Custom cooled 480's?


Aug 17, 2002
Seriously, where are all the super duper custom cooled GTX 480 cards? I know we have the EVGA superclocked version, but that is still using a reference cooler. Anybody heard any rumors about this? Going to buy at least one 480 in the next month or two and like the bling factor :D
Yeah, and it's a good card and everything, but I was hoping that maybe in the next few months someone would come out with a better cooler that still fit in the two slots. I haven't seen anything on the web, but maybe you guys have better rumor sources :p
For the past few iterations, there haven't been too many non-reference coolers that fit in the dual-slot layout. Looks like AMD and Nvidia have pretty much gotten a handle on what is possible in that form factor.
I have seen that cooler on other cards as well. It's nothing new, not sure why other MFGs don't use them. is it a copy right thing?
the stock cooling on the 480 isnt bad really, its a hot GPU no matter how you cool it, the artic cooling solution looks to be 3 slots, and dumping alot of heat into the case

the 480 cooler looks to be one of the best reference coolers ive seen to date, and it exhausts outside, short of water or a 3 slot solution i dont think youll find much improvement yet, they need to make the fans bigger or something to make them a bit quieter, but the sink is good