Cops: U.S. Law Should Require Text Message Logs

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I can't imagine wireless providers wanting anything to do with this. What next, conversations recorded and stored? :rolleyes:

"Billions of texts are sent every day, and some surely contain key evidence about criminal activity," Richard Littlehale from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation will tell Congress, according to a copy (PDF) of his prepared remarks. "In some cases, this means that critical evidence is lost. Text messaging often plays a big role in investigations related to domestic violence, stalking, menacing, drug trafficking, and weapons trafficking."
I don't have a problem with this as long as they get a warrant and have the same burden of sufficient probable cause to get the warrant in the first place... same as a wire-tap.

And NO EXCEPTIONS for homeland security/domestic terrorism crap, which they like to wave around like a magic wand to apply to just about everything.
I don't have a problem with this as long as they get a warrant and have the same burden of sufficient probable cause to get the warrant in the first place... same as a wire-tap.

And NO EXCEPTIONS for homeland security/domestic terrorism crap, which they like to wave around like a magic wand to apply to just about everything.

That would be sensible, which of course means it will never happen. They're looking to set it up to log every text into a database for their convenience, and have a huge exception list to avoid warrants for access.

Huh, this would create a market for a smartphone app that basically encrypts your texts to any contacts that also have the app. The sad thing about these proposals isn't just how little concern they show for privacy concerns, but that circumventing it is trivial, and also creates huge databases for hackers to access and expose innocent people to identity theft and worse.
"In some cases, this means that critical evidence is lost. Text messaging often plays a big role in investigations related to domestic violence, stalking, menacing, drug trafficking, and weapons trafficking."

Bingo! It's about the drug money. The agencies themselves get to keep the money they seize, Tennessee agencies actually engage each other in turf wars.
What happened to good police work? Everything is a crutch these days. Freedom is so obnoxious.
Huh, this would create a market for a smartphone app that basically encrypts your texts to any contacts that also have the app. The sad thing about these proposals isn't just how little concern they show for privacy concerns, but that circumventing it is trivial, and also creates huge databases for hackers to access and expose innocent people to identity theft and worse.

You'd have to hope that the encrypted app maker is someone like Kim Dotcom who maintains a 100% hands-off policy with these encrypted texts so that if they're subpoenaed, there's nothing to give.
Last I checked, they could get a warrant for my text message history and see it that way anyway.

This just sounds like they want it all logged to them and open for access anytime they want.

I don't have a problem with this as long as they get a warrant and have the same burden of sufficient probable cause to get the warrant in the first place... same as a wire-tap.

And NO EXCEPTIONS for homeland security/domestic terrorism crap, which they like to wave around like a magic wand to apply to just about everything.

I have a HUGE fucking problem with this. This isn't about getting a warrant, this is about storing everything that's said, while some providers store for a short period this is due to their policy not that of the law. This is like doing wiretaps on everyone, then waiting to see if they can get a warrant to actually use said wiretaps against them.
Yeah, and Police officers and officials, out of their own pockets, have to pay the bill for all the storage and maintainence this would cost....

Call it the POH POH TAX :eek::rolleyes::cool:
Honestly, I'd be surprised if they weren't logging everything already. Logging text messages is relatively small (in data size) and easily compressible.
One last thing... there is a Federal law stating that only STATE POLICE can perform stops on the interstate highway system.... specifically to avoid redneck local cops setting up money making highway robbery traps to shake down out of state travelers. WTF.
I don't have a problem with this as long as they get a warrant and have the same burden of sufficient probable cause to get the warrant in the first place... same as a wire-tap.

And NO EXCEPTIONS for homeland security/domestic terrorism crap, which they like to wave around like a magic wand to apply to just about everything.

The only problem I have with this is that Government shouldn't force telecommunication companies to log our messages in the off chance they need a warrant for them. Sure most, if not all of them probably keep a history of our send and received messages already, but mandating it just irks me.
One last thing... there is a Federal law stating that only STATE POLICE can perform stops on the interstate highway system.... specifically to avoid redneck local cops setting up money making highway robbery traps to shake down out of state travelers. WTF.

Florida doesn't have a problem with that, more money for the state troopers. This is how bad Florida pans for that drug money gold,
We head deeper and deeper into the police state every time someone in "authority" opens their mouth. We The People are the authority and need to begin firing these morons in order to preserve our rights.
These and the people who support this can eat shit and die, go to hell, then fuck themselves silly til the fairy tale myth they believe in is proven false.

