Budget ram


Feb 29, 2004
Hey guys, got a quick question. I'm on a big budget right now because i'm going to school, but I do have a few extra bucks that i'd like to throw into some ram for my computer. If I bought say, this http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=20-156-006&depa=1 ram here, would I be able to mix it with my corsair? Or would it give me a bunch of problems? Just need some info, thanks. By the way, my corsair runs at a 200MHz FSB in a 1:1 ratio with my system bus, latency's are obviously 2.5-3-3-6 and very stable and i'd like to keep the 200mhz FSB.
I'd recommend spending like $20 more and you could get something much better and more reliable.
Scheizekopf said:
I'd recommend spending like $20 more and you could get something much better and more reliable.

Yeah I probably should. I bought my stick of corsair last year for 75 bucks ou the door. This ram is now like 115 bucks now :(. I should have bought another stick when I had the chance. I may just end up buying something better when the cash comes in, but I was just wondering what you guys think.

EDIT: How about a stick of Corsiar for 75 bucks? http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=20-145-026&depa=1