Cyberpunk 2077

Just started playing this game a couple days ago.. Didn't even realize this came out in 2020... Reminded me the GTA at some point. The visuals are great, but the dialog is killing me and I just cannot get over with. Is there any way to bypass all with one click?
I can't watch the movie every freakin time I want to play the game.
If I remember correctly you can skip most of the beginning by tapping the space, but you should also check NexusMods, there might be something to fit your needs...
Just started playing this game a couple days ago.. Didn't even realize this came out in 2020... Reminded me the GTA at some point. The visuals are great, but the dialog is killing me and I just cannot get over with. Is there any way to bypass all with one click?
I can't watch the movie every freakin time I want to play the game.
If I remember correctly you can skip most of the beginning by tapping the space, but you should also check NexusMods, there might be something to fit your needs...
If he's talking about the movie it plays when you first fire up the game, yes there is a mod to disable that so you never have to see it again. You can also disable the requirement to hit enter or spacebar where it says: "Breaching." It's just a useless prompt.
If he's talking about the movie it plays when you first fire up the game, yes there is a mod to disable that so you never have to see it again. You can also disable the requirement to hit enter or spacebar where it says: "Breaching." It's just a useless prompt.
I am talking about conversations that takes minutes to complete. Yesterday I had one hour to play and prolly got only 15 minutes of action. The rest was just talking and drinking at the bar and that was part of the mission.
Honestly, if you are looking for quick fixes, stay in the open world pop us stuff, many missions twist and turn unexpectedly. That's a good thing overall, but means that there is no way of guessing the amount of time something will take.
I am talking about conversations that takes minutes to complete. Yesterday I had one hour to play and prolly got only 15 minutes of action. The rest was just talking and drinking at the bar and that was part of the mission.
I believe there is a setting in the options menu that allows you to skip the dialog all at once (up to each choice) with one press of the dialog skip button instead of doing it line by line. Also, the vast majority of quests in the game are not like you describe. For the most part, that's relegated to the main story.
I have to say, for an Action RPG first person game, I might be looking forward to the CB2077 expansion this month, and not Starfield. But I also want to try Starfield, just on the fence. on buying it.

So on the fence on buying Starfield. I go back to playing the classic Elders Scrolls games from the 90's like Daggerfall, those were awesome. Then stopped for awhile and bought Oblivion when it came out, and that was cool with the wide open world and endless places to explore, but it got a bit boring, just wandering around all over. Then bought Skyrim and playing with Ultra graphics settings the game looked outstanding, but again, a lot of walking and going here and there, was cool and not cool if you know what I mean> Sometimes I felt lost or just aimlessly going any place. Both Oblivion and Skyrim I never played to the end, I felt kinda lost in both games, just wandering all over with no real point sometimes, and I just got burned out and left the game.
All in here. No doubts.

I know it's just an expansion but for everything it's going to do it won't surprise me at all if I end up cheating and calling it my "Game of the Year." It's going to be incredible.
I have to say, for an Action RPG first person game, I might be looking forward to the CB2077 expansion this month, and not Starfield. But I also want to try Starfield, just on the fence. on buying it.

So on the fence on buying Starfield. I go back to playing the classic Elders Scrolls games from the 90's like Daggerfall, those were awesome. Then stopped for awhile and bought Oblivion when it came out, and that was cool with the wide open world and endless places to explore, but it got a bit boring, just wandering around all over. Then bought Skyrim and playing with Ultra graphics settings the game looked outstanding, but again, a lot of walking and going here and there, was cool and not cool if you know what I mean> Sometimes I felt lost or just aimlessly going any place. Both Oblivion and Skyrim I never played to the end, I felt kinda lost in both games, just wandering all over with no real point sometimes, and I just got burned out and left the game.
What you are describing is typical of most open-world games. Open world games typically lack narrative focus and fail to give direction to the player which often makes them boring. There are people that get entertainment out of walking or driving around while doing nothing but not everyone is like that. I'm definitely not one of those people that finds exploring an open and largely empty landscape all that entertaining. At some point you've seen enough generic caves, open fields, trees, and whatever random creatures inhabit the environment.

There are very few open-world games I've enjoyed over the years. Mass Effect Andromeda is probably the best example of what I'm talking about and its almost a best-case scenario for me. The game was excellent in terms of its combat mechanics but what hurts it is the lack of direction for the player and narrative focus. The open-world nature of the game detracts from the narrative which is supposed to drive the player with a sense of urgency. Yet, your goal is to make the planets 100% viable for colonization which requires that you do specific side quests and missions which are disconnected from the main story. You can spend 10 or 20 hours on some planets doing these side quests and by the time you get back on the trail of the main story, you may have even forgotten what was going on with it. You can't get invested in a story that you really don't spend much time engaging in.

