Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Trailer

My 14-year-old xbox fan stepson even made fun of the trailer.

Could this be a sign that the mass teenage hordes are finally growing leery of this franchise milking?
Zarathustra[H];1038682934 said:
My 14-year-old xbox fan stepson even made fun of the trailer.

Could this be a sign that the mass teenage hordes are finally growing leery of this franchise milking?

The irony is that, if it looked exactly like MW3 or BO, they probably would have gulped it down.

All the futuristic mumbo-jumbo juxtaposed with horses is just too confusing for people who are used to getting the same thing over and over and over. :p
People bitch and moan that the game is so linear so when they put in a little more variety but now I hear "It's shit because it's not Fallout". What the fuck?

There's a big difference between "a little variety" and a good game. The Fallout and STALKER series offer true open world play with imaginative settings and RPG type elements. They beat these linear clones by a mile.
I don't understand what people expect to get out of first person shooters these days. I mean there's only so much you can do with the genre at this point except make the graphics better. That's not happening obviously, but what if it WAS happening? There would still be nothing more you can really do for the genre even if we did get insanely amazing graphics.

I mean seriously what the hell does everyone want? A revolutionary first person shooter? Good luck with that. Not only is the MW series oversaturated...but the genre itself is played out entirely. There's not a lot more that can be done to "un-stagnate" the FPS genre as a whole.
QFT. Gamers just like to complain about everything because all of them know all about developing AAA titles, running a multi-million dollar gaming company, and what the masses want.

I -expect- that they update their engine. They have the money, they have the resources. I -expect- them not to release the same game on the same engine over and over and over again because idiot fanboy's will throw their money at them. I -expect- professionalism and standards.
Interesting, show me where in their balance sheet that they have all this money and resources laying around not being used. Don't worry, I'll wait.

People bitch and moan that the game is so linear so when they put in a little more variety but now I hear "It's shit because it's not Fallout". What the fuck?

It's just a bad game. You know how no one bitches about the shooting mechanics in Fallout, or the story in BF3? Because they aren't bad games.

People bitch and moan plenty about BF3 and Falllout. You just conveniently forgot while constructing your current point of view.

You expected a new engine year after year? SMH. Graphics are good enough, just make a new story and run with it. I don't expect my books to improved ink and paper quality every new story that comes out. And I don't see how people can be so out of touch about the horses. The story seems to be technology turning against the people. So a fair and logical assumption is that they had to use horses since all the tech is trying to kill them. This speaks to the current fear/reliance of/on technology nowadays. Seems interesting enough for me to try it once it hits the bargain bin. Until then, I'll be playing BF3 and enjoying the shit out of the games I like.
Zarathustra[H];1038682934 said:
My 14-year-old xbox fan stepson even made fun of the trailer. Could this be a sign that the mass teenage hordes are finally growing leery of this franchise milking?
Couldn't say, but Kim Kardashian is still all in.
You expected a new engine year after year? SMH. Graphics are good enough, just make a new story and run with it. I don't expect my books to improved ink and paper quality every new story that comes out.

The book analogy is completely unrelated and invalid, for one.

Also, CoD's engine hasn't really looked all that much improved since CoD4 IMO.
The book analogy is completely unrelated and invalid, for one.

Also, CoD's engine hasn't really looked all that much improved since CoD4 IMO.

Agreed the book analogy was a stretch but it was speaking more towards the viewpoint that its not going to be a new engine with all these groundbreaking features but just a platform to tell a new story. Therefore I don't expect it to be a a crazy graphical increase from game to game especially given its 1 year turnover rate. I'm not much of a graphics whore since I grew up with 8bit Super Mario Brothers. If it's fun and/or tells a good enough story then boom, I'm in.

