Bluetooth E-Cigarette Receives Calls, Plays Music

I bet it even posts to Twitter on your behalf whenever you take a long drag.
Dammit, I JUST quit using my ecig as part of a "get fit" initiative, and now this coolness comes out. Then again, the sound quality is probably utter rubbish....
Friend: "Hello. Can you hear me?"
E-Cig user: Huwooooo. I'm heh.
Friend: "Why does it sound like you have a dick in your mouth?"
E-Cig user: [pulls e-cig out of mouth] "Sorry, I was talking into my cigarette."
Friend: "Ok crazy. Rest of us are meeting up at the bar. Come join us when you stop giving bj's to trannies on the street corner."
They heard people who like cancer also enjoy music.

As far as I've been able to find, the vaporizing nicotine that e-cigs use don't cause cancer. It's everythings else in regular tobacco cigs that cause the worst health issues.
Nicotine doesn't cause cancer. None of the chemicals used in "e-juice" are known to cause cancer. Now this Marlboro I'm smoking? Yup, cancer it is. That said, this is so damn stupid I can't believe it made it to manufacturing.

They heard people who like cancer also enjoy music.
Yea this is pretty stupid. It really doesn't have a needed purpose. I've seen an ecig that doubles as a flashlight, which actually is useful. But tying your ecig to a phone or play music through a tiny speaker? Doesn't really seem to fit a need....
As far as I've been able to find, the vaporizing nicotine that e-cigs use don't cause cancer. It's everythings else in regular tobacco cigs that cause the worst health issues.

Maybe not cancer, but it still damages your lung tissue and makes you susceptible to all those other lovely conditions that smokers have to deal with.
As far as I've been able to find, the vaporizing nicotine that e-cigs use don't cause cancer. It's everythings else in regular tobacco cigs that cause the worst health issues.

I'm a pharmacist and I agree. I just read a very interesting article on nicotine in this months Discover magazine. In short, nicotine itself has health benefits for certain populations (Parkinson's disease is a good example) and is not addictive. It's all the other shit in tobacco products that causes problems.

Note that I've never smoked and I am rabidly anti-tobacco. Still, the science is there for pure nicotine. This was all news to me but I checked it out and it seems legit to me.
I'm a pharmacist and I agree. I just read a very interesting article on nicotine in this months Discover magazine. In short, nicotine itself has health benefits for certain populations (Parkinson's disease is a good example) and is not addictive. It's all the other shit in tobacco products that causes problems.

Note that I've never smoked and I am rabidly anti-tobacco. Still, the science is there for pure nicotine. This was all news to me but I checked it out and it seems legit to me.
I'm a pharmacist and I agree. I just read a very interesting article on nicotine in this months Discover magazine. In short, nicotine itself has health benefits for certain populations (Parkinson's disease is a good example) and is not addictive. It's all the other shit in tobacco products that causes problems.

Note that I've never smoked and I am rabidly anti-tobacco. Still, the science is there for pure nicotine. This was all news to me but I checked it out and it seems legit to me.

Are you fucking serious? Did you just say that nicotine is NOT addictive? What fairy land are you a pharmacist in...because I don't actually believe for a second you are remotely associated with any regulated medical industry with that ridiculous comment. Nicotine is a highly physically addictive drug, any respectable pharmacist would know this and wouldn't base their professional opinion on an article in some magazine.

I am not debating that nicotine might have benefits treating certain diseases. There are many promising nicotine derived drugs in clinical trials now. But to say nicotine isn't addictive is 100% false.
I'm a pharmacist and I agree. I just read a very interesting article on nicotine in this months Discover magazine. In short, nicotine itself has health benefits for certain populations (Parkinson's disease is a good example) and is not addictive.

Nicotine IS addictive and e-cigarette's can dramatically increase nicotine dosage compared to conventional cigarettes. Of course e-cigarettes are significantly healthier than conventional if the dosages are monitored appropriately, since tobacco has 4000+ compounds (of which 60 are known to cause cancer.) For those who didn't read the previous articles linked nicotine inhibits apoptosis, possibly limiting our capacity to find cancer/tumors (coupled with the rest of the shit in tobacco... bleh.)