As good as it is, Cyberpunk 2077 is another one that really does this kind of badly. The protagonist, V is literally dying and the story is structured to make you want to pursue a cure for the character's condition. It constantly reminds you that death is coming sooner rather than later and it makes the prospect of engaging in the side missions come off as ridiculous. Essentially, every open world game does this to some extent. The good thing is that many of the side quests and missions do have some connection to the main story or at least world events. The increase in rogue AI's for example seems relevant to the main subject matter, though as of yet this hasn't really gone anywhere.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is actually structured pretty well. Most of the missions are designed to undermine and eliminate enemy forces on the island. However, you do get one quest to find fishing lures for someone as if you have nothing more pressing going on. There are former special forces guys and enemy mercenaries (later Russian troops) combing the island trying to find the protagonist, and kill them. Yet you are expected to help some guy catch a big fucking fish. It makes no sense and is a perfect example of what's wrong with open world game design.

Getting back on the subject at hand, I am far more interested in the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty expansion than I am Starfield. I'm interested in Starfield, but I'm not really into Bethesda's style if that makes sense.
I have to say, for an Action RPG first person game, I might be looking forward to the CB2077 expansion this month, and not Starfield. But I also want to try Starfield, just on the fence. on buying it.

I bought a Starfield code (Standard Edition) through the AMD bundle for $35 but I'm not looking forward to it as much as Lies of P, Phantom Liberty, Lords of the Fallen and Alan Wake 2

All in here. No doubts.

I know it's just an expansion but for everything it's going to do it won't surprise me at all if I end up cheating and calling it my "Game of the Year." It's going to be incredible.

it's too bad expansions are never taken seriously as GOTY material but I thought that Phantom Liberty along with the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion would most likely deserve serious consideration
I bought a Starfield code (Standard Edition) through the AMD bundle for $35 but I'm not looking forward to it as much as Lies of P, Phantom Liberty, Lords of the Fallen and Alan Wake 2

it's too bad expansions are never taken seriously as GOTY material but I thought that Phantom Liberty along with the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion would most likely deserve serious consideration
Eh, there's no way a CP2077 expansion is going to be as hot of a GOTY contender as stuff like BG3 and Hogwarts.

CP2077 already had its chance with the general public. Less people are going to be interested in a "do over" vs the original launch game.
Eh, there's no way a CP2077 expansion is going to be as hot of a GOTY contender as stuff like BG3 and Hogwarts.

CP2077 already had its chance with the general public. Less people are going to be interested in a "do over" vs the original launch game.

BG3 has been in Early Access for years you could disqualify that in the same way
BG3 has been in Early Access for years you could disqualify that in the same way
No? That makes zero sense. Act 1 was in early access...

*Edit* makeover expansions won't ever recapture the same level of hype. Even NMS doesn't have the same level of interest it did vs day 1, and they've put more rework into that vs CP2077.

The only game I think that has excelled vs it's original launch is FFXIV, and they pretty much admitted they were wrong and gutted the whole game to rebuild it.
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What you are describing is typical of most open-world games. Open world games typically lack narrative focus and fail to give direction to the player which often makes them boring. There are people that get entertainment out of walking or driving around while doing nothing but not everyone is like that. I'm definitely not one of those people that finds exploring an open and largely empty landscape all that entertaining. At some point you've seen enough generic caves, open fields, trees, and whatever random creatures inhabit the environment.

That is spot on. It also all starts to feel so similar to the previous games you may have played. More linear games may also be similar but their more intensely driven story and objectives keeps those thoughts at the back of my mind better. More linear games also don't have as much repetition, so that does not set in as quickly.

But there are some good open world games. I think RDR2 is a good example of a large, sprawling map that has a lot of depth yet is very guided. Everything you do ties into the main story and most long rides are filled with conversation that feels natural. Though RDR2 is more of an action game, and less about exploration. Fallout 3/NV/4 are good examples of open world games with exploration. There is lots to do, and every location has a story or quest attached to it that is at least somewhat unique. It isn't just random shacks with enemies to kill or things to pick up. I will even say the original STALKER did a good job with exploration despite the smaller levels. I was naturally drawn to a number of the structures in those games.

