Call of Duty's Battle Royale Mode is Free for a Week


Mar 3, 2018
Acitivision is hosting a free one week trial for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's "Blackout" battle royale mode. Between now and noon CST on January 24, you can jump into Blackout's 100 man fights at no charge, and Activision mentions that they have "duo" and "quad" modes for players that want to jump in with friends.

Check out the trial's trailer here.

Merits and Black Market progress will also carry over into the full game, should you decide to upgrade and get the complete Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 experience. The Blackout Free Trial is available for download right now on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC exclusively on Blizzard, so drop in and join the fight with the Call of Duty community.
I think I'll pass.

Not even free could make me play any form of Call of Modern Battlefield, and adding a Battle Royale mode just makes it worse.

Don't get me wrong, I've played PUBG, but it was not for its battle royale mode. Its only redeeming quality IMHO is the fact that in First Person mode its actually a semi-reasonable tactical shooter. Call of Duty and Battlefield have never come close. Run and gun garbage.
I think I'll pass.

Not even free could make me play any form of Call of Modern Battlefield, and adding a Battle Royale mode just makes it worse.

Don't get me wrong, I've played PUBG, but it was not for its battle royale mode. Its only redeeming quality IMHO is the fact that in First Person mode its actually a semi-reasonable tactical shooter. Call of Duty and Battlefield have never come close. Run and gun garbage.

Never really felt any game where you run and shoot using a keyboard and mouse ever felt any more than 'run and gun'. :p

I do enjoy the feel of call of dutys royale moreso than pubg. The armor gets a bit crazy though. Been meaning to give Ring of Elysium a try though, looks interesting.

Battlefield 4 might be pretty high up there in my most fun shooter list.
i got really excited after 2 days on the beta and pre ordered blops 4. i hadnt bought a full priced game in maybe 10 years. they fooled me, NEVER AGAIN. the depth of gameplay was wafer thin in blackout and i wish i could get my money back. sadly PUBG is somehow better, and a lot more fun.
Blackout is simply amazing .... DrDisrespect no longer plays PubG because of how fluid and fast and destructive Blackout is.

Everyone I know loves it.

And no, hell no PubG is not better. It's slow ... terribly slow ... Blackout destroys it 10x over in every category.
Definitely going to give this a whirl. The last FPS I bought with a "modern" PC (Q6600/Radeon 6970) was the first Black Ops.

I need something to justify my GTX 1070 from eBay.

PUBG, BFV, Hunt Showdown are also on the to try list. In these days with no game demos, it's hard to drop $60 to find out a game is trash or doesn't feel/play like you thought it would. Love the free weekends and such that pop up like this.
Giving it a shot tonight, i've been intrigued by their version of BA, But definitely not willing to pay fullprice for a 3rd of a game.
I'll take a good story driven shooter (like the first three Mass Effects) over something with a "Battle Royale" mode any day... Too bad game developers aren't listening.
Giving it a shot tonight, i've been intrigued by their version of BA, But definitely not willing to pay fullprice for a 3rd of a game.

They actually have a cut down version for $40 which is just MP and BR; though I see on Battle.Net right now there's a sale on so +Zombies is also $40.
I'll take a good story driven shooter (like the first three Mass Effects) over something with a "Battle Royale" mode any day... Too bad game developers aren't listening.

I agree 100%, but they gotta follow the money of which I can understand that too.

Still plenty of games I would love to see out there again but the market moves away from us sometimes. Though I do enjoy zombie games so I was fine when that was all the craze.
it's 85GB!!! We only get to play the Battle Royale mode for free, right? can't they just install that portion?

Just came in here to mention the same thing.

85GB for the install.
After I installed the client last night to check on the size of the game, was just blown away.
I have a VERY hard time believing just the battle-royale aspect of the game needs the full 85GB.
Ridiculous they couldn't have put out a Blackout only game client.

Not worth my gigs for a week trial of a game that I am super interested in, but not enough to justify an expenditure.
I'm ashamedly on the bandwidth train as well. My gigs are worth more to me than the 5 minutes Ill play of this.
it's 85GB!!! We only get to play the Battle Royale mode for free, right? can't they just install that portion?

Exactly why i've been hesitant to click download. sure it wou'd take but a couple hours or so but still.
So I should drop everything and play COD. LOL.

I have a Cooking Stove to find and have no time for this frivolity. I bought plans for the Wood Stove and its just that, no cooking. I bought plans for the Kitchen Stove, that does not cook either. I have to find the ones for the 'Cooking Stove' which will allow me to have a stove in my kitchen.

Hell I have Laminate Flooring, Brick Walls, a Pool Table and a Grand Piano among other things, but I still gotta cook on a fucking Camp Fire.

Literally unplayable. ;)
Not even if they paid me. Well maybe for $1000 / hour I'd do it. But I doubt I'd be able to do more than an hour even then.
Blown away how smooth and fast paced Blackout is after a few hours of the trial last night. Trying to get the hang of a lot of the abilities and figure out what weapons are good but it's pretty fun with little down time.
I haven't tried it yet but from the gameplay videos I watched it seems super fast and fluid. Someone has to do a sci-fi shooter of this mode. I am sick of slow games and ironsights