Best Overclocker - 3.0E or 3.0C?


Limp Gawd
Jan 18, 2003
I am about to do a small upgrade to my rig and am looking at getting either a 3.0E or 3.0C. I noticed they are both priced the same and was wondering which generally OCed better. I have a watercooling system, so the hotter Prescott chip shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, if anyone has any info it would be appreciated.

BWT, mobo I am getting is an ASUS P4P800 SE. Thanks again.
I'm not sure there's much between the two as far as overclocking is concerned. However, I'd say the Northwood performs better and runs a hell of a lot cooler too. Looks like a fairly simple choice.:)
Sure, if you have a vapochill you'll get better numbers from the prescott, but, dont expect much on air.
I'm going to be going to Fry's soon and was wondering if getting a 30-cap chip was luck of the draw or if there was something you could specifically look for to get one (like specific batch number, etc). I've searched the forums a bit but it doesn't look like it, but thought I'd ask anyway.

the c is soley because the e gets so friggin hot its unreal.
i had both now just the 3c because the e would get so hot o/c'd ... with water it produced heat faster then water could carry it away, thats kinda hot.
DaBuddMon said:
I'm going to be going to Fry's soon and was wondering if getting a 30-cap chip was luck of the draw or if there was something you could specifically look for to get one
You could try these S-specs (listed on the box label).......

BX80532PG2600D SL78X (2.6C)
BX80532PG2800D SL78Y (2.8C)
BX80532PG3000D SL78Z (3.0C)
BX80532PG3200D SL792 (3.2C)

All those chips have the P4EE packaging (30-cap, 8-layer). You may also end up with a 30-capper if you try a different s-spec but the above ones are guaranteed. Don't go too nuts trying for a 30-capper, some of them are real dogs and there's plenty of 12-cap chips that overclock like champs (mine is pretty good using just stock cooling). If you can get a 30-capper then go for it - they seem to be able to hit higher clocks on average.
The SL78Z