DC Vault 2

It was a typo on one of my instances. I fixed it and hopefully they all go to the correct one now. (At least I got the team right:D)
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you guys are killing it in Muon1. Nice work! I moved one PC over today.
Anyone see whats going on with FreeHAL? Heres the poor translation. :eek:

In recent days, apparently carried out on my home computer through a trojan various hacker attacks. According to current information, the server FreeHAL project were not affected, but these were also the end of March seized by the police and possibly used as evidence. The possibility of a compromise of the BOINC server can be excluded since no unauthorized access to the compiler or the secret key can be done. The aim of the attacks apparently was blackmailing several people from my private life, a school and an institution for the publication of private information of individuals and the threat to sabotage online stores. Unfortunately we have no exact information about the nature and extent of prior investigation, therefore no conclusion can yet be made ​​as to when a controlled operation is again possible. We try to explain this matter as quickly as possible. For more information please send an e-mail to [email protected] . Responsible for the investigation, the Police Department Central Hesse and the Police Directorate of Heidelberg and the respective prosecutors' offices. We are of course any donations, both financial as well as in hardware, as it currently does not look it, that we have the data and the hardware in the near future to get back.
And then there were seven. We achieved over 3 mil and were the top producing team on Muon yesterday :cool: Nice going guys.
and i just moved my 2600k over from correlizer this morning, i now have all 3 cpus on muon1
I've recently only been getting drip fed Correlizer work for the Opterons. Viewing their forum, there doesn't seem to have been any admin presence of late with several posts left unanswered. I think I need to start looking more carefully at admin activity on a project before crunching it as it's probably a good measure of how important the science is to them.

and i just moved my 2600k over from correlizer this morning, i now have all 3 cpus on muon1

Nice one dmaine :) All my Intel chips are now crunching DPAD.
I jumped into Muon1. I figure my 3930K can put out some good work for that.
I jumped into Muon1. I figure my 3930K can put out some good work for that.

Thanks and welcome aboard DooKey!! You may have twigged to this already but you're best setting up two instances of 6 threads each on that beast. Muon doesn't scale well beyond 6-8 threads.

Too much time on my hands today so some recent DC observations:

Crunching@EVGA are quickly becoming a medium term threat. They're shot up the Vault ranks and are sitting currently at 18th with about 100 crunchers having great fun trying out new projects. They also seem to have developed the art of the mega-flush after zooming past us on Climate Prediction following a dump of 700K+ points. Damn their enthusiasm :p

The DPCs are holding their annual 'stampede' with Docking as the target this year. They're ppd is consistently over 2 mil, they've crunched 50 mil over the last month and have moved up 19 places to 4th position over the same period. Awesome effort on their part.

The KnightsWSN appear to have woken up to the threat from us in the Vault. Although no work has been returned yet, they've started to crunch PSP which I'm afraid will seriously dampen our Machiavellian plans on 4th place.

I've found Razor! Rumors of an extended vacation in the Australian outback appear to have been true:D He's been crunching a whole pile of work on Skynet. I really need to pay more attention because he told us a while back that he was going to build up some pointage on this potential Vault addition and indeed that's exactly what he's done. After some playing it seems like a pretty good project with an easy client (although a bit of a pain for setting up multiple threads) plenty of news, an active forum and an interesting objective. As you accrue points, they've got numerous 'trophies' including some of a 'Star Trek' theme which immediately sold the whole endeavour to me;) Those Aussies really seem to know what they're doing and, once they've sorted the stats out, Skynet may indeed make a good addition to the Vault.

End of newsdesk report. Don't worry, I'll try not to do it again.
Thanks and welcome aboard DooKey!! You may have twigged to this already but you're best setting up two instances of 6 threads each on that beast. Muon doesn't scale well beyond 6-8 threads.

Too much time on my hands today so some recent DC observations:

Crunching@EVGA are quickly becoming a medium term threat. They're shot up the Vault ranks and are sitting currently at 18th with about 100 crunchers having great fun trying out new projects. They also seem to have developed the art of the mega-flush after zooming past us on Climate Prediction following a dump of 700K+ points. Damn their enthusiasm :p

The DPCs are holding their annual 'stampede' with Docking as the target this year. They're ppd is consistently over 2 mil, they've crunched 50 mil over the last month and have moved up 19 places to 4th position over the same period. Awesome effort on their part.

The KnightsWSN appear to have woken up to the threat from us in the Vault. Although no work has been returned yet, they've started to crunch PSP which I'm afraid will seriously dampen our Machiavellian plans on 4th place.

