Calling all scripters, need robocopy vss help


Apr 11, 2005
I am going to be mirroring a server for work for replacement before going onsite. I have a script that works well but its without the vss writer causing issues with profile paths as well as some locked file. Here is the script I have now

Cd \
Net use Y: \\XXXX-fp01\d$
Net use Z: \\XXXX-fp01\e$
For /f "eol=# tokens=1,2," %%a in (d:\folders.txt) do robocopy %%a:\%%b .\%%b /MIR /v /r:0 /w:0 /copyall /log:d:\robolog-%%b.txt

the XXXX in the server name is where I would put the first part of the server name as we have a 4 digit site code for each server in our wan. The folders.txt would look like this and the folders needed are split on two physical drives

Z Profiles

I am now trying to add the vss writer on top of this as explained here :

I am trying to figure out how I can still map the two physical drives and still have it perform the loop to copy all four directories with the VSS writer. If it was a single drive and didnt need the loop I think I could do it but I am lost at this point. Please help.
if all you want to do is mirror some directories, why not use DFS replication? much simpler.
I am not allowed to use DFS, its the clients rules as I am a consultant. I ship the replacement server onsite and setup the scipt. That way when I arrive I do a manual kickoff of the scipt, checks the mirror directories and then dcpromo the old server and take it off permanantly. I would use the backup switch on robocopy but it causes it to hang with one of the Point of Sale applications they are using. The VSS writer will work on this software.

I have written a test script now but unsure if I can use vshadow on a mapped network drive.