360s in stock!!

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Kaizer said:
Bundles again.. and overpriced ones at that. So not hot.

You can remove everything but the system and the additional wireless controller. You could even take that controller back to CC locally since it'll have a seperate SKU.

Premium system + 1 additional wireless controller = $481.48 after tax (free shipping)
xbox out of stock. You can remove individual items from the bundle and just get the xbox
gone now lol.. (glad I got mine @ launch, sry for those of you that missed out yet again) :(
Think if I was going to get one, I'd just order it from Japan, where oddly there is no "shortage". :rolleyes:
Well I'm not going to say that the "shortage" is all of MS's fault, but there is a hiccup somewhere and I'm not sure who to put the blame on. I just hope that Sony tries to do the best they can by releasing enough units to meet MOST of the demand and not to the point where people scavenge for any deal they can get on one, even if it means spending twice the price paid .

Then again it probably doesn't help that the 360 was released in Nov. and near the holidays, which is most notably known as the time of year when people do quite a bit of spending.
M$ is a publicly traded company - selling a brand spanking new product comprised of processors that have never been used in regular retail products before.

If there was even a hint that M$ was doing this on purpose, every financial analyst in the world would immediately stop penning their latest "Phantom R0xx0r5" article to bash them.
Nomad said:
M$ is a publicly traded company - selling a brand spanking new product comprised of processors that have never been used in regular retail products before.

If there was even a hint that M$ was doing this on purpose, every financial analyst in the world would immediately stop penning their latest "Phantom R0xx0r5" article to bash them.

Truer words have never been spoken...
I think the hiccup is launching in three regions of the world all within a month or so of each other.
Z(+)DIAC said:
Well I'm not going to say that the "shortage" is all of MS's fault, but there is a hiccup somewhere and I'm not sure who to put the blame on....

There's no shortage, it's a scam, to boost media hype. It is always a scam, dating back to the original release of the Nintendo. Possibly earlier, but that's the first one I can remember.
vbrtrmn said:
There's no shortage, it's a scam, to boost media hype. It is always a scam, dating back to the original release of the Nintendo. Possibly earlier, but that's the first one I can remember.

There was an ample supply of the orginial NES, It was released in SEP 85, and there were plenty of units available for christmas. Same thing with the Super NES, they released it in SEP 91 so there would be plenty around for christmas.
Nomad said:
M$ is a publicly traded company - selling a brand spanking new product comprised of processors that have never been used in regular retail products before.

If there was even a hint that M$ was doing this on purpose, every financial analyst in the world would immediately stop penning their latest "Phantom R0xx0r5" article to bash them.

Not to mention MS is basically in a war with Sony. This war can only be won by getting a lot of 360's out there before the PS3 drops. MS does not want a shortage any more than we do.... If they did a shortage on purpose they would have flooded the market with surplus consoles by now to cash in on the is 4 days til Christmas and I dont see a flood of consoles. You conspiracy theorists are all wrong...
picked one up at my local CC this morning -_- (well it was the one in st pete)
Spazilton said:
There was an ample supply of the orginial NES, It was released in SEP 85, and there were plenty of units available for christmas. Same thing with the Super NES, they released it in SEP 91 so there would be plenty around for christmas.

I seem to remeber looking for Super Mario 3, which was for the NES, it was suposedly out of stock, oddly, around christmas time. :rolleyes:
Well I would figure that M$ knows how it is going with production long before launch. So if the numbers don't match, as in what they expect will sell and how many they can get out, they should have delayed the launch until they have the proper inventory numbers. But I think they figure they have a few months before PS3 comes out, so might as well release the Xbox360 in quantities, get the hype up, the demand up, and then right before the PS3 comes out, use the hype and truly mass release...I bet you that this "production problem" will suddenly disappears a few weeks before M$ gets wind of the PS3 release.
So, it is not a scam as it is legal. Instead it is a marketting ploy and unfortunately, one that works for so many people (mental state questionable) who are willing to spend 2x to 4x the MSRP.
It is not like they shipped 20 units!?!

I don't remember what the numbers are specifically - but I think that they have shipped over 1 million units so far. - maybe that number is the 3 Million that M$ predicted a couple of months ago.

Also - it is not like the shortage actually benefits M$. Every 2 weeks that goes by is another paycheck that you could be using to buy games for their system. Economically speaking - this shortage does not benefit anyone.
I got my order in for a premium. Removed everything but the system and the extra wireless controller, total shipped was 482 (damned tax)

It was in stock for all of like 7 minutes this morning.
They said they could ship 3 million in 90 days from launch. That is world wide I believe.
Z(+)DIAC said:
Well I'm not going to say that the "shortage" is all of MS's fault, but there is a hiccup somewhere and I'm not sure who to put the blame on. I just hope that Sony tries to do the best they can by releasing enough units to meet MOST of the demand and not to the point where people scavenge for any deal they can get on one, even if it means spending twice the price paid .

Then again it probably doesn't help that the 360 was released in Nov. and near the holidays, which is most notably known as the time of year when people do quite a bit of spending.

The hiccup is with IBM.

Xbox360 was supposed to use 65nm chips. Currently, it's using 90nm chips.

I dont think the 360 will be in great supply until IBM fixes that hiccup.