To put it in perspective I haven't played a multi-player COD game since MW2. I've been on the battlefield scene since Bad Company 2. I just borrow my friend's copy to play the single-player for a dose of somewhat mindless fun and a good story. But I don't waste time declaring hate on the game because they didn't re-invent the wheel for every release. I'm not saying you, Maverick, are doing that but as you can see from this thread, there is a lot of people guilty of doing so.
Agreed the book analogy was a stretch but it was speaking more towards the viewpoint that its not going to be a new engine with all these groundbreaking features but just a platform to tell a new story. Therefore I don't expect it to be a a crazy graphical increase from game to game especially given its 1 year turnover rate. I'm not much of a graphics whore since I grew up with 8bit Super Mario Brothers. If it's fun and/or tells a good enough story then boom, I'm in.

To put it in perspective I haven't played a multi-player COD game since MW2. I've been on the battlefield scene since Bad Company 2. I just borrow my friend's copy to play the single-player for a dose of somewhat mindless fun and a good story. But I don't waste time declaring hate on the game because they didn't re-invent the wheel for every release. I'm not saying you, Maverick, are doing that but as you can see from this thread, there is a lot of people guilty of doing so.

True. I guess my thinking is (and possibly others), that instead of cranking out the same thing every year, they could take a 2-3 year release cycle (like many other developers) and put out higher-quality products.

I agree that you can't except a lot from a yearly release, but the root problem is that it's a yearly release in the first place.
True. I guess my thinking is (and possibly others), that instead of cranking out the same thing every year, they could take a 2-3 year release cycle (like many other developers) and put out higher-quality products.

I agree that you can't except a lot from a yearly release, but the root problem is that it's a yearly release in the first place.

I definitely believe there is a chance for them to do so, but its not guaranteed it'll be a higher quality product. There is risk involved. Plus way too many people buy it as is for them to even see the same "problem" we would see. I figure the best we can do is just enjoy what we can given what we have available to us.

Now back a couple of posts I said I wasn't much of a graphics whore. Well, that is not entirely true. When I play BF3, I just marvel at the sheer beauty of that game. I upgraded my hardware to attain that level of beauty as well. But we are enthisiasts, and gaming is big money nowadays. Our niche group doesn't have as much say as we used to.
Zarathustra[H];1038683822 said:
Who gives a flying fuck what some reality tv show bimbo thinks?

I think he was being facetious with that comment. That link was hilarious though, you gotta admit.
I don't understand what people expect to get out of first person shooters these days. I mean there's only so much you can do with the genre at this point except make the graphics better. That's not happening obviously, but what if it WAS happening? There would still be nothing more you can really do for the genre even if we did get insanely amazing graphics.

I mean seriously what the hell does everyone want? A revolutionary first person shooter? Good luck with that. Not only is the MW series oversaturated...but the genre itself is played out entirely. There's not a lot more that can be done to "un-stagnate" the FPS genre as a whole.

To a certain point you are right, but there are still big differences between FPS games.

I - for one - will never touch the CoD/BF/Whatever franchise. It's a royal unrealistic mess of run and gun environments, teenage douchebags and a total lack of a strategy element to the game play.

The S.T.A.L.K.E.R series was - however - fantastic and new feeling with its massive environments and interactiveness.

Right now the only FPS I am enjoying is Red Orchestra 2. While occasionally buggy it is so far ahead of any other recent multiplayer FPS in terms of strategy, interestingness and to a certain extent, realism, that once I've gotten used to it, I can't go back to other FPS games anymore. Counter-Strike - which I used to really enjoy - just feels childish, and the COD series? Forget about it...

I enjoy RO2 so much that after making fun of them for the last 15 years, I actually joined a clan, a weird experience for me.

I guess my point is, yes. FPS games can be improved on from a dynamics, environment, etc. perspective, and when done right, the games are truly amazing, as opposed to CoD which is just full of a bunch of immature teenage douchebags with zero attention span or patience who seem to like to say "gay" and talk smack a lot. I couldn't be less interested.
Zarathustra[H];1038683865 said:
To a certain point you are right, but there are still big differences between FPS games.

I - for one - will never touch the CoD/BF/Whatever franchise. It's a royal unrealistic mess of run and gun environments, teenage douchebags and a total lack of a strategy element to the game play.

The S.T.A.L.K.E.R series was - however - fantastic and new feeling with its massive environments and interactiveness.

