Computer Predicts Seahawks Over Broncos

The only reason "You mad bro?" was a big deal was because by chance it was caught on camera and audio. It is widely acknowledged that Brady is a massive trash-talker so nobody should get in trouble for mild trash-talking to him. And objectively "You mad bro?" is really really really mild trash talk. Hardly worth mentioning really.
The reason why it's mentioned is because Sherman at the time was a rookie (or 2nd year... I forgot when it was) and he publicly threw it back in the face of a guy who's been around a while and is arguably one of the better QBs in the history of the NFL. It's one thing if here's a 7 year veteran saying it. But he went out of his way to get his face and say it. The whole "poor winner" term kind of applies here. And Tom Brady is hardly known as a massive trash-talker.

This isn't to defend the choke thing, which was clearly wrong. And his interview rant was also not a very good idea either. I am merely pointing out that Sherman is getting trashed for the sort of behavior that tons of other players get away with day in and day out simply because he does it a little more openly than most other players.
And that's the problem, is how open he with everyone. Someone sacks Cam Newton or Colin Kapernick and they'll do the superman or bicep kiss to mock. Sherman tips the ball away and rather than celebrating with his team mates sprints over to the receiver to offer his hand (and I'm guessing some words in mockery), gets pushed away then goes to run over to the QB who's already on the sideline to throw it in his face too. That's the kind of stuff that pushes it over the line, yes everyone trash talks, however there needs to be a level to hold it in, Sherman does it more openly than most other players as you said and that's the issue people always have with him, yet get labeled as Sherman "haters". What that man does is a work of art at the position, the term shutdown corner gets thrown around way too often but it applies very well to him, however it's his mouth getting in everyone's face that makes him seem like Terrell Owens (also in his time was an excellent receiver, but couldn't stop talking trash to the point the 49ers cut him... while he still at the top of his game).

Regardless of who's playing when I'm watching I just want to say "STFU and play football" to everyone involved, getting a tacky 15 yard penalty because you were too jacked up and excited and had to put it other people's face is just stupid regardless of who does it.

Also, both Thomas and Sherman are still on rookie contracts for this upcoming season. The Seahawk's will likely sign Thomas to a new contract this year anyway since that will let them soften his salary cap hit*. In fact the only "major" player the Hawks will likely have to give up on offense next year is Sidney Rice. The only major players on defense they will likely lose are Red Bryant and Chris Clemons. Overall it should be very much the same team, perhaps a tad softer against the run, but with a more explosive offense to make up for it.
True they're both on their rookie contracts, but in the 4th year the teams can negotiate an extension, this is often done simply so they don't become free agents after their 4th year and then makes it legal for ALL clubs to offer money at him. And someone with the skill level of Sherman and Thomas will get BIG bucks thrown their way from other teams, and no team really wants to take a risk that someone goes after the money more so than the team loyalty (which largely doesn't exist anymore), and they can only save one player with a franchise tag in any given season. So expect both of them to get signed to extensions, and those will be very pricey extensions. It's like Kapernick, he's going to cost the 49ers a lot of money for an extension, he's still under the rookie contract for another year but no one wants to let go a "franchise" player.
team loyalty (which largely doesn't exist anymore)

I will be really interesting to see how this plays out. A lot of these guys are here because they want to be a part of a happening team, and if the money thing is managed correctly this team could be multi year contenders.

Also, there is a pretty intense synergy with the fanbase here, to the point that I suspect that is worth something, we shall see.

I guess that's
Are posters unaware that Crabtree tried to start a fight, at Larry Fitzgerald's charity event, when Sherman attempted to shake his hand? This is where the an animosity began.
A computer simulation predicts the Seahawks you say???

I mentioned this story to a friend and he made s similar comment. :D I wonder, though, where the Prediction Machine is based out of.

The Predictalator was wrong last year, picking SF to win 28-21 (Ravens won 34-31) but was correct the past two before that.. in 2011 by picking Green Bay over Pittsburgh (predicted score was 22-19; actual score was 31-25) .. and correct in 2012 picking the Giants over the Pats by a score of 30-28 (actual score was 21-17).

What we really need is "Princess the Camel" who correctly predicted the winners of the past two Super Bowls (and several others in the past), but she was euthanized on Jan. 14. Her last prediction was Denver over San Diego which was played on Jan.12.
So basically, the "Predictalator" always chooses the NFC team?

Too bad about the camel. I wonder what the 538 guy (Nate Silver) picked. He's the one who is spot-on on predicting the presidential election winner.
Neither. Broncos in a rout. The old rules no longer apply, Offense > Defense. As a result, every simulation, which treats both equally, is flawed.

So the Seahawks made some new rules. Their defense just overwhelmed the #1 offense in the league, in spite of Peyton Manning setting a new record for completions in a Super Bowl game.

I'm serious about the new rules. Every team in the league who was paying attention will be making significant changes to their defense. The ones who don't will not make it to the playoffs.
So the Seahawks made some new rules. Their defense just overwhelmed the #1 offense in the league, in spite of Peyton Manning setting a new record for completions in a Super Bowl game.

I'm serious about the new rules. Every team in the league who was paying attention will be making significant changes to their defense. The ones who don't will not make it to the playoffs.
Peyton had a horrible passer rating, especially for his standards. Don't let his pass completion record fool you.

The computer doesn't lie. This can put to rest the prediction machine's alleged ties to Seattle via Microsoft. ;)