I've found Razor! Rumors of an extended vacation in the Australian outback appear to have been true:D He's been crunching a whole pile of work on Skynet. I really need to pay more attention because he told us a while back that he was going to build up some pointage on this potential Vault addition and indeed that's exactly what he's done. After some playing it seems like a pretty good project with an easy client (although a bit of a pain for setting up multiple threads) plenty of news, an active forum and an interesting objective. As you accrue points, they've got numerous 'trophies' including some of a 'Star Trek' theme which immediately sold the whole endeavour to me;) Those Aussies really seem to know what they're doing and, once they've sorted the stats out, Skynet may indeed make a good addition to the Vault.

End of newsdesk report. Don't worry, I'll try not to do it again.

Nice update dude.

I guess I'll have to do two instances of Muon1. Didn't know about that little detail. I assume I just copy the client files to another directory and modify the client.txt to only 6 threads.
Assuming you meant to say config.txt then, yes, that should work when using the cmdline batch file to run. I tend to do a fresh install in the second directory to make sure I don't fluff it and end up running the same work twice. Don't forget to copy over the user.txt file with the client files.
Thanks for the updates phoenicis. Good to hear that there is some serious crunching being done in Docking by the DPC! And welcome aboard to DooKey in Muon1. I added a machine (albeit only temporarily to Muon1 today as well). I see that Briliu had a pretty big points dump the other day too. Perhaps he is getting some time on those dual socket machines again? :)

If the Knights are starting to crunch PSP then we might have an extra difficult challenge to get to the fourth spot. I think we do have an opportunity for some decent points gains in RNA World though. We have slipped a few spots recently and could probably make a run all the way to 11th in the project with a good month push. Perhaps when Muon1 is done? Anyone else see an good points opportunities?
I think cosmology is still a good way to go since it is back up again. What about docking as well?
Thanks for the updates phoenicis. Good to hear that there is some serious crunching being done in Docking by the DPC! And welcome aboard to DooKey in Muon1. I added a machine (albeit only temporarily to Muon1 today as well). I see that Briliu had a pretty big points dump the other day too. Perhaps he is getting some time on those dual socket machines again? :)

If the Knights are starting to crunch PSP then we might have an extra difficult challenge to get to the fourth spot. I think we do have an opportunity for some decent points gains in RNA World though. We have slipped a few spots recently and could probably make a run all the way to 11th in the project with a good month push. Perhaps when Muon1 is done? Anyone else see an good points opportunities?

You are correct! Though there were some changes to our firewall and now the workstations cant auto send results so i have to take the results files home and send them like that. Oh well! Makes for amusing points dumps haha.
dookey. what do you think of your 3930, was it relatively easy to OC? I'm thinking of getting one after i recover from tax time.
dookey. what do you think of your 3930, was it relatively easy to OC? I'm thinking of getting one after i recover from tax time.

Super easy to OC if you water cool. If not, then 4.4ghz to 4.5ghz is reasonable for air cooling.
I think cosmology is still a good way to go since it is back up again. What about docking as well?

Yeah we could probably still move up a few spots in Docking but you are probably right about Cosmology. Cosmology scores pretty well doesn't it? How much processing power did it take to put up 8400 points today?

Enigma is still without work. If they dont have any work by the end of the month I'll put a post on the DCVault forum and ask for the project to be removed. Again.
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Yeah we could probably still move up a few spots in Docking but you are probably right about Cosmology. Cosmology scores pretty well doesn't it? How much processing power did it take to put up 8400 points today?

Enigma is still without work. If they dont have any work by the end of the month I'll put a post on the DCVault forum and ask for the project to be removed. Again.

I'm running a 2500K and a i3-2100 in cosmology.
From the three projects mentioned for a potential future push, RNA would seem to have the best short term DC Vault potential. I believe they all have roughly equivalent ppd potential although I’d probably say that Cosmology may have an edge over the other two. For the moment assuming similar ppd though, a 5 mil project point increase would net roughly 192 (RNA), 93 (Cosmology) and 80 (Docking) Vault points. A 10 mil increase would net 264, 192 and 100 Vault points respectively. This is a best case rough estimate assuming the target teams don’t produce much which, other than in Docking, would seem to currently be the case.

All this is likely to change with the passage of time and I only mention all this to throw a bit more info into the mix. It doesn’t take into account differing hardware requirements, work supply or project specific issues such as the lack of checkpointing on large RNA tasks.

I like all three projects and would be happy to go with whatever is decided closer to the time.

We’re still doing tremendously well on Muon1. We’ve been producing around the 4 mil mark for the last few days which, to my recollection, is the best ppd we’ve ever achieved :cool:
I think one of the projects we might want to concentrate on is Sztaki. It's a regular boinc client that seems to have plenty of work to do and the WU's go quickly. Yes it is slow scoring but we have lots of head room compared to the other projects listed and a lot of teams that would topple very very quickly. If we up the output to 5000 ppd (probably the equivalent of 5 2600k) we could probably topple 15 teams in about a month. Just my 2 cents.

