DA Pls Make Vista Better thread.

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Sep 10, 2004
By opening this thread , i hope to make Vista a better OS by 2009 . why?

1)WIN XP gets NO further support from M$ in 2009.
"Oh you can always stick to XP if you dont like PISSTA"
Fcuk that , like anyone have a choice in 2009. Unless they make WINXP opensource and free in 2009...chances of that is even lower than the 2nd coming of christ.

2)THINK OF OUR CHILDREN!!! If microsoft can get away with Vista , what chances will they make a FUBAR OS in the future? i say very high.

3)Better bitch now ,be heard and hope for a better UI or an alternate WINXP or 2000 UI in SP1 . Or better of anything you can think of. People have been using that UI since win95 and microsoft wants you to use their "new" UI now or 2 years later??

my proposals to M$ to change in SP1

1) Import and export functions in every M$ widget or stuff or software that can be customized. Need i say more? Im an opera user and after seeing my classmates struggle with IE7 , all i need to make them switch to opera is to open 20 tabs in opera, run thru them with keys 1 and 2 , show them the import and export functions , and best of all , " 70 megs of memory = 20 tabs in opera and 5 tabs in IE7". Cant microsoft learn? or just buy opera up?!

2)Keep it simple STUPID!!! i only see flashy stuff and more icon madness in the control panel, wtf? 2 brick walls??(windows firewall and windows defender) , its not like confusion is gonna make people love the new fat and bubbly aqua icons.Cant microsoft color code their icons?Yeah i can do that myself but after every reinstallation i have to " customize " every friggin icon myself! thanks microsoft, i love 2 hours of icon customization!(as i said, can be solved with the import and export improvement)

3)microsoft made me pay 299 for flashy shit , dx10 and improvements i cant see or feel (yeah i can feel the yes and no everytime and its an irritant!!!) . And expect me to relearn all the years of win98/200/XP navigation . And make a buck in the so called IT education courses.the only thing useful and really better than XP is the flip-3D menu thingy. thats it. I want my WINXP/2000 legacy menus back in SP1 because they are more productive because i dont have to relearn everything .If its working, dont change it till the upgrade proves to be better.

4)Drivers. enuff said, vista drivers suck to the balls right now. Microsoft could really flex its multi billion coporate muscles and juice up on the driber writing department , wethger 1st 2nd or 3rd party.

5) drag and drop. Cant do that with winamp , my folder just wont go into the playlist. WTF? better unscrew it ASAP.

pls , for everything you say that sucks about Vista, give examples and ways that are already out there to counter the problem that hasnt been implememted in Vista.
Ummm, no.

Drivers, thats up to the companies that make the hardware you need the driver for.

2 brick walls? both those apps are good, and not confusing.

MS didnt make you pay anything, you dont need vista yet, you chose to buy it. And you could have gotten it cheaper.

And I'm not sure the support date of 2009 is right.
And yet you bought Vista.

Thread over.

Toatally agreed.

Classic Theme isn't that hard to find is it????? Making the icons the standard size also isn't a problem.

My own theory's are that things will get better and the launch of Vista is no different to the launch of any new MS OS, as they have all had problems in one way or another, be it hardware or software incompatabilities.

I have bought Vista Ultimate yet reverted back to XP due to an Explorer error (thats what it seems to be). Doesn't mean I don't like Vista, and in fact the Aero interface worked perfectly on my notebook (even though I changed to Classic mode again after a few hours due to the fan on the notebook being on almost constantly).

5) drag and drop. Cant do that with winamp , my folder just wont go into the playlist. WTF? better unscrew it ASAP.

Thats a problem with WinAmp not Vista as D&D works perfectly fine within Vista. Then again most thingsassociated with AOL don't work properly anyway!
to clear any misconception, i DID NOT buy vista.

Im using it on my cousins rig and its irritating the hell outta me.

and in 2 years , i think i will have to use it in the school lab wether i like it or not.

hence the thread.
That wasn't the reason for the thread.

