Comcast Plans Data Caps For All Customers

i think comcast locks you out of going business class if you exceed the 300GB "artifical" limit they impose now.

don't quote me on that tho
and the rape of the American people by corp America continues in hong kong 1gbps is like 20 bucks the companies tried to pull the shit they pull here would never fly overseas. free market only works to rape the consumer at every chance it gets

Love that you praise Hong Kong, the most laissez-faire place I can think of, and then turn around and say "the free market rapes people". :rolleyes:
I love FiOS at the moment, but you should be very wary of Verizon. They have long wanted caps but they haven't been able to get it because all their FiOS installs are in areas that have competitors that offer unlimited data. So bottom line, if FiOS gets moving again, anywhere their competitor is Comcast with caps, they'll offer FiOS with caps. And if this takes off expect it to spread everywhere. There is nothing these ISPs want more than for you to pay them per byte, with the monthly, and have your other services like youtube, netflix, amazon to pay them to send their content to you.
Just vote with your wallet guys. If you dont like Cable then switch to DSL. If you dont like DSL then go fuck yourself. So many choices.

You do realize that most people don't have that option right....Comcast is in a TON of markets where they are the only player in town. old house, the city gave Comcast a contract and didn't let any other providers in to sell internet service.
Jokes on them. Comcast is going to try and sell me off to another company so that they can merge with Time Warner!
What's the point of data caps? I mean, surely Comcast has a strong enough infrastructure to not need them, right?
Dont forget. 3.9 Million subscribers will go to charter. If your in Dark blue then your Comcast. If your Light Blue and Orange you wont be comcast.

I love when people say "vote with your wallet" .... who? The 2% that's upset about data caps? The other 98% don't give a shit and quite frankly, Comcast / Time Warner could give a shit less either.

MOVE .... like we did. Check the sig.... Google Fiber. We moved here as soon as we could so we wouldn't have to deal with this shit. Move to Austin, Kansas City or Utah or other cities getting Google Fiber. Or, stay where you're at and keep taking it in the ass. The internet is the future. Do you really want to be someones monkey?
I transferred nearly 1.4TB last month.

I just checked and we've only used 15GB since the 1st, which fits the around 30-50GB per month we normally use.

That's with 3 heavy computer users, working from home occasionally, phones, tablets, etc.
However we don't currently stream video or music, other than the occasional new story or youtube video,
so the usage is just web, email, games, etc.
MOVE .... like we did. Check the sig.... Google Fiber. We moved here as soon as we could so we wouldn't have to deal with this shit. Move to Austin, Kansas City or Utah or other cities getting Google Fiber.

Hate the high price Cox charges, but moving just to save a few bucks on internet access is not an option. House is mostly paid for, good neighborhood, work, family and friends are all reasonable close.

Hopefully in another 15 years I'll be looking at retirement, and there's a good chance I'll be looking to leave Taxifornia to move to a lower cost of living state. Internet access/cost will be one of the considerations on where I move, and someplace with the equivalent of Google fiber would be a huge plus.
"... for the 2% of customers that exceed it"

Running the numbers 21.7 million users, so 2% translates to over 400,000 people, this is not a small number, 2% seems small but 400k is a rather significant number. Then need to see how many of those 98% kiss that upper value but don't exceed it.

And what if they continue to keep the 2% rule? Eventually the 2% won't want to pay more and either move on or use so then the new 2% would lower the limit.
MOVE .... like we did. Check the sig.... Google Fiber. We moved here as soon as we could so we wouldn't have to deal with this shit. Move to Austin, Kansas City or Utah or other cities getting Google Fiber. Or, stay where you're at and keep taking it in the ass. The internet is the future. Do you really want to be someones monkey?

I'm happy for you, really am. Pretty sure though the vast majority of people (yes even on here) are really unable to move simply for decent internet access. I'm not one of those people, and even if I was, I wouldn't move just for Google Fiber.

Plus no way in hell I'm moving to Utah, Austin or KC.
At the moment I'm on Comcast. Paying $100 for 100/20mbit service, getting ~150/25mbit on speed test. No data caps ATM.
It sounds like they are gearing this towards the 2% that overwhelmingly use the most bandwidth.

I alluded to this in the other thread, but I'll call it out here. Relatively speaking, that 2% costs the ISP NOTHING. So many people don't understand the difference between bandwidth and monthly data. If person A and person B have a 50 Mbps connection, and person A uses 100 GB of data in a month, and person B uses 1000 GB of data in a month, what is the difference in cost to the ISP? It's almost nothing. You can buy a burrito at Taco Bell with the difference.

Data is not some finite resource that needs to be rationed. It's practically unlimited, and it should be priced as such. The only real cost to the ISP is in the infrastructure needed to sustain X number of customers at Y Mbps during PEAK hours. ISP's have no problem adding more customers and increasing speeds, even though that is specifically what costs them more money. But how dare you stream content throughout the day or download large files over night when it costs them zero. In fact, if grandma is checking her email right in the middle of peak hours, she is costing the ISP more money than someone who is downloading a 5 GB torrent at 3 am, but the downloader is the one who will hit the cap and be charged for it. The ISP's are fucking us right in the ass and too many people are too stupid to realize it, even some tech savvy people.
"... for the 2% of customers that exceed it"

Running the numbers 21.7 million users, so 2% translates to over 400,000 people, this is not a small number, 2% seems small but 400k is a rather significant number. Then need to see how many of those 98% kiss that upper value but don't exceed it.

And what if they continue to keep the 2% rule? Eventually the 2% won't want to pay more and either move on or use so then the new 2% would lower the limit.