Nice job on Muon1 everyone.

On an unrelated note has anyone heard from SazanEyes lately? Stop by and say hi.
I agree on Sztaki, am currently crunching it and have just noticed you've recently joined the fray :) I was beginning to think it was another unmentionable black sheep of the Vault.
Hey phoenicis!! You're famous (sort of?)

"Linac900Ext7Xc2 is at 3.271870%, found by [H]phoenicis, an increase of 0.005441% over the last week."

Posted on the Muon1 Facebook page (just periodic updates about how the different lattices are doing and the overall project.

Congrats :)
Thanks and well spotted Briliu :) It's always good to see evidence of us making some scientific progress.
I've switched my boxen over to Cosmology if anyone else wants to come join the party.
I've switched my boxen over to Cosmology if anyone else wants to come join the party.

I'll certainly try to lend a hand if we're still on it after the CC. In the short term, I need to give DPAD a final boost before starting to clean out the rigs at the weekend in preparation for folding overclocks.
I'll certainly try to lend a hand if we're still on it after the CC. In the short term, I need to give DPAD a final boost before starting to clean out the rigs at the weekend in preparation for folding overclocks.

Good luck with the CC my friend. What team are you crunching for?
If you post a stats page we will cheer for you while crunching onward toward #4 in the Vault!

Looks like we have made great progress in Muon1 over the past few weeks. I think that I am going to take a brief hiatus from Muon to join Argfan, rflcptr, bryce, MacFan, etc for some serious WCG crunching for the next couple weeks. Then I will probably go back to Muon until we overtake the US-Distributed team and get that nice boost in points. :) Happy crunching everyone!
Good luck with the CC my friend. What team are you crunching for?
If you post a stats page we will cheer for you while crunching onward toward #4 in the Vault!

I'm planning on supporting my old team, Custom PC/bit-tech. Initial testing will of course be for [H].

Looks like we have made great progress in Muon1 over the past few weeks. I think that I am going to take a brief hiatus from Muon to join Argfan, rflcptr, bryce, MacFan, etc for some serious WCG crunching for the next couple weeks. Then I will probably go back to Muon until we overtake the US-Distributed team and get that nice boost in points. :) Happy crunching everyone!

You've clearly got a soft spot for teammates with usernames containing the word 'fan'. No idea why that would be :p Best of luck on on WCG mate.
Want to welcome some relatively new active WCG crunchers: BLACK@BLUE, Vibrid, Rustyj, and MouseTrap. Coolest name award goes to MouseTrap! :D:D

Thanks for crunching with the Horde and if any of you are active on the boards make sure to stop by and say hi!
Welcome to the Commandos guys! Good to see some fresh blood.

Crunch on!
Well guys I'm back to only crunching with the boxes in my sig. Just terminated my HP cloud instances and cancelled my account. My production will be way down until I figure out my next upgrade strategy. Thinking about a AMD 1045T, FX-6100 or FX-8120 MicroCenter deal. Hopefully the new blood will keep our point totals steady for a while.
Does anyone know whats up with this Dimes project, it made a major dent in our standings. I cant see a way to create a userid for it but it looks like there are 2 HardOcp teams out there. It also wont install on my win7 64bit, says something about java , which i know is installed.
I think the Dimes issue is just a database issue and it should straighten out soon.
If anyone has AMD cards they want to put to work POEM is a good one. I'm trying to hold ground and make up a few spots if anyone feels like dropping in.
If anyone has AMD cards they want to put to work POEM is a good one. I'm trying to hold ground and make up a few spots if anyone feels like dropping in.
Joined POEM with my 5770, but I don't seem to be getting any work for the opencl version.
Is there anything special I need to do or is it just because there's hardly any work available for the opencl app?
Joined POEM with my 5770, but I don't seem to be getting any work for the opencl version.
Is there anything special I need to do or is it just because there's hardly any work available for the opencl app?

I don't know, but I can confirm that I did the same with my 7970 yesterday and have not received an opencl project yet either.
That's strange guys. Are you running the latest version of Boinc?
Latest Boinc - yes. My issue was a new build running the generic driver. Installed Catalyst, rebooted and Boinc auto-downloaded the opencl projects.
updated BOINC to the latest version, updated the graphics drivers to the latest available
AMD ATI Radeon HD 5700 series (Juniper) (1024MB) driver: 1.4.1720
still 0 tasks sent.
resumed Collatz, will check tomorrow.