Data Storage in DNA Becomes a Reality


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
The possibility of storing huge amounts of data in DNA is one step closer to practical application. Scientists at Cambridge University have successfully coded a series of computer files to DNA and back again into cipherable data without a single error. DNA data storage could be commercially available as soon as 2023. Thanks to MasonD for the linkage.

The wow factor arose when they reversed the process. The researchers sequenced the genome of the data-laden DNA and translated it back into zeros and ones. The result was a re-creation of the original content without a single error, according to the results published in Nature on Wednesday.
Thus making all forms of cancer curable via a monthly Microsoft update if accessed through Internet Explorer.

Of the MANY uses for such a thing...
All one would have to do is "look" at a picture of a tattoo and it would appear on their right shoulder.
This could be the next gen replacement for Viagra.

I think Keanu Reeves played in a movie about this sorta thing.
Man, I wish Steve posted this one we would have gotten a really good joke about "DNA" ... but, we will definitely have a big problem with data fragmentation once the DNA gets ejected :( :p
Encode all of my porn into my DNA.
Of coarse it has to be encrypted.

It would be interesting at boarders where they have the right to inspect data...
*Can we have you DNA sir?
Wasn't this story posted before?
I think I remember hearing about so much data can be stored in a gram of DNA already.
What if I donate blood? Will there be file corruption? How many people will get pr0n files with a blood transfusion ;)
it's not an's just a LAN party!
This might also be a way to speed up the learning process by making use of genetic memory
So all I have to do is jack it into my storage drive and I'll have a near limitless form of storage?

I'm in :D
So is this for use in biological/medical uses or possible computer uses?
Either way job well done.
computer use so the government can track you even more and put all your info in your blood!