The reason for the thread was that you couldn't find any of the 698 other threads made by people who wanted to rant about stuff like this and show every halfway intelligent reader that they don't really know what they're talking about :D

Moderators, this is really getting messy with the amount of "I hate Vista" threads which are appearing.
1)WIN XP gets NO further support from M$ in 2009.
"Oh you can always stick to XP if you dont like PISSTA"
Fcuk that , like anyone have a choice in 2009. Unless they make WINXP opensource and free in 2009...chances of that is even lower than the 2nd coming of christ.

2)THINK OF OUR CHILDREN!!! If microsoft can get away with Vista , what chances will they make a FUBAR OS in the future? i say very high.

3)Better bitch now ,be heard and hope for a better UI or an alternate WINXP or 2000 UI in SP1 . Or better of anything you can think of. People have been using that UI since win95 and microsoft wants you to use their "new" UI now or 2 years later??

my proposals to M$ to change in SP1

1) Import and export functions in every M$ widget or stuff or software that can be customized. Need i say more? Im an opera user and after seeing my classmates struggle with IE7 , all i need to make them switch to opera is to open 20 tabs in opera, run thru them with keys 1 and 2 , show them the import and export functions , and best of all , " 70 megs of memory = 20 tabs in opera and 5 tabs in IE7". Cant microsoft learn? or just buy opera up?!

2)Keep it simple STUPID!!! i only see flashy stuff and more icon madness in the control panel, wtf? 2 brick walls??(windows firewall and windows defender) , its not like confusion is gonna make people love the new fat and bubbly aqua icons.Cant microsoft color code their icons?Yeah i can do that myself but after every reinstallation i have to " customize " every friggin icon myself! thanks microsoft, i love 2 hours of icon customization!(as i said, can be solved with the import and export improvement)

3)microsoft made me pay 299 for flashy shit , dx10 and improvements i cant see or feel (yeah i can feel the yes and no everytime and its an irritant!!!) . And expect me to relearn all the years of win98/200/XP navigation . And make a buck in the so called IT education courses.the only thing useful and really better than XP is the flip-3D menu thingy. thats it. I want my WINXP/2000 legacy menus back in SP1 because they are more productive because i dont have to relearn everything .If its working, dont change it till the upgrade proves to be better.

4)Drivers. enuff said, vista drivers suck to the balls right now. Microsoft could really flex its multi billion coporate muscles and juice up on the driber writing department , wethger 1st 2nd or 3rd party.

5) drag and drop. Cant do that with winamp , my folder just wont go into the playlist. WTF? better unscrew it ASAP.

pls , for everything you say that sucks about Vista, give examples and ways that are already out there to counter the problem that hasnt been implememted in Vista.

Sorry man, but you lose all credibility when you type like a fourth grader.

Most of the shit you listed isn't even a problem with Vista itself. Winamp doesn't work right? Go cry to AOL. Your drivers suck? Go cry to the company that isn't doing their job.

Oh, and there is this theme called "classic". And this option called "classic start menu". And this other option called "classic folders".

Oh, and are you seriously bitching about it being hard to make a buck in the IT field because you have to re-learn a new UI? (I don't even know what you were trying to say, but this is what it came across as) I'm sorry dude, but if learning a new UI in the IT field isn't your cup of tea then I strongly feel that the IT field in general isn't your cup of tea.
I was going to take you seriously but when I saw M$, PISSTA :rolleyes: , and the way the post was written I just couldn't.

Besides, most of those problems you listed are not Vista problems but 3rd part companies, well besides the "flashy" complaint which you can turn off.
I guess you're a n00bie for a reason. For so many people out there, there is nothing wrong with vista, in fact its better then XP. Most of those reasons you cried about are not M$ fault like everyone has said. If you're going to bitch about learning a new UI then you really are in the wrong field.
to clear any misconception, i DID NOT buy vista.

Im using it on my cousins rig and its irritating the hell outta me.

and in 2 years , i think i will have to use it in the school lab wether i like it or not.

hence the thread.

3)microsoft made me pay 299 for flashy shit

Contradict ourself much?

If you dont like it, dont use it. Microsoft just increased the support for xp beyond 2009. I cant remember the date but i know its a good deal longer.
This is a flamebait rant thread that is only going to get ugly.
I'm stopping it here.
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