Right now the only FPS I am enjoying is Red Orchestra 2. While occasionally buggy it is so far ahead of any other recent multiplayer FPS in terms of strategy, interestingness and to a certain extent, realism, that once I've gotten used to it, I can't go back to other FPS games anymore. Counter-Strike - which I used to really enjoy - just feels childish, and the COD series? Forget about it...

I enjoy RO2 so much that after making fun of them for the last 15 years, I actually joined a clan, a weird experience for me.

I guess my point is, yes. FPS games can be improved on from a dynamics, environment, etc. perspective, and when done right, the games are truly amazing, as opposed to CoD which is just full of a bunch of immature teenage douchebags with zero attention span or patience who seem to like to say "gay" and talk smack a lot. I couldn't be less interested.

We are all privy to our own opinions and whether a game is good or not is at its foundation, highly subjective. But like you said earlier it keeps the retards away from the games you like.

I joined an informal clan for BF3 and I experience none of that non-strategic, run and gun foolishness that you seemed to. I used to run and gun while taking care of objectives at my whim and I ran into an opposing squad that worked together and man did I get pwned time and time again, I mean it was like they were cheating or something. I tried RO personally and well I hated it. It was just boring to me. So it does make sense that if you are such a big fan of RO's gameplay style you wouldn't like the more higher paced gameplay of BF3, and.... yea COD.

I like COD's existence because it brings me easy kills when those fans try to play BF3 and then quit once they are frustrated from getting shot up all the time. It keeps the kiddies from my BFing just like BF/COD keeps kiddies away from your RO'ing. I mean you have to love the ecosystem at the very least, right? =)
Zarathustra[H];1038682934 said:
My 14-year-old xbox fan stepson even made fun of the trailer.

Could this be a sign that the mass teenage hordes are finally growing leery of this franchise milking?

No, I have already overheard kids saying it will suck but they are still getting it...DE FUCK? :confused:

I don't like this game but I will still buy it...that mentality...
No, I have already overheard kids saying it will suck but they are still getting it...DE FUCK? :confused:

I don't like this game but I will still buy it...that mentality...

There's a lot of that going around regarding DLC, too. It's inane.

Soooo, you post a 100+ page of their annual report with not a single reference to any particular section in it to bolster your claim? I get it, you know how to find an annual report. Good job. Next time your teacher asks you to do a report on Hemingway, you will just hand in a paper with a link to a Google search? I should've expected as much from a Jarhead. :D
Soooo, you post a 100+ page of their annual report with not a single reference to any particular section in it to bolster your claim? I get it, you know how to find an annual report. Good job. Next time your teacher asks you to do a report on Hemingway, you will just hand in a paper with a link to a Google search? I should've expected as much from a Jarhead. :D

Hey man, the information is there. You asked, I delivered, not my fault you're either too lazy or too stupid to read it. But go ahead, assume you know me by my user name.

Look, you like the game, I can see that, and that's really great for you. I can see you also like other games, which is also great. I can especially see you like arguing with folks on the internet, and I'm sure that's greatest of all for you. I really hope that this little argument brightens your day, I imagine it could use it.
Hey man, the information is there. You asked, I delivered, not my fault you're either too lazy or too stupid to read it. But go ahead, assume you know me by my user name.

Look, you like the game, I can see that, and that's really great for you. I can see you also like other games, which is also great. I can especially see you like arguing with folks on the internet, and I'm sure that's greatest of all for you. I really hope that this little argument brightens your day, I imagine it could use it.
Wow you really are clueless. May God help you, you're gonna need it.

on topic:
FTR, I'm haven't been a fan of MW, since MW2. I don't think it sucks, it just stopped being my cup of tea. big difference.
Why, I'm not clueless at all. While I doubt god has anything to do with it, I'm just fine, but thanks for the concern.

For a guy who supposedly doesn't enjoy the game, you sure spend a lot of energy defending it's honor from a bunch of strangers on the internet. Then again, I suppose that figures.
Yawn. May buy it if it ever goes below $5... which will happen in 2016.