Especially the people who say "if you have nothing to hide" crap.

What is next? Government holding all mail til it's copied? Black boxes strapped to our neck to recorder anything we say? Glass houses, clear clothing?
National governments prove they can't keep up with private companies who use Carrier IQ or Google, Facebook, and Twitter. The Feds are sleeping at the helm and need to get on the ball.

On a side note, I think this is perfectly okay and see nothing wrong with it as long as it's tempered with proper judicial protocol (or not, I really don't care, actually). Really people, if you're not up to something, you haven't got any reason to be worried or to think you should have something worth hiding.
fuck it. I'm going back to snail mail and meeting in alleys.

I just pay a couple of guys to deliver messages for me. Texting is great for letting the grandkids know the pool is open, or that I got them a car or a puppy, but cell phones and computers have no place in the family business. We operate on handshakes and word of mouth.

I approve of these types of laws because they keep the idiots occupied with ridiculous games while the respectable businessman is left free to go about their day.
I can see where they are coming from. But why just limit it to TXT? They should be recording everything, including phone calls, web usage (including e-mail), paper correspondence, etc. I mean really the point here is to log communication, so there is little to no logic in restricting it to only one medium. If people know that TXT will be logged, all but the stupidest of criminals will just use something else that is just as accessible.

Oh wait, most of that other stuff has already been deemed legally secure....
Hell a lot of criminal activity is missed just because of people just talking face to face... Why not just plant recording devices into everybody's head at birth? bleh.
This is laughable. As if mobile operators do not record everything. Everything about each SMS is 100% recorded and goes to data warehouse at some point. Voice is a bigger challenge but not by much. Voice to text tech is pretty good these days.

I guess regular police doesn't have access to such records anywhere in the world but special agencies have enjoyed such privileges since the beginning.

What I would like to know is why are all those big corporations backing this bullshit. I have an idea, but I'd prefer other educated opinions. Even the crazy stuff :)
I think most carriers only retain data for a few days at best. Why the hell would they put forth the cost of recording on the stupid fucking "sup" "what ya doin" texts...

I never really understood texting to begin with. It's like I am too lazy to call and talk for 30 seconds, so I am going to spread 50 texts out over 30 minutes to accomplish the same thing... I had a girlfriend like that and it drove me fucking batshit.

I forget what state it is, but one of them passed a law that when a cop pulls you over, they can copy your phone... Fuck that. I see phone encryption getting more popular in the near future. Especially now that phones are starting to get strong enough to support it.
Really people, if you're not up to something, you haven't got any reason to be worried or to think you should have something worth hiding.

Comments like this make my blood boil. It's that kind of apathy which put us in the situation we are in now. Day by day our constitutional rights are being stripped from us. It's almost like we living in a George Orwell novel now, I wonder what it's going to be like for my children?
I forget what state it is, but one of them passed a law that when a cop pulls you over, they can copy your phone... Fuck that. I see phone encryption getting more popular in the near future. Especially now that phones are starting to get strong enough to support it.

Then the bastards will probably try to slap you with a obstruction of justice charge!
Then the bastards will probably try to slap you with a obstruction of justice charge!

haha, maybe. I know that when I got stopped in the airport, all they could make me do with my encrypted external was power it on. I wasn't going to budge beyond that no matter how insistent the mall cops at the airport got.

I am sure they have more "authority" now...
Then the bastards will probably try to slap you with a obstruction of justice charge!

haha, maybe. I know that when I got stopped in the airport, all they could make me do with my encrypted external was power it on. I wasn't going to budge beyond that no matter how insistent the mall cops at the airport got.

I am sure they have more "authority" now...
I forget what state it is, but one of them passed a law that when a cop pulls you over, they can copy your phone... Fuck that. I see phone encryption getting more popular in the near future. Especially now that phones are starting to get strong enough to support it.

That would be the Michigan State Police. When the Michigan ACLU submitted an information request, the MSP quoted a retrieval price of over $270,000 per document. It's all about sniffing out the drug money, and law enforcement will do anything to protect that revenue stream.

As you cross this nation law enforcement is not a monolith of lofty virtue, rather it's a patchwork of individual men and women with individual morays, prejudices, and corruptions.