Bought a pre...

How does sprint feel about this?

I bought a curve 8900...

Way more satisfied then with my pre :)

Sprint has done nothing to try and disrupt the whole homebrew scene. And considering you happily moved on to an EDGE-only device, I'm thinking you weren't the proper demographic for the Pre in the first place. ;)
I love it.

Way more satisfied than with my iphone 3g :)

Glad you like it. To me, its the perfect mix between an iPhone and a Blackberry. The iPhone is a great piece of gear, no doubt, but the Sprint plans and the multitasking capabilities sealed the deal.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
How does sprint feel about this?

I have a feeling they are saying nothing right now so to encourage the sales of more Pre's. If it keeps selling well, they will likely open a store, then probably crack down on the unauthorized stuff.
I have a feeling they are saying nothing right now so to encourage the sales of more Pre's. If it keeps selling well, they will likely open a store, then probably crack down on the unauthorized stuff.

The app catalog is completely carrier agnostic and Sprint has no part in it. Sprint would have to convince Palm to pull the app in question, which I doubt they would want to do.
Sprint has done nothing to try and disrupt the whole homebrew scene. And considering you happily moved on to an EDGE-only device, I'm thinking you weren't the proper demographic for the Pre in the first place. ;)

edge+ wifi

I wouldn't use 3G if I had the option, kills the battery too fast. Whats the proper demographic though? I am 21 and I go to a university in baltimore. I guess you're right though I was looking for a more proven business-class phone, and a carrier that doesn't treat me like shit.
I have a feeling they are saying nothing right now so to encourage the sales of more Pre's. If it keeps selling well, they will likely open a store, then probably crack down on the unauthorized stuff.

It's not "unauthorized" stuff. Palm, in fact, told everyone how to access linux on the phone. It would be very difficult if not impossible to disable any of the homebrew stuff down the line.
edge+ wifi

I wouldn't use 3G if I had the option, kills the battery too fast. Whats the proper demographic though? I am 21 and I go to a university in baltimore. I guess you're right though I was looking for a more proven business-class phone, and a carrier that doesn't treat me like shit.

To each their own, but Wifi only goes so far. Then you are stuck on EDGE. And if by "proven" you mean 2003-era technology, then you are absolutely right. RIM has that down cold. I also hope that you opted for the 8900 on T-Mobile rather than ATT, because you would have a world of hurt to look forward to in terms of customer service.
To each their own, but Wifi only goes so far. Then you are stuck on EDGE. And if by "proven" you mean 2003-era technology, then you are absolutely right. RIM has that down cold. I also hope that you opted for the 8900 on T-Mobile rather than ATT, because you would have a world of hurt to look forward to in terms of customer service.

Cingular used to be an awesome company. Based on our last few dealings, and their clamping down on end-reseller variaty, I'd say they have only inheirited the worst traits of ATT (but NOT the free text messaging! I so wish that had stayed!).
I've had my Pre for a little over 2 months now.

Hands down the best phone i've ever owned.

Now if I only had the same coverage and service as when I had Verizon i'd be one super happy customer. I've had more dropped calls in the last 2 months then I had on Verizon in 5 years
I've had my Pre for a little over 2 months now.

Hands down the best phone i've ever owned.

Now if I only had the same coverage and service as when I had Verizon i'd be one super happy customer. I've had more dropped calls in the last 2 months then I had on Verizon in 5 years

pre is supposed to be coming to verizon in a couple months - just fyi
I loce my palm pre, best phone i've owned. Has a few things that could be improved but it looks like palm is quite aware of that and working on getting those fixed. Sometimes the phone is a bit slow but i think with this next version coming out that will be taken care of plus they have a lot of room for improvement on that end. Get a few dropped calls it looks like this 1.2 update should fix that but 1.1 was supposed to fix it. Eh it can only get better i think
I don't own a pre, but I've played with the demo models every chance I get. Read every english review, every video review.... I can't wait until I have the money to upgrade to something from my Centro. It's down between the Pre, or the Sprint-spec HTC Hero (if one of them has a working flash for watching Hulu on the go, then that'll seal the deal for me).

Frankly, I think the Pre is an amazing phone, particularly that it's the first radically new hardware from Palm, as well as their whole OS: No stone was left unturned. Yeah, WebOS has some bugs out of the box, but it took 3 versions of the iPhone to compete with the Pre just starting out. I personally can't wait to see how much better WebOS gets come new versions, and what new features they may implement.

