Computer with small children around


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2007
All indication point to me building a new system for my sister in then next couple months. I already have the internals pretty much figured out, but I'm stuck on the case.
She has two young children that love to play with all the buttons and repeatedly open and close the cd-rom tray and occasionally hang from it.
I'm looking to try and thwart this.

I'm horribly out of touch with any and all cases. When I build for myself it's Lian Li all the way. She doesn't have a budget for that.

Okay, what I really want to know is this; are there any cases on the market that have a locking front door and won't break the bank? And by locking I mean with a key so they can't pry it open and get at any of the buttons?

I've been browsing the egg, but not having much luck so far except for a $200 antec.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank You!

I do believe that Antec Sonata Proto will fit the bill quite nicely.

Searching for locking front door only came up with server parts, and a google search didn't do much better. Though I did find that P183, but was too pricey.

That Proto comes in at $60

And it has a big brother with a 500 watt power supply for $110.

I generally dislike the power supplies that are included with cases, but seeing as how it is antec it couldn't be that bad, could it?
I'm thinking along the lines of a gigabyte mobo and an athlon II x2, 2 hard drives, 1 optical, and maybe a 5750.
Oh yeah. Been there done that. Here are several:
Antec Sonata:

Antec P180 series:

The older version Thermaltake Soprano:

Chieftec Dragon:
Look on eBay for some of the older versions.

The Sonata is the easy answer for locking door, affordability, and availability. Whatever you get, make sure the door also covers the power and reset buttons as well.