Boot problems with new drive.


Sep 12, 2002
I just purchased a 200Gb Seagate (the one from Outpost that went real cheap), any way, I had it in for about a week, then my roomy wanted to borrow my CD-RW. I pulled it out and lent it to him, when I restart there is a huge (about 1 min) delay between POST and the Windows splash screen. Sometime I get a message that says something about inproper hardware configuration, check manuals, and what not. So I decide to make sure my drives are set up appropriatley. My 80gig boot WD is set as master and pluged into the middle ATA conector, the 200gig Seagate has no jumper (which is slave) and plugged into the end connector. The BIOS seems to be set correct, I only have it to boot from device C:

I uplugged the CD-RW and 200gig and everything booted fine, I plugged the CD-RW back into the 2nd ATA channel, everything booted fine. I plugged the 200 gig and and go the message. I tryed a different cable on the primary ATA and still get the delay, but shorter this time (maybe just have been my perception though). The drive is drive F: , does it make a difference. It was named after my CD-RW and a Deamon tools drive.

Any ideas, could the drive be formatted improperly, or set-up wrong in windows device manager. Every thing works properly after Windows boots. I am not real good with the in Windows stuff, but pretty good with the assembly of the hardware and BIOS stuff.