My only real complaint about the Pre is that there's no way to get cool docking station for a desk or something. The only way to sync the phone is with the Mini USB port on the side, and the TouchStone is only a charger (not to mention it's insanely over-priced IMO).
Played with a newer, better build quality Pre today (I stopped working for Sprint 3 weeks after the Pre release), and I was definitely impressed, but the keyboard just kills me. So damn uncomfortable. And I know I won't be able to get used to it, I used to own a Treo Pro and my girlfriend had a Centro for a long time.
Played with a newer, better build quality Pre today (I stopped working for Sprint 3 weeks after the Pre release), and I was definitely impressed, but the keyboard just kills me. So damn uncomfortable. And I know I won't be able to get used to it, I used to own a Treo Pro and my girlfriend had a Centro for a long time.

You probably won't believe me, but you would get used to it and actually learn to like it. It feels really small and cramped, but after about 2 weeks, it becomes very intuitive. And despite the cramped-ness, the buttons are shaped in a way that I almost always hit the right one if I just trust it.
i like my pre there are a couple of issues that I didn't have on my HTC touch.

the gps sometimes doesn't work. i have to reboot it to get it working again. nothing more annoying then trying to get somewhere quick and finding yourself waiting a good 5 min for it to turn back on.

when i slide down the screen a little harder then usual the phone will just shut off. really fucking annoying. i am going to get it replaced this weekend.

also no video recording feature is a fail. the camera does take nice pictures though.

id give it 7/10.
i like my pre there are a couple of issues that I didn't have on my HTC touch.

the gps sometimes doesn't work. i have to reboot it to get it working again. nothing more annoying then trying to get somewhere quick and finding yourself waiting a good 5 min for it to turn back on.

when i slide down the screen a little harder then usual the phone will just shut off. really fucking annoying. i am going to get it replaced this weekend.

also no video recording feature is a fail. the camera does take nice pictures though.

id give it 7/10.

Sounds like you are having hardware problems more than anything. My GPS locks instantaneously, which is a ton better than my HTC Touch was capable of. And the "shutdown when closing" is a documented problem with the battery. Definitely get that thing replaced! You will be a lot happier.
video recording feature is supposed to be added in a future update, iirc.

and yeah, like the post above me, sounds like you need a replacement.
My google gps works instantaneously 95% of the time but the telenav thing is like maybe 30% at best. really annoying. and yes I plan on exchanging the phone.

I bought it at best buy so would sprint be responsible for fixing the battery issue or would I have to send in to the Palm? I asked BB and they said after 1 month they didn't deal with those issues.
My google gps works instantaneously 95% of the time but the telenav thing is like maybe 30% at best. really annoying. and yes I plan on exchanging the phone.

I bought it at best buy so would sprint be responsible for fixing the battery issue or would I have to send in to the Palm? I asked BB and they said after 1 month they didn't deal with those issues.

should be palm
i like my pre there are a couple of issues that I didn't have on my HTC touch.

the gps sometimes doesn't work. i have to reboot it to get it working again. nothing more annoying then trying to get somewhere quick and finding yourself waiting a good 5 min for it to turn back on.

when i slide down the screen a little harder then usual the phone will just shut off. really fucking annoying. i am going to get it replaced this weekend.

also no video recording feature is a fail. the camera does take nice pictures though.

id give it 7/10.

All you need is the battery replaced. They'll do this @ the sprint store for nada. some of the batteries were manufactured to small for the compartment, which causes the issue. The GPS however sounds like something weird. I've not had that problem (i had the battery problem).

The video recording should have been included out of the box, but, that being said, it should be available via a OS update.
To each their own, but Wifi only goes so far. Then you are stuck on EDGE. And if by "proven" you mean 2003-era technology, then you are absolutely right. RIM has that down cold. I also hope that you opted for the 8900 on T-Mobile rather than ATT, because you would have a world of hurt to look forward to in terms of customer service.

wifi is at my home/work/school. but i wouldnt mind having 3g sure...I did go with tmo though mainly because i hated sprints CS

and yeah, blackberry software is nice who cares if its old. dont fix it if it aint broken.
wifi is at my home/work/school. but i wouldnt mind having 3g sure...I did go with tmo though mainly because i hated sprints CS

and yeah, blackberry software is nice who cares if its old. dont fix it if it aint broken.

The reason I dumped T MO was the shitty data. It's terrible. If you are lucky enough to live SMACK in the middle of a major metro, you are probably in good shape.

