Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth “Star Trek 4” Future in Doubt as Talks Fall Through


Aug 20, 2006
Superstars Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth are expected to walk away from Star Trek 4 due to a breakdown in salary negotiations: while both have been paid handsomely for their roles in superhero films, Paramount Pictures and Skydance Media attempted to move away from existing deals, arguing that Star Trek is not that kind of blockbuster.

The 2009 reboot that kicked off this run of movies, titled simply Star Trek, made $386 million while 2013’s Star Trek Into Darkness, is the top earner of any Trek movie, with $467 million. Meanwhile, Marvel, DC, or Star Wars movies regularly gross north of $700 million if not hitting $1 billion. Not for lack of trying, the Trek movies seem to have a ceiling, especially globally.
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Paramount better be careful that extra 25-30 million they are trying to save might not be worth it in the long run playing hardball.
Paramount better be careful that extra 25-30 million they are trying to save might not be worth it in the long run playing hardball.
Or it might.. do it with all unknown actors and see what happens? But yes there are a few actors that i will watch just because of them... Tom Hanks... I will watch him starring in dog turd.. the movie.. Denzel Washington pretty much the same.. maybe one or two more.. but these 2, meh..
It's unfortunate that Beyond didn't do that well. It was a decent movie that captured the feel of a good TV episode. Definitely better than the other trash that came out around that time (Suicide Squad, Ghostbusters, Skyfall...).

I actually like Into Darkness for the same reason. Seems like everyone wants to compare it to Wrath of Khan when it was really a retelling of the TOS episode Space Seed, except Dick Cheney wakes up Khan instead of Kirk.
So that makes another movie having issues.

Add star trek 4 to list of F&F series and Guadians of the galaxy series.

No wonder why there are no summer movies to see now.
Or it might.. do it with all unknown actors and see what happens? But yes there are a few actors that i will watch just because of them... Tom Hanks... I will watch him starring in dog turd.. the movie.. Denzel Washington pretty much the same.. maybe one or two more.. but these 2, meh..
Kurt Russel.
Guadians of the galaxy series

To be honest though I thought Vol. 2 was trash. The first one I've seen a dozen times and it never gets old...I feel asleep with the second one in theaters and was nearly bored blind the rest of the time. If it wasn't Drax making a "funny" then it was Baby Groot being "cute". I think we saw Pratt all of 10 minutes the whole movie...yeah, it was lame as fuck.
I'll miss the tired revenge themed storylines. /sarcasm

That's a good point, we have 3 movies with the same 3 storylines so far.

At this point they should just go balls to the wall with an all out war between species. The series needs to mix it up at some point. I want a summer blockbuster, not a late fall spy movie, they're already covered. Let the earth be blown to **** and be done with it. We need something more impactful than a family member dying.

To be honest though I thought Vol. 2 was trash. The first one I've seen a dozen times and it never gets old...I feel asleep with the second one in theaters and was nearly bored blind the rest of the time. If it wasn't Drax making a "funny" then it was Baby Groot being "cute". I think we saw Pratt all of 10 minutes the whole movie...yeah, it was lame as fuck.

The vol. 2 had an excellent plot, riddled with pacing issues, questionable moral positions, and a showdown that probably shouldn't've been overcome, but the pandering throughout the movie was really inexcusable. I know we live in strange times, but should we really be trying to appeal movies about mass murder and graphic killing to preschoolers?
That's a good point, we have 3 movies with the same 3 storylines so far.

At this point they should just go balls to the wall with an all out war between species. The series needs to mix it up at some point. I want a summer blockbuster, not a late fall spy movie, they're already covered. Let the earth be blown to **** and be done with it. We need something more impactful than a family member dying.

As cool it would be to see I think a large war themed movie wouldn't attract an audience. They need to make the story interesting, for example one of my favorite Star Trek films was about the Enterprise crew saving whales.
What? I thought this was already in production.
For a first season of modern Star Trek, it wasn't THAT bad. Look at how awful TNG, DS9, STV, Enterprise first seasons were and compare that to Discovery. It was actually solid.
No, it wasn't that bad, because it was much worse. It might be an OK scifi if you compare it to cheap series like the killjoys or dark matter, but it is not star trek. Not in the least bit. It is taking a giant shit on everything that ST is, and then rubbing it in our faces.
No, it wasn't that bad, because it was much worse. It might be an OK scifi if you compare it to cheap series like the killjoys or dark matter, but it is not star trek. Not in the least bit. It is taking a giant shit on everything that ST is, and then rubbing it in our faces.
Practically word for word what I was about to reply :)
I'd take the worst episodes of Star Trek over that pile of garbage any day.

And now they've apparently killed the Star Trek canon and what we know as Star Trek is to be burried forever going forward. Unbelievable.
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What do you expect when your leads are well known and you want them to make multiple movies without contracting for ALL OF THEM AHEAD OF TIME.
Hemsworth I could care less about . . . .replace him in this role.

In the case of Pine, he made a career choice being one of the most recognizable character names in SCI-FI and franchise history. He is going to have to deal with it.
It was Star Trek by name only, anyway. The least they could do is put it out of its misery. Oh, and STD can go fuck itself.

What a thoughtful post.

I've never read such a clear and well thought out explanation of why the new films and Discovery suck so much. I guess I'm an idiot and just not capable of appreciating Star Trek on your level. I should be ashamed of myself for getting into Star Trek because of the new material. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights with us.
What a thoughtful post.

