Cannot see news subforum

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[H]F Junkie
Mar 18, 2010
For some reason, for the past 3 months or so I cannot access the news/front page subforum. Any idea what's going on? I'm pretty sure it's specific to my account, as when I log out, I can see and access it.
You have been locked out of that forum. For some reason I can only pull up your last 200 posts, so I can't find the post in the News Forum that would have been the cause of the lockout.
You have been locked out of that forum. For some reason I can only pull up your last 200 posts, so I can't find the post in the News Forum that would have been the cause of the lockout.

I see, that's what I thought. But doesn't the lockout expire after a certain amount of time? Because it's been probably 3 months or more since the lockout happened.
No, there is no expiration on exclusions. It is an on/off feature. If you remember the thread and who you were engaging (Steve or Kyle), you need to contact him about reinstatement.
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