Dell 3007WFP-HC A01 vs. A02


Limp Gawd
Mar 8, 2005
I just hooked up my refurb Dell 3007 that I found using the hotdeals (nice) for 650.00. Anyhow, I was looking at the revision that I received (most people seem to have gotten an A02) and noticed mine is A01. The monitor is pretty nice, a bit scuffed up on a few spots near the bezel and some weird sticky stuff on the back (dont want to know). There is a low humming that comes from it though. I was wondering if anyone knows the differance from the A01 and the A02 models. I have the advance exchange for this and am pondering wether to send this one back for the slight buzzing noise, especially if A02 fixes other issues as well. Thanks!
HAHA great. Just what I wanted to hear hehe. Maybe dell should include a decibel rating such as for cooling fans. I love the monitor and all but geesh, the noise is a bit distracting. Sounds like my old CRT did when you first turned it on.
Another thing I've noticed with this monitor (or revision as im not sure yet what the later revisions fix) is moving from a 24" Dell 2405, this 3007wfp-hc has a definite "screen door effect" when looking at moving textures up close in games. For example, in fallout 3, when standing still and holding a gun, the character will move it back and forth some. The textures of the gun will have a slight "screen door" effect on them. Not aliasing at all on the edges, but on the textures themselves this is noticable. It almost looks dithered while moving. When the movement stops, the screen door goes away. Is this inherent to all 3007's or did I get a bummer refurb??
"...and some weird sticky stuff on the back (dont want to know)."

Is the "Screen Door" effect on moving objects inherent to this display as well? Just wanting to make sure if thats to be expected before sending this one back RMA.