Convincing logitech to replace a speaker


Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2003
Is there a way to convince Logitech to replace a speaker from a set I just bought? I would be willing to pay, it's just that my center speaker broke off the stand on my spanking-new Z-5500 speakers and they say the only option is to buy a whole new set.

Any solutions?
blow the speaker then try to get a replacement...
or use ducktape/super glue
GodSpeed said:
Is there a way to convince Logitech to replace a speaker from a set I just bought? I would be willing to pay, it's just that my center speaker broke off the stand on my spanking-new Z-5500 speakers and they say the only option is to buy a whole new set.

Any solutions?

I'm going to assume the plastic mount is whats broken.. use some 2 part epoxy it will be stronger then the original plastic.
:mad: That's really crappy customer service on Logitech's part, especially since you're willing to pay for the replacement. You should try contacting them one more time, and let them know what you think of their customer service if you can't buy a replacement part from them.
Just duct tape it like Max said then use them normally... They are logitech it's not a question whether they will break but when :)
I just used super glue when mine broke from a three foot fall, its good as new now.