Bethesda Confirms "Wolfenstein III," "Fallout 76" Will Last "Forever"


Aug 20, 2006
Metro’s GameCentral recently interviewed Bethesda SVP Pete Hines, who spoke candidly about a number of the publisher’s upcoming titles. One admission was that Wolfenstein III, whose future was uncertain due to rumors of poor sales, is “absolutely” being made. Furthermore, he claims Fallout 76 will be updated with content perpetually.

I’m not being ironic. Like, forever. Because other people have said, ‘Is your timeline two years or five years?’ And I said, ‘Well, they’re still playing Morrowind and you go online and look at how many people are playing Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Those games have been out for four and seven years, and there are literally hundreds of thousands of people playing those games every single day, every single month. So Fallout 76, our timeline is in perpetuity.
Are we're back to paid mods again? Because the only reason skyrim and morrowind are still being played are the mods.

There is no way in hell any of their investors would stand by while they sank money into a game that no longer sees ROI.

But if the content is made by modders, and sold by bethesda, then they can profit perpetually without investment. Doesn't sound that glorious when put like that does it?

I just hope the modders and players won't fall for this ruse.

And wonder what they'll think of next to fool us into accepting paid mods.

BTW do I get this right? Wolfenstein III is different from Young Bloods? Not that it would make me the least bit excited, II jumped the shark so much that I no longer care for any more of the same.
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Goddamn...I sincerely hope Wolfenstein 3 isn't the same SJW hypocritical boring repetitive step backwards from previous games with annoying ass bullshit characters again like the 2nd one was. Did I mention it also had horrible level design, pointless cutscenes, terrible weapons, the same enemy the whole game, and that Blazkowicz was a fucking crybaby pussy bitch? Fuck Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossal Piece of Shit.

Holy shit, outside Bioshock Infinite Wolfenstein 2 was the biggest disappoint for me in gaming history. Complete garbage game in every aspect.

*Ahem*...sorry...I just couldn't dislike that game more if I tried. Considering how game companies like Naughty Dog have gone all girl power and "you must be gay for us to like you" I just see this happening with the developers of Wolfenstein, though it appears we're too late. They went out of their way with their propaganda and agenda in the 2nd game.

The New Order was a fucking blast from start to finish...I don't know what happened...
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I just played Wolfenstein 2 from start to finish a few weeks back and I'm pretty convinced the people bitching about the SJW stuff are an order of magnitude worse than... the SJW stuff.

80% of the game is muderfest machismo deluxe exactly like you'd expect. 15% FUCK NAZIS THEY'RE THE WORST and so comically warped that they're effectively a caricature. And 5% eye rolling shit that occasionally sneaks in and I'm assuming is what people are referencing but lasts like 5 seconds in reality and can be ignored, if it even registers for you.

Basically every character is ratcheted up to 11 and completely ridiculous in their own aspect to the point where you're essentially just a ragtag band of dysfunctional maniacs outshined only by the Nazis and their downright mustache twirling evil.

I could kind of see the BJ thing but there's a plot reason and it uh... gets resolved.
BJ is literally half dead / dying and won't be around for his kid. Then he gets his fucking head chopped off, reattached to a new body and it's largely back to big dick badass.

Which they make several weird remarks on and it's never 100% whether you really are still alive.
Basically every character is ratcheted up to 11 and completely ridiculous in their own aspect to the point where you're essentially just a ragtag band of dysfunctional maniacs outshined only by the Nazis and their downright mustache twirling evil. [/spoiler]

I disagree honestly. As negative and bitching and mean as the "good guys" were I was rooting for the Nazi's by the end of it. The characters were horrible and not a single one of them was likable outside of Super Spesh and that's just because he was an idiot.
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I wonder how anyone could hate Wolfenstein II where white hate was the main story? What's Wolfenstein III, when we kill the entire white population to make sure no Nazi's ever appear?

I still play Morrowind, and no its not because of the mods, The game came with the creator's kit and anyone can just go to it. Its the game that is unusual, its range of possibilities far exceeds the rest of Elder Scrolls and you can make extremely strange characters that will do just fine.

I'm taking a break from Morrowind and playing Doom. It got real cheap and I bought is. Its great! Bethesda saved id from where it was going. Yes I still have Rage and would punch Willets if I could. I'm old, so I'm not sure how that would work out. ;)
I don't know what SJW or ROI is. I should probably quit gaming and take up knitting.
SJW: Social Justice Warrior, you know the 'women and POC never had prominent or leading movie roles prior to 2018', 'everything is to blame on fucking white males' and 'only quad-sexual demitrans-kin tinted pedo lives matter' types with the aposematism type hair.
ROI: Return On Investment, aka the time new shiny shit takes to pay off in business.

You're welcome!
Dam Bethesda is delusional. Fallout 76 last for ever, LOL. Destiny all over again but at least Destiny was built to be an MMO, Fallout 76 is Fallout 4 online with micro-transactions.
Wolfenstein 2 story was horrible, every cut-scene was like nails scraping on a chalkboard. I do not want a second helping of that.
Why do I get the feeling that their definition of perpetuity is "Once the initial Season Pass & DLC period is over, for as long as you willing to rent a private server from us".
Alternatively they'll just keep one or two 'free' servers going and charge a monthly fee for access to premium servers.
SJW: Social Justice Warrior, you know the 'women and POC never had prominent or leading movie roles prior to 2018', 'everything is to blame on fucking white males' and 'only quad-sexual demitrans-kin tinted pedo lives matter' types with the aposematism type hair.
ROI: Return On Investment, aka the time new shiny shit takes to pay off in business.

