Could Hulk Hogan’s $115 Million Win Destroy Gawker?


Aug 20, 2006
I think the real question now is whether anyone will miss the site.

Denton…and AJ Daulerio, a former Gawker editor, had published and refused to take down a 2006 sex tape of Hogan and the wife of his best friend, DJ Bubba “the Love Sponge” Clem. Denton’s refusal to do so now stands as a fateful decision that could determine whether the 49-year-old publisher goes down as both creator and destroyer of Gawker Media. If the judge in the case imposes as $50m bond on Gawker, which its representatives say it cannot pay, the site and its nine ancillary publications could quickly collapse.
I won't miss Gawker, but Gawker Media has some good sites that are part of it that I might.
Jalopnik, Foxtrot Alpha, and Blackflag are the only ones I would miss if they went under.

Even Jalopnik has become heavy on the native ads though. I just don't go there anymore. It was a great place though several years ago, when they were doing the CTS challenge against Bob Lutz Group
I wonder, were they going for intentional cruelty and ruination, or just trying for "shock value" hits and took it too far?

In either case, if Gawker goes away, I will not miss them. Freedom of speech does sometimes carry a cost, isn't that what I keep hearing?
I was going to say I would miss Jalopnik, then I remembered that I already do because I stopped visiting because their content went down the tube a few years ago. Now they hire "car journalists" who can't even drive an automatic car around a track slowly.

Hulk Hogan (Terry Bollea) is definitely in the right here, it's blatantly obvious. $115 sounds excessive, but I guess the deterrent argument is there... That's a legal idea that doesn't exist in Canadian law so I'm not sure I understand it. What Gawker did is totally inexcusable so they probably do deserve to die. I wouldn't be too surprised if another media company doesn't buy out all the profitable assets though. They could end up carved up and purchased by several companies. That honestly might be the best outcome possible.
I wonder, were they going for intentional cruelty and ruination, or just trying for "shock value" hits and took it too far?

In either case, if Gawker goes away, I will not miss them. Freedom of speech does sometimes carry a cost, isn't that what I keep hearing?

Of course they were intentionally trying to hurt him. Gawker is a hit publication. They would love to ruin everyone with a penis that doesn't follow the 3rd wave feminist line of bullshit. The "article" was as much of a hit piece as the bullshit they pulled with the Conde Nast guy.
Oh, I was never a fan, they seemed to have so much of political lean that I wondered how they walked upright. I was just wondering if they were actually trying to ruin him, or if it was just a byproduct of their brand of yellow journalism.
Oh, I was never a fan, they seemed to have so much of political lean that I wondered how they walked upright. I was just wondering if they were actually trying to ruin him, or if it was a byproduct of their brand of yellow journalism.

Whatever was in the mind of the person writing the article Hogan's side proved intentional malice in the publication and in their continued actions.
This is but the first shuffling steps of a very long dance.

if they can even pay the bond, Florida requires you to put the settlement amount in escrow during any appeals... so they can't just drag it out forever for just lawyers fees

anyway I won't miss them at all
capped at 50M

that's still a lot of money, and as the op says

If the judge in the case imposes as $50m bond on Gawker, which its representatives say it cannot pay, the site and its nine ancillary publications could quickly collapse.
Gawker's argument was he talks about his sex life, so releasing his sex tape is news worthy. That's quite a leap in logic. I'm not surprised with a verdict in the millions and I hope they enjoyed that $11,000 they made when they released the tape.
Terry deserves every dollar he can get from any source after a lifetime of hard work and the losses he's suffered because of his son, daughter and ex-wife. As for Gawker, these are a bunch of guys who probably thought they could use the internet to get rich by being dicks to everybody and get away with it. I'm glad a jury got something right for a change and if Gawker goes away it will be a good lesson for all the internet writers, publishers and bloggers that there's no money to be made in being dicks to everybody.
This is what's known as "legal chemotherapy": the use of excessive doses of punitive damages in order to kill the cancerous growth.
Good, it wasn't "journalism", it was a hit piece.

From hitting record on the camera to hitting publish on the website. The entire thing was designed to ruin another persons life. Fuck 'em.

Yea I agree. I feel sorry for the guy(Hogan), betrayed by his friend who taped him without his knowledge and then showed it off. I haven't kept up with this but wasn't the story that Bubba had shown off the video in private and an employee stole it or something? For gawker I don't care, let this kill them. Props for Hogan for fighting this invasion of his privacy.
I fucking hope so. That place is a cesspool of nazi SJW cucks, if you disagree with them you're instantly waycisss and a nationalist or an 'insert attempt to derail discussion here'.

Not to mention the quality of fiction on that site (I won't even call it journalism), it's hardly ever fact checked..

I was going to say I would miss Jalopnik, then I remembered that I already do because I stopped visiting because their content went down the tube a few years ago. Now they hire "car journalists" who can't even drive an automatic car around a track slowly.

