Buying a new HDD, is this good?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 30, 2001
Green drives are not built for speed, but rather for low power.

If you want fast, look elsewhere. (WD Blacks are good)
WD Black 1TB is fast
Samsung F3 1TB is fast
WD Blue series is also fast (similar + almost as good as Black)

I have the Samsung F3 1TB, and it's faster than my Western Digital "Blue" AAKS series 640GB drives in every way (even random read/write of small file sizes). My bro has the WD black, and it's about on-par with the F3, however the F3 has faster large-file sequential read/write.

Newegg has the F3 for about $80 right now. I got it when they had it for $75.
Samsung F3 1TB beats everything just now, technically should be more reliable since it only has 2 platters and less moving parts if all else is equal...

Get the Samsung F3 1TB either way.