You're welcome!
lol Thanks!
Meanwhile, every Fallout fan I know are skipping 76 and awaits next purely single player iteration...
I just played Wolfenstein 2 from start to finish a few weeks back and I'm pretty convinced the people bitching about the SJW stuff are an order of magnitude worse than... the SJW stuff.

80% of the game is muderfest machismo deluxe exactly like you'd expect. 15% FUCK NAZIS THEY'RE THE WORST and so comically warped that they're effectively a caricature. And 5% eye rolling shit that occasionally sneaks in and I'm assuming is what people are referencing but lasts like 5 seconds in reality and can be ignored, if it even registers for you.

Basically every character is ratcheted up to 11 and completely ridiculous in their own aspect to the point where you're essentially just a ragtag band of dysfunctional maniacs outshined only by the Nazis and their downright mustache twirling evil.
While I never considered the game as sjw propaganda. It is terrible in every way. Just because some people see SJWs even where there isn't any, doesn't mean there aren't many places where their influence is thick as clay mud in gaming.
What you describe is the problem with the game, the nazis are so warped caricatures, that they loose their dread. They were supposed to win wwII in this universe, but how if they are portrayed as childlike fumbling idiots? That's where suspension of disbelief can no longer be sustained, and the entire story falls to pieces.
In the first game the characters were at least likeable, well not anymore they aren't. Nihilistic, weird, evil, racist idiots is what they're portrayed as. I cannot identify with them in any way. And for any story to work you (the player / viewer) need to be able to identify with one of the main characters, or at least their cause.
This just brings back tropes where german soldier is completely de-humanized. Yet the best big screen adaptations of WWII is where they aren't de-humanized. Well maybe that's where there is some sjw ideology, because they do the exact same thing. They try to de-person anyone who disagrees with them one bit.

I still play Morrowind, and no its not because of the mods, The game came with the creator's kit and anyone can just go to it. Its the game that is unusual, its range of possibilities far exceeds the rest of Elder Scrolls and you can make extremely strange characters that will do just fine.

I'm taking a break from Morrowind and playing Doom. It got real cheap and I bought is. Its great! Bethesda saved id from where it was going. Yes I still have Rage and would punch Willets if I could. I'm old, so I'm not sure how that would work out. ;)
Achievement unlocked: #NotAll

I don't know what SJW or ROI is. I should probably quit gaming and take up knitting.
I wonder if you already did take up knitting if you never encountered that before.
Short versions:
SJW is a pejorative abbreviation of social justice warrior. For people who think that a difference in any metric between two groups of people is evidence of discrimination. (Fact: It isn't)
ROI stands for return on investment. It's a financial term, when a product meets ROI it means it provided enough profits for the investors to be satisfied.

Long version:
SJW: The basic rule of thumb with SJWs, is that there is no way to satisfy them. No matter how many or big concessions are made to satisfy them, they'll find something to be outraged about. If not about the number of token minorities and trans people, then about how they're represented. Whatever they touch gets run into the ground, then abandoned for dead. Now they got their hands on gaming. Yet they're not gamers, they're just scouring the net for things to be outraged about. And unfortunately some devs get on the defensive, which is the worst thing they can do. They already lost at that point. Not to mention the sjws that have infiltrated the gaming industry, and trying to inject their propaganda into games from bottom up. Make no mistake, these people don't love their jobs or gaming. What they love is putting their ideology out there.

ROI: Say they invest 1 million into Fallout 76 every month to keep it running perpetually. If it only makes 1.1 million a month, that's not a good ROI, and they'll stop financing it and take their money elsewhere. So it doesn't even have to start loosing money before they pull the plug. Whatever is a good ROI of course is determined on a case to case basis. That's why claiming that Fallout 76 is going to be perpetual is cringe worthy bullshit. They can hope that it will see ROI for years to come, but I'm not that optimistic. The player base is already divided in half by the fact that many of fallout / TES players have zero interest in multiplayer.
They do seriously realize Fallout 3/NV/4 and ES Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim are popular because you can mod the crap out of them and create anything you want with a little time and effort, thus you have infinite replay value.

Multiplayer games only last as long as in can hook players and create fresh mechanics, and hook players through the carrot and stick method. Overwatch is a great example "release a new character or map" changes the game, seasons ensure people keep coming back.

Also people that want to learn game design, start with Morrowind due to its ease of complexity, its one of the easiest ways to get into the work and industry, starting their and working your way up to Skyrim.
Fallout 76 never really existed before it could be fun maybe you can melee enemies instead of shooting. If the game comes off all serious it could be bad. The last game to do that was Star Wars the old republic MMO. This game could do really well but usually Fantasy games bring more to the table. Destiny love it hate it trys to look good but at the end of the day it's a mindless shooter.
Wanting Fallout 76 to be GTA-V. I get. Any software company would love a old property to keep making money for years and years. But it isn't guaranteed. So they "may" make content for years if.. and only if the market exist for it and it is valuable for the company to do so.