they want inclusiveness.
well hell if they can patent the name 'netbook' then we'd better patent 'notebook' as well. same thing really. who was the first to call their laptop a notebook? oh and better trademark the name Personal Computer as well while they're at it.
Why now? If their trademark was so precious to them then why didn't they start sending out cease-and-desist letters shortly after everyone started calling them Netbooks?

I'm guessing there's probably legal or bureaucratic reasons why it took them so long, but the long delay still makes them look like a troll.
What happened to the days where companies and people can talk without having to fire lawyers away?
Why now? If their trademark was so precious to them then why didn't they start sending out cease-and-desist letters shortly after everyone started calling them Netbooks?

I'm guessing there's probably legal or bureaucratic reasons why it took them so long, but the long delay still makes them look like a troll.

You wait until somebody starts making money off of it so that you can sue for damages and take the money they made off of it...
In the old days you needed to have an active product to maintain a trademark like that. Companys would spend some money keeping some product on sale with a desirable name. It doesnt look like they had an active product or any real intent to make one in a wile. The whole point of a trademark is to help distinguish business and products. If you have failed in that area move over and give someone else a chance.

Not sure how long you can abandon a trademark but the company without a product has an up hill battle unless they find an accommodating judge like the ones in Texas. Dont confuse copyright with Trademark those are two completely different concepts.
Yea its just like the personal watercraft always being called a "jet-ski" even though Kawasaki actually has a Jet Ski model of watercraft, or like everyone calling a tissue a Kleenex...
Any idea *when* that was? :p

10 years ago it wasn't as bad as it is now.

Lawyers can rot in the deepest depths of hell as far as I'm concerned ;)

Granted there are legitimate cases, but this ambulance chasing bull is out of hand.
Well not only did they have a product they called a Netbook but they also still make accessories and stuff for those Netbook models.

I think for once here is a company that I think really should enforce their trademark, but sending out C&D letters to websites is just being a dick. They should just keep other manufacturers from calling their stuff a Netbook.
Maybe someone should trademark the words 'Net', 'Note' , 'Book', 'Lap' and 'Top'.

Oh, and does anyone own the trademark on 'Computer'?

When I see this stuff it just makes me think how lame the company is that's doing it. These companies should just get on with their jobs and make quality products that are reasonably priced and well supported rather than trying to bitch-slap eachother in court.
I'm going to go with the 'big bully' on this one. It's not a terribly original term, especially since it's use predates Psions, additionally they haven't actually used the name for a product in years, instead waiting for the name to enter common vernacular and then attempting to profit. So go Dell, send your legion of corporate lawyers to kick their weasel asses and take their lunch money.
im on dell's side with this one. this is NOT like kleenex or a jet ski. this is more like a company trademarking the word "book" and nobody else can legally use it. or like saying GM owns the rights to the word "car". a netbook is a netbook- and i believe even though its patented, that patent would have not been granted had the courts knew what the technology is.

also a lot of you are missing the point of psions patent. DELL is seeking to rid the patent so they can use the term without potential lawsuits. this is dell playing it safe rather then waiting for psions to follow through on their threats or not.
This is exactly like the Kawasaki jet ski, I think the other manufacturers should sue to get the name off the Kawasaki Jet Ski, so they can use it instead of personal water craft, Dell needs to get over it, the patent is there whether the court knew what the technology was or not, just call it the Dell mini like they are and let the public call it a netbook, just like everyone calls watercraft jetskis, and tissues kleenexes...