Convert VMWare ESXi guest to Hyper V guest


[H]F Junkie
Jul 19, 2004
Has anyone gone through the steps of moving guests from a ESXi box to a Hyper V box?

In doing some poking around, have found some tools which convert the vmdk to vhd

Another approach I was thinking....just do a "P to V" using the Sysinternals tool....treat the VMWare guest like a physical box....ignore the fact that it's already a guest in VMWare land.
There are a bunch of VDMK to VHD tools that work well, and a bunch of How-to links of the net. They all boil down to this for a Windows VM:

1) Make sure that you have an IDE hard drive attached to the Machine BEFORE conversion (VMWare perfers virtual SCSI connection, and Hyper-V perfers virtual IDE).
2) Extract the VDMK, run the conversion to VHD format.
3) Attach HDD to Hyper-V Guest and boot.
4) Uninstall VMWare tools.

I've used this method sucessfully multiple times w/o issue. Typically is has taken longer to extract the VDMK than convert it :) The vmToolkit link is the tool that I've used.
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Forgot to follow up....
Used 5Nines converter. Due to the degradation of the original host servers RAID setup...took...oh, 30+ hours to move the 60 or so gig server to the new host. Ugh..was painful. Runs like greased lightening in the new Hyper-V host.

However...every 2 weeks or so the guest has an "unexpected shutdown". Will start a new post on that.