BF3 flight mouse bindings


Apr 15, 2010
Not sure if I'm alone here but in BF3 it feels really awkward that roll left/right in jets and helis is bound to the X mouse axis. Trying to rebind this through the menu didn't work for me and googling didn't give an answer either. Forgive me if this was already posted but I managed to get the X axis bound to yaw left/right in jets and helis and my score has dramatically improved with them.

In Documents\Battlefield 3\settings open PROF_SAVE_profile in a text editor. Search for


and replace the entire block with:
GstKeyBinding.heli.ConceptYaw.0.axis 0
GstKeyBinding.heli.ConceptYaw.0.button 8
GstKeyBinding.heli.ConceptYaw.0.negate 0
GstKeyBinding.heli.ConceptYaw.0.type 1

Type 1 indicates that the binding is for the mouse, axis 0 is the X axis. The binding would not work at all unless button was set to 8 (not sure why). I'm assuming negate reverses the input of the axis. Those of you that have problem with inverted flight might want to try setting this to 1 on ConceptPitch. (I have not tried this)

Do a similar search for GstKeyBinding.jet.ConceptYaw.1

and replace it with:
GstKeyBinding.jet.ConceptYaw.1.axis 0
GstKeyBinding.jet.ConceptYaw.1.button 8
GstKeyBinding.jet.ConceptYaw.1.negate 0
GstKeyBinding.jet.ConceptYaw.1.type 1

I think I unbound some of my default controls when trying to fix this so the Binding #'s might not match up (the number after ConceptYaw). If in doubt look for the binding entry with type 1 and change it accordingly.
Really appreciate your work on this and I went through the same thing with BC2. Now it seems I have to do it again. One problem though - in my config, there is no gstbinding.heli or gstbinding.jet. It's all gstbinding.mav and I have no clue as to which is which - any idea? Yours was the only post on this I could find = /
Did you unbind *all* of the jet and heli controls? That's the only way I could see your PROF_SAVE_profile file having no entries for them. It should have a few graphics / input options at the top followed directly by the helicopter binds.

Also the search string is GstKeyBinding not GstBinding (not sure if you mistyped in your post).
Is there any way to make a mouse axis command that allows me to have better pitch control over my aircraft? Im finding that I dont have enough real estate on my mouse pad to constantly keep my jet in a loop. Ive tried to bind my joystick to the game but it seems really sluggish to me.

Any idea if they are going to improve joystick compatibility?
Is there any way to make a mouse axis command that allows me to have better pitch control over my aircraft? Im finding that I dont have enough real estate on my mouse pad to constantly keep my jet in a loop. Ive tried to bind my joystick to the game but it seems really sluggish to me.

Any idea if they are going to improve joystick compatibility?

Would be interesting if you could bind that to the mouse wheel, then you wouldn't need to worry about real estate.
Did you unbind *all* of the jet and heli controls?

No I didn't. Good call. One question though - how do I do that? In the game it says hold escape to unbind but that does not work for me. Anyway, I'll try just changing them and see what happens.

Also the search string is GstKeyBinding not GstBinding (not sure if you mistyped in your post).

Typo, sorry.

Thanks for the reply =)
The hold escape to unbind feature is rather finnicky and I have to try several times for it to work. Quickest way to unbind them all would be to delete all lines containing jet/heli from the config file - but you said you didn't. I'm confused as to why you can't find the entries in your config file if they are appearing in game as bound.

@ebeattie - I suggest using the keyboard in combination with the mouse for this. Personally I use w/s for pitch, a/d for yaw, q/e for roll, shift/ctrl for throttle. Considering swapping my yaw and roll controls on the keyboard. Use the mouse for finer targeting control and the keyboard for broad, continuous movements. Keep in mind I'm still terrible at jets (good with helis though) so take it for what it's worth.
The hold escape to unbind feature is rather finnicky and I have to try several times for it to work. Quickest way to unbind them all would be to delete all lines containing jet/heli from the config file - but you said you didn't. I'm confused as to why you can't find the entries in your config file if they are appearing in game as bound.

They're not created until you alter the defaults. Once you've done that and they're created "hold escape" works fine for everything (foot, tank, heli, jet), wheras it wouldn't before, even though I'd changed foot key binds. Did it all earlier. Now the only problem is roll doesn't work as it did in BC2 ie the heli levelling upon release of the key, instead the heli just stays in a tilted position = /
At least I can change things now anyway, thanks.
Now I wait for a fix for the negative acceleration (that affects high dpi, low sens players) and and for seperate sensitivity for vehicles/turrets ... and then perhaps I can get to grips with (and maybe even enjoy) this overhyped tech demo XD
Ty, again.
The thought process behind the controls stuns me.
You can enable invert flight, so when in my case, I move the mouse up, the nose points up. It's so I can aim the jet like a mouse cursor and hit my target.
But that flips the heli controls to the reverse. Why is that even a feature? Surely you would want them both the same?!
Does anyone know a way of having both the jets and the heli operate the same with the mouse?