Those 2% of people don't cost the ISP's shit. The only thing that matters is how many customers an ISP has, and they will gladly take on as many as they can get. !00% of the customers could use the same bandwidth as those 2% and it would barely affect the bottom line of the ISP.
I just checked and we've only used 15GB since the 1st, which fits the around 30-50GB per month we normally use.

That's with 3 heavy computer users, working from home occasionally, phones, tablets, etc.
However we don't currently stream video or music, other than the occasional new story or youtube video,
so the usage is just web, email, games, etc.

Then you are not apart of the real statistic. People generally stream everything now and a family of 4 can pile drive through 300gb cap in about a week with minimal effort.

1tb should be the standard and in no way are caps even justifiable anymore. FiOS doesn't have saturation issues like cable and caps make no sense for it now or the near future. Verizon knows people would exit in droves if it applied caps so they won't mess with that now.
No, a free market works for the benefit of the consumer; we don't have a free market, though. We have cronyism and municipality-granted franchise monopolies. That's hardly a free market.

If you want a "Free Market" for ISP's, I suggest you move to Europe where "Big Gubmint" actually created competition with a whole bunch of ISP's in a single city by the city or some other public entity owning the fiber and such that they then lease back to all the ISP's who have to offer low prices to attract and keep consumers.
And after having lived in Amsterdam and London, I can attest to the lower prices over there.
This really sucks. I don't understand how the internet is like the one market where there is just no competition. I don't even think I will hit the 250 gig that the cap will likely be, but it still sucks.
No, a free market works for the benefit of the consumer; we don't have a free market, though. We have cronyism and municipality-granted franchise monopolies. That's hardly a free market.

since when? a free market means you can charge whatever you want, if you can get away with it... Can of soda for $10? why not...
I love FiOS at the moment, but you should be very wary of Verizon. They have long wanted caps but they haven't been able to get it because all their FiOS installs are in areas that have competitors that offer unlimited data. So bottom line, if FiOS gets moving again, anywhere their competitor is Comcast with caps, they'll offer FiOS with caps. And if this takes off expect it to spread everywhere. There is nothing these ISPs want more than for you to pay them per byte, with the monthly, and have your other services like youtube, netflix, amazon to pay them to send their content to you.
I guarantee the cap will be just enough to make using Streaming TV impractical for most, killing cord cuttting. The entire point is to protect the TV cash cow.
since when? a free market means you can charge whatever you want, if you can get away with it... Can of soda for $10? why not...
A free market means competition. Not the monopoly encouraged situation modern governments create.
Once upon a time, governments were able to control themselves and actually encouraged competition. I think it has something to do with the press doing their job and not protecting their favorite politicians.

And since when has government intervention meant low prices and good service? Fucking seriously? Or flat out corruption?
If they roll this out on their business plans they're going to have lawsuits out the ass going on.
"Corporations are people too, my friend".

This brings up something I've wanted to know. if a corporation can be a person, well how can they also draw up contracts where you can't sue them for anything? Could I also make a contract that says if you plan to give me X service, if there's any legal matter you have to go through an arbitrator of my choosing to resolve it?
5 Roku's, two kids, all of our movies and most regular content streaming, plus my internet habit put me in the 1.2TB range last month as well. As soon as they start enforcing caps, I am going to have to go Business Class. I don't have any comparable-speed service, which sucks because I live in one of the biggest cities in the country. Its either Comcast's 57d/12u or DSL 6d/1u in my neighborhood.

Not sure about your kid(s), but my kid has a dozen videos or so he regularly watches.

Buy the dvds. Done. No need to go add $50-$100/MONTH to your bill for business class.
At the moment I'm on Comcast. Paying $100 for 100/20mbit service, getting ~150/25mbit on speed test. No data caps ATM.

I'm paying $140 for 50/10 Biz with 5 statics. I don't know anyone that can approach that in price or speed. I also have IPV6 connectivity. They have no competition.
If you want a "Free Market" for ISP's, I suggest you move to Europe where "Big Gubmint" actually created competition with a whole bunch of ISP's in a single city by the city or some other public entity owning the fiber and such that they then lease back to all the ISP's who have to offer low prices to attract and keep consumers.

But that would be evil socialism. Corporations do everything better. Just look at our ISP options!
Then you are not apart of the real statistic. People generally stream everything now and a family of 4 can pile drive through 300gb cap in about a week with minimal effort.

1tb should be the standard and in no way are caps even justifiable anymore. FiOS doesn't have saturation issues like cable and caps make no sense for it now or the near future. Verizon knows people would exit in droves if it applied caps so they won't mess with that now.

Stream over Lan. Better quality and no caps. You can buy a $200 NUC & a 5TB drive for a one time cost & do all your streaming of the (probably) zillions of dvds/blu-rays you already own. I looked recently & I have collected over 200+ movies (many of which I haven't watched in AGES) that I'm going to start watching again.
its like Canada, our Cable TV companies / Dish companies are also the monopolies for internet providers, any 3rd party internet providers need to go through their equipment (which our tax $ paid for)

but with UBB theyll make people think twice about replacing cable/dish with Hulu/Netflix etc... self serving
Pretty sad thing to see in this day and age, especially with almost everything being online now. This like going backwards and I really hope it doesn't become incentive for other companies to follow. I'm currently on FIOS and been really happy, Comcast service is pretty bad in our area and there isn't any other high speed internet provider.
There is a lot of new development in my region with small upstart ISP's offering fiber to the house and uncapped 50mbps+ service for reasonable prices (usually around $75/month but at least it's uncapped). Hopefully this is a new trend since it seems like they somehow have the ability to get premium level backbone access without relying on Comcast's infrastructure. I.E. competition.