I've never read such a clear and well thought out explanation of why the new films and Discovery suck so much. I guess I'm an idiot and just not capable of appreciating Star Trek on your level. I should be ashamed of myself for getting into Star Trek because of the new material. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights with us.
If you don't know why STD or films are not Star Trek in canon, writing, feel, goal, direction, cinematography and every other aspect, there is nothing I could explain to you. Even if we accept it as just a random Sci-Fi show, it has bad writing and characters. Ray is an exemplary written character compared to Michael and that is the worst insult I can think of for a leading role.
I was thoroughly entertained with Star Trek Discovery. I think a bunch of people didn't make it past the first two episodes and they thought that was the show. There were plenty of great moments. For example, the mission where they sneak onto the Klingon ship to defeat it's stealth and then blow it out of the sky with photon torpedoes was epic!
I'm happy to know that both guys are willing to stick with the contract they signed considering they both are becoming huge movie starts. Either could of said they want to renegotiate the deal.

Either way, I'm more interested in the prime universe expansion that's taking place.
I was thoroughly entertained with Star Trek Discovery. I think a bunch of people didn't make it past the first two episodes and they thought that was the show. There were plenty of great moments. For example, the mission where they sneak onto the Klingon ship to defeat it's stealth and then blow it out of the sky with photon torpedoes was epic!
Fuck yeah, I've always watched Star Trek for the cool explosions!
Coming from a recovering trekkie (and I have not watched a single STD, nor do I have one in real life, yuk yuk)... the reboot movies haven't panned out for me. Not that Chris Pine doesn't make an acceptable Kirk, but he's only as good as the writing.

That being said, I would pay cash money to see a big screen, raunchy, Orville. I love the hell out of that show.
Chris Hemswort, had to look up who he was; he should take whatever he can get. As for Pine, ever since Into Darkness where one of his lines was, "You're a Cimmm-in - al !!!" he lost my vote for decent actor. I say find another young looking Kirk look-a-like and be done with Pine.

Chris Pine must think he's some major box office draw...sorry Pine, no one is seeing Wonder Woman or the Star Trek movies for you...

I thought Scotty was well done and especially Spock not to mention Kahn ... all three did a stellar job
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Chris Pine must think he's some major box office draw...sorry Pine, no one is seeing Wonder Woman or the Star Trek movies for you...

That's how Hollywood works. Star in major movies and your value goes up, star in flops and it goes down. WW was a big movie and Pine got a lot of, mostly well deserved, praise for his role. I'm sure he gets a lot of offers for roles now days and doesn't have to accept less pay. If Paramount isn't willing to offer what the movie industry deems he is worth then I don't blame him for saying no. Its no different from any industry, if a company wants you and isn't willing to pay what you're worth you either negotiate or walk away.
Trek died after Nemesis. CaCan say Nemesis was all that great but at least it was still within the boundaries of the subtle feel that the tv episodes gave off. It most certainly wasnt the star wars competitor that michael bay portrays with the massive amount of cgi and 1-liners throughout these reboots.

Im hoping the new show with Picard is promising but im not putting all my cards on the table sincesCBS ruined trek with Discovery.
Chris Hemswort, had to look up who he was; he should take whatever he can get.
I think he's set for life after Marvel.

You sure about that?
No, not sure, but seeing the main people around Picard's new show, Star Trek rights issues and current owners, it doesn't look good. Then there's this rumor going around lately:

If you don't know why STD or films are not Star Trek in canon, writing, feel, goal, direction, cinematography and every other aspect, there is nothing I could explain to you. Even if we accept it as just a random Sci-Fi show, it has bad writing and characters. Ray is an exemplary written character compared to Michael and that is the worst insult I can think of for a leading role.

cause Michael. Once she's dead in the show, others might give it another chance.
For a first season of modern Star Trek, it wasn't THAT bad. Look at how awful TNG, DS9, STV, Enterprise first seasons were and compare that to Discovery. It was actually solid.

At least all those other series didn’t shit all over the franchise and it’s fans like Discovery does. Hell, they go so far as to enjoy insulting true Trek fans, as it is easier than fixing the problems with the series.

Discovery, or ‘Disco’ as it’s gay fans love to call it, is absolutely nothing to do with Trek.
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What do you expect when your leads are well known and you want them to make multiple movies without contracting for ALL OF THEM AHEAD OF TIME.

This has always been a problem with Trek. They start out with almost unknown actors, then by the time the second movie comes out, we have actors demanding the writers do what they want the characters to do, and the demands for pay and more say over how the film is shot also begin.

This is why Trek has always been so mediocre on the big screen, as so much money and effort goes in to the massaging the actors egos, and lining their pockets. And it only gets worse as each movie goes on. This is exactly why the TNG movies killed the franchise for so long. Patrick Stewart demanding his character be changed to an action hero, Brent Spiner demanding writer status just to get more screen time and money... As much as I love those two, they are, just as much as the studio for giving in to their demands, responsible for killing TNG, and prime universe Trek in general.

And now we have Patrick Stewart billed as a producer on the next Trek TV show, as well as acting in it... Not good for Trek at all. Patrick is a phenomenal actor, and is amazing as Picard, but he was awful once he had power over the writers and producers.
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The current Star trek movies need to -

1. Find some decent ORIGINAL scripts.

2. Have an ending that doesn't result in Kirk/Spock punching the hell out of the main dull bad guy for 15 minutes.

As for Discovery, I really like it and enjoy it all the more as it messes with stuck in the mud neck-beard fans crying in their parents basement. Lovely!