Budweiser is Serious About Making Beer in Space


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Can you imagine a CGI commercial of Clydesdales pulling a Budweiser wagon on Mars? If Budweiser gets their way it might happen sooner than later. They've teamed up with the Center for Advancement of Science in Space and are going to launch some barley seeds into orbit to study how it will germinate in space. If it works the astronauts will be able to get a cold one some day in the future. This Bud's for you!

“Budweiser is always pushing the boundaries of innovation and we are inspired by the collective American Dream to get to Mars,” vice president of Budweiser, Ricardo Marques, said in a release. “We are excited to begin our research to brew beer for the red planet.”
Kinda sad that a crappy Belgian beer maker has a bolder vision for US space exploration than either Obama or Trump.
Budweiser should stick to making commercials with frogs, dogs and horses.
Budweiser's Vision:



There's certain popular beers that I don't get why they're popular. Something like a Miller High Life I can understand as it's cheap and unoffending and does the job but Budweiser? I've always thought it was bad beer and can't understand why it's as popular and chosen as it is. It's gross. It's what I picture shitty beer tasting like.
There's certain popular beers that I don't get why they're popular. Something like a Miller High Life I can understand as it's cheap and unoffending and does the job but Budweiser? I've always thought it was bad beer and can't understand why it's as popular and chosen as it is. It's gross. It's what I picture shitty beer tasting like.

Even shitty beer is better than no beer. Budweiser is just another ultra-pure lager with no real taste other than a hint of malt. It is a refreshing thirst drink on hot day, nothing more. When I want an actual taste and flavors, I'll pick an ale but Budweiser (or any bulk lager) goes down too without disgust.
If I'm going to drink a beer, I'd rather something with some taste; if not I'd just go with water.

Though one good thing about Budweiser; it ain't a Heineken :)
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Next up, zero gravity condoms to go with that six pack. Like the Rocket Man said, it's lonely out in space.
I think they should focus on making beer here first. It's probably the worst beer I've ever tried. It tastes like high fructose corn syrup and piss. Basically every other lager on the planet is better.
It would be interesting what they would do for the carbonation in the beer itself, or for that matter the carbon dioxide production from the fermentation process.

Budweiser as a beer is historically very Americanized, it is mostly flavorless and designed for mass consumption. However, anyone who knows shit about beer and beer brewing will tip their hat to Budweiser for their quality and consistency. They are able to produce millions of barrels of beer, at a dozen different plants, and consistently make the same tasteless body-less light pilsner; production wise that is a big deal.

I'd rather throw a pinch of cracked pilsner malt and a hops leaves in a can of sparkling water then drink a Budweiser though.
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It would be interesting what they would do for the carbonation in the beer itself, or for that matter the carbon dioxide production from the fermentation process.

Budweiser as a beer is historically very Americanized, it is mostly flavorless and designed for mass consumption. However, anyone who knows shit about beer and beer brewing will tip their hat to Budweiser for their quality and consistency. They are able to produce millions of barrels of beer, at a dozen different plants, and consistently make the same tasteless body-less light pilsner; production wise that is a big deal.

I'd rather throw a pinch of cracked pilsner malt and a hops leaves in a can of sparkling water then drink a Budweiser though.

So true! Creating a super pure, clean tasting lager is not easy. Anyone can make a fruity ale, hell the more fluctuations you get in your fermenting temperatures the more fruity esters yeast produces. They are off flavors that should not be there but still flavors. But creating a good lager is quite hard in home enviroment (temperature controlled cold enviroments, long brewing times...), and creating something similar to any bulk-lager is near impossible even if you get the ingredients right.

Only thing I disagree with is the end. Bad beer is still better than no beer. :)