If not, good luck. I'm sure it may change, but at the moment, it's pretty piss poor.
^wifi is fantastic and i have it at school/home/work so im rarely even using EDGE
I agree wifi is great, although in a good data coverage area it's hard to tell the difference between the 2. I think the phone is limited at 6 megs down and 6 megs up or something like that, when i did a brief test on my wifi, which kinda sucks but then again you don't really need anything faster than that, cept for maybe the big phone updates, which haven't been too bad so far, thinking 1.2 is going to be a big one.
My google gps works instantaneously 95% of the time but the telenav thing is like maybe 30% at best. really annoying. and yes I plan on exchanging the phone.

I bought it at best buy so would sprint be responsible for fixing the battery issue or would I have to send in to the Palm? I asked BB and they said after 1 month they didn't deal with those issues.

Do you plug in the charger before accessing the GPS? Because I found that to be the flaw when GPS does not work. Try to turn on your GPS then plug in the charger.
And if by "proven" you mean 2003-era technology, then you are absolutely right. RIM has that down cold.
Hahahaha! I feel exactly the same after owing a Storm, then a Tour. The OS is archaic and flat out annoying to work w/ after experiencing WebOS. Do apps launch instantly now? When I had my Pre they would take 3-6 seconds to pull up.

I've had more dropped calls in the last 2 months then I had on Verizon in 5 years
Same. I only had it for 3 days, but I lost a call, voicemail, and some folks sounded like robots. I loathe VZW's options and am stuck on a Razr right now, but the ability to get data and voice anywhere along w/ that awesome call quality (feels like I'm talking to someone in the next room) comes first.

Played with a newer, better build quality Pre today...and I was definitely impressed, but the keyboard just kills me. So damn uncomfortable.
Nice to hear they've knocked up the build, mine reset itself after falling 2 inches as well as anytime the keyboard flipped out too fast. And yes, I also agree w/ the child sized keys that caused massive amounts of pain in my fingers, hands, and arms.

It feels really small and cramped, but after about 2 weeks...
Hmm...I only gave mine 3 days. How did you feel after 3 days? I couldn't type on the thing for more than a sentence wo/ becoming sore. I really wanted it to work out too because that gesture area for flipping between tasks was money. :(

My GPS locks instantaneously
Instantly or 10 seconds? Even my Verizon Blackberry's took a little while to snag a satellite. I wonder something. How does your Pre's screen look through polarized sunglasses?
The Pre is a great phone, but I don't think WebOS will take off anywhere close to what Android is doing.

As soon as the HTC Hero comes out, Sprint users should consider selling their Pre for a Hero!
The Pre is a great phone, but I don't think WebOS will take off anywhere close to what Android is doing.
As soon as the HTC Hero comes out, Sprint users should consider selling their Pre for a Hero!

I'll pass. I've been on Android. Its a solid os, but, as all of the current Android handset are currently,Hero will be underpowered. Additionally,no querty,subpar multitasking,etc. With Google starting to crackdown on ROM cookers, I don't see the upside.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I had one for 48 hours or so. The keyboard was super cramped. The OS was indeed very slick but too immature at this point. I can't change SMS and emails sounds??? Seriously wtf. I'm on call 24/7 so custom SMS sounds are an absolute must to me. I know there is a homebrew app for it but then email sounds had to match also and frankly this is just a stupid thing to not have built in.

GPS was pretty quick. I'd say 10 secs. And to the question above my Pre looked like a gorilla tap danced on it using polarized suglasses.
I don't own a pre, but I've played with the demo models every chance I get. Read every english review, every video review.... I can't wait until I have the money to upgrade to something from my Centro. It's down between the Pre, or the Sprint-spec HTC Hero (if one of them has a working flash for watching Hulu on the go, then that'll seal the deal for me).

Frankly, I think the Pre is an amazing phone, particularly that it's the first radically new hardware from Palm, as well as their whole OS: No stone was left unturned. Yeah, WebOS has some bugs out of the box, but it took 3 versions of the iPhone to compete with the Pre just starting out. I personally can't wait to see how much better WebOS gets come new versions, and what new features they may implement.

My only real complaint about the Pre is that there's no way to get cool docking station for a desk or something. The only way to sync the phone is with the Mini USB port on the side, and the TouchStone is only a charger (not to mention it's insanely over-priced IMO).

It took Palm four years to launch something that competes with the iPhone. It can go both ways. I personally prefer the iPhone and have used both, the Palm is very flimsy in terms of the casing in my opinion not to mention all of the problems associated with them - freezing up, keyboards not working. I know two people that have one, one of them replaced her's once and my other friend had to replace his twice to finally get one that worked properly...