Dosage Comparison:
Are you fucking serious? Did you just say that nicotine is NOT addictive? What fairy land are you a pharmacist in...because I don't actually believe for a second you are remotely associated with any regulated medical industry with that ridiculous comment.

Indeed. There is plenty of research to wade through so I'm not even going to attempt to counter the nonsense.
My batteries don't last nearly long enough as it is. I don't need bluetooth sucking it down even more.
Maybe not cancer, but it still damages your lung tissue and makes you susceptible to all those other lovely conditions that smokers have to deal with.

The thing is that pretty much no one has really studied the long term effects of using an electronic smokey thing to figure out what kind of naughty stuff they do in the long run. A lot of people are using them because they're cheaper and they claim they won't give you lung cancer, but it'd be nice to know if they'll do something else horribad so the people that are using them can be harassed endlessly about whatever medical condition they'll get afflicted with just like we superior non-addicted people are all haughty about now to the dinosaurs that still burn stuff and inhale the smoke. Seriously, I want something to hold over the e-smoker heads to make them feel like the inferior addicts that they are.
The thing is that pretty much no one has really studied the long term effects of using an electronic smokey thing to figure out what kind of naughty stuff they do in the long run. A lot of people are using them because they're cheaper and they claim they won't give you lung cancer, but it'd be nice to know if they'll do something else horribad so the people that are using them can be harassed endlessly about whatever medical condition they'll get afflicted with just like we superior non-addicted people are all haughty about now to the dinosaurs that still burn stuff and inhale the smoke. Seriously, I want something to hold over the e-smoker heads to make them feel like the inferior addicts that they are.

Just wait for the crappy music to come on then mock them for liking avicii or something.
Are you fucking serious? Did you just say that nicotine is NOT addictive? What fairy land are you a pharmacist in...because I don't actually believe for a second you are remotely associated with any regulated medical industry with that ridiculous comment. Nicotine is a highly physically addictive drug, any respectable pharmacist would know this and wouldn't base their professional opinion on an article in some magazine.

I am not debating that nicotine might have benefits treating certain diseases. There are many promising nicotine derived drugs in clinical trials now. But to say nicotine isn't addictive is 100% false.

Seriously..........that was an absurdly ridiculous comment. I just quit using ecigs (and had been using them heavily the last 2 years in lieu of cigarettes) and it has been just as hellish as when I tried to quit cigs many years ago. Nicotine is more addictive than 90% of the drugs out there, as it literally changes the "paths" in your brain. While I'm going through withdrawal, sweating my ass off and generally being an angry sonofabitch, my brain is "rewiring" for lack of a better term to adjust for the nicotine that is missing in my system.

Here, this says it better than I do:
The thing is that pretty much no one has really studied the long term effects of using an electronic smokey thing to figure out what kind of naughty stuff they do in the long run. A lot of people are using them because they're cheaper and they claim they won't give you lung cancer, but it'd be nice to know if they'll do something else horribad so the people that are using them can be harassed endlessly about whatever medical condition they'll get afflicted with just like we superior non-addicted people are all haughty about now to the dinosaurs that still burn stuff and inhale the smoke. Seriously, I want something to hold over the e-smoker heads to make them feel like the inferior addicts that they are.

I'm sure it'll give you cancer due to the radiation it leaks out... just like using headphones or cell/smart phones :)

Once government can figure a way to justify regulating and taxing it... it'll all be good.
Oh, that's a good point. I'm off to go make an irrational mockery of someone with their mouth wrapped around the big hard shaft of an e-cig.

Please just make sure that they aren't using it for medicine. I'd hate to be the unintended target of your mockery especially because mine has no nicotine.

Also I'm picturing some frat boy douchebag(not that all frat boys are douche bags) in a pink polo with a popped collar having OAR come on his ecig as he's talking about doing squats at the gym. Can someone make this happen as a youtube video? He can be wearing a upside down visor at your discretion, but can he please have bleached blonde tips and be wearing khaki cargo shorts?