Almost all other "exploration" games, at least AAA games and not pure sandbox style games, are fairly bad. It typically involves running to an empty area, doing the same basic activity with a slightly different set up, and no real meaning for doing it. Typically it is driven by something artificially like forcing the player to level up. An area can be massive, but you'll go to this city, do the same basic task, and never set foot in it again.
Against my better judgement I pre-ordered the expansion for 30 smokes from
This expansion is a no brainer buy.

Stringer Bell in Cyberpunk is going to be a blast.

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I just picked up the expansion from gog as well. I haven’t played cyberpunk since the release so it will be a good time for another play through. Between this and starfield I’m definitely gonna have plenty to play for probably the rest of the year.
I suspect that these changes will have almost no impact on the gameplay and that most of this is just more CDPR marketing horse shit. I loved the game - yet somehow it was also a shallow experience and just not what I had expected or hoped for.

I guess I just don’t trust this developer anymore?
I suspect that these changes will have almost no impact on the gameplay and that most of this is just more CDPR marketing horse shit. I loved the game - yet somehow it was also a shallow experience and just not what I had expected or hoped for.

I guess I just don’t trust this developer anymore?
Thanks for sharing this incredibly fresh take on Cyberpunk 2077.
the gameplay changes seem huge to me...seems like it's now closer to CDPR's original vision for the game with the police overhaul and vehicle-to-vehicle combat
But will this truly be the case? I’m sceptical that these changes will be as significant as they look on paper.
But will this truly be the case? I’m sceptical that these changes will be as significant as they look on paper.

I think CDPR knew that the launch version was a gimped version which is why it took almost 3 years to 'fix' the game...even without the 2.0 changes the game has improved considerably from launch...even the Steam reviews are now averaging a 9.0 (Very Positive)...I think the 2.0 update plus expansion will finally put this over the top...won't ever get back the reputation they lost from the initial terrible launch but it's a big step up
Oh, I already have seen plenty of people say they've pre-ordered the expansion. I think cdpr is doing just fine :eek:.

they'll be fine but my point was that the launch disaster will always be a stain on their resume and people will be more skeptical going into Witcher 4 or the Cyberpunk sequel
they'll be fine but my point was that the launch disaster will always be a stain on their resume and people will be more skeptical going into Witcher 4 or the Cyberpunk sequel
Eh, I doubt it. You'd think people would be cautious about the expansion in that case, but they aren't.
Eh, I doubt it. You'd think people would be cautious about the expansion in that case, but they aren't.

we don't know that...there aren't any pre-order numbers that have been released...I'm sure more people are going to be skeptical and won't pre-order
we don't know that...there aren't any pre-order numbers that have been released...I'm sure more people are going to be skeptical and won't pre-order
Just saying a lot of people seem to be, while getting zero posts of "let's see how it is". Obviously there aren't preorder numbers, but the buzz is building.
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Still, I can’t wait to play it. I’m kind of obsessed with this game from a tech/hardware viewpoint.

I still feel like I haven’t really started the game yet at 150 hours - and I’m not joking.

I think I got about a quarter of the way through the campaign. I spent a crazy amount of time just wandering around the city, benchmarking the game in attempt to find decent settings. Finally my 4090 is running this game.

Again, can’t wait for this. Also waiting on Alan Wake 2.
Still, I can’t wait to play it. I’m kind of obsessed with this game from a tech/hardware viewpoint.

I still feel like I haven’t really started the game yet at 150 hours - and I’m not joking.

I think I got about a quarter of the way through the campaign. I spent a crazy amount of time just wandering around the city, benchmarking the game in attempt to find decent settings. Finally my 4090 is running this game.

Again, can’t wait for this. Also waiting on Alan Wake 2.
I got 191hrs into it and have not touched it since 8-25-21. I can't wait to see more shit talking with Silverhand!
Did they send you a new 4090?
Eh, I doubt it. You'd think people would be cautious about the expansion in that case, but they aren't.
I imagine that people are prepared to give CDPR the benefit of the doubt given the post release effort to fix the game and CDPR's acknowledgement that their reputation was seriously damaged.

Compare that to the likes of some other big publishers who couldn't give two fucks about how broken their games are and release a couple of half hearted patches to quell the rage knowing negative publicity will quickly die down once people move onto other things to be outraged about.

And now I have two. I bought a Founders because suddenly they were available.

I can’t believe you remembered that. LOL.
Lucky you!
I usually have a pretty good memory for an old man, but if you ask me what I had for breakfast yesterday....