Jalopnik went to shit when gawker did the knee-jerk grey out bullshit to save the SJWs. It totally destroyed commenting. Not to mention, none of the fucking 'journalists' there (loosely used term) bar one or two, can actually A: drive a car properly B: know at least in a more than basic sense, how they work.
Then you get retards like Tavarish who think they know everything and suggest total shitbox money pits, because it makes for clicks.
It's like a bunch of people who know nothing about cars, trying to write about them because it makes money. The content, advertising, circlejerking and self-wank follow my image type of writing is just shit. That's why they are loosing numbers, good riddance.
I fucking hope so. That place is a cesspool of nazi SJW cucks, if you disagree with them you're instantly waycisss and a nationalist or an 'insert attempt to derail discussion here'.

Not to mention the quality of fiction on that site (I won't even call it journalism), it's hardly ever fact checked..

Their fiction didnt even inspire much, unless you count the twisted panties of the neckbeards and bootlickers.
I fucking hope so. That place is a cesspool of nazi SJW cucks, if you disagree with them you're instantly waycisss and a nationalist or an 'insert attempt to derail discussion here'.

Not to mention the quality of fiction on that site (I won't even call it journalism), it's hardly ever fact checked..

Yep. It's actually a pity they turned into that. I don't know about all the sites, but I know some Gawker sites had really good writers on their staff, that just fell into the Gawker mind set and got ruined. I used to really like reading Patrick Klepeck's stuff when he was at Giant Bomb. It generally had a "feminist" or "SJW" slant to it, but it was well written and he explained his points and opinions well. He would give something to think about and, at the time, seemed like he wanted to push topics into the spotlight to get them talked about. He seemed to really care about opening a dialog with people that disagreed with him and sharing those thoughts. Even when he talked about online harassment he never called for censorship or fully took Quinn's side, instead he would talk about the issue and why it's important. As soon as he joined Kotaku that all went to shit. He became just as brainwashed and die-hard SJW as the rest of them. He still had good articles from time-to-time but everyone feels too biased, too agenda focused now.
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for being built that way after the fact, I actually don't find heather clem that bad looking. But here in North Atlanta, it's pretty much walk 2 miles and see 15 of her.
Honestly, I'm surprised it's this that may bring them down. Considering only a few months ago, they outed a corporate exec in a 'piece' that's main source was a mentally unstable gay prostitute.
Good, it wasn't "journalism", it was a hit piece.

From hitting record on the camera to hitting publish on the website. The entire thing was designed to ruin another persons life. Fuck 'em.

Exactly. The editors here defending their position as if it's true journalism they are representing. Bunch of idiots. They stood behind their clickbait because it made them money.

They won't be missed and I sure hope this lawsuit takes them out of the picture.
I usually don't like any of Gawker content, mostly because I cannot get over their self righteous attitude in which the present everything.

They should not have posted the video and they should have taken it down when asked. Kinda bullshit. This is no different than revenge porn websites. They are making money off of Hulk Hogan without his consent. It's wrong.

EDIT: Fixed grammatical error...
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I'd just appeal if I were them. No way $60M for "pain and suffering" is legit since he never sought counseling or anything.
I'd just appeal if I were them. No way $60M for "pain and suffering" is legit since he never sought counseling or anything.

An appeal will probably bring the judgement down a bit, but they're still going to be paying out the ass, especially once punitive damages get added. I have absolutely zero pity for Gawker though. They deserve every single penny of the judgement against them. Pity the same can't be done to similar organizations that pretend to be journalists and hide behind "freedom of the press" to cover their bullshit.
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I wonder, were they going for intentional cruelty and ruination, or just trying for "shock value" hits and took it too far?

In either case, if Gawker goes away, I will not miss them. Freedom of speech does sometimes carry a cost, isn't that what I keep hearing?

They won't go away, worse case scenario as long as the sites are profitable is that the governing company goes bankrupt and sells the sites to some other entity to get cash to pay the judgement and it continues on.
They won't go away, worse case scenario as long as the sites are profitable is that the governing company goes bankrupt and sells the sites to some other entity to get cash to pay the judgement and it continues on.

That might be a good thing. Get rid of Denton and the other people running the group into the ground. Try to get some people in that can push all the sites back towards a more neutral, actual journalistic, tone instead of the crap they do now.
That might be a good thing. Get rid of Denton and the other people running the group into the ground. Try to get some people in that can push all the sites back towards a more neutral, actual journalistic, tone instead of the crap they do now.

That's actually what's supposedly been going on, ever since their hit piece on a gay executive a few months ago that led to the resignation of 2 of their editors.

Gawker is now focused on "Political" news.
Jalopnik, Foxtrot Alpha, and Blackflag are the only ones I would miss if they went under.

If Gawker Media goes bankrupt, the sites won't disappear, they would just be sold off. Perhaps would be tainted and shutdown, but it's trash site anyway.

BTW the Jury just tacked on another 25 Million in Punitive damages.
SJW double standards.

Bingo. Foxtrot Alpha has some really solid writing and interesting (and factual!) stories.

Some articles have some good info but overall, the whole FA section, reads like a CIA/cyber information officer shill piece. 'MURICA WAR PORN! 'Murica is best. Russia sucks. FSA/ISIS/Al Qaeda are not the same thing and were not supported by USA. Assad is the devil, ISIS is good.' etc etc..

God forbid you post factual information, opposing the article. The shill crew is on you in seconds.

That place can go die in a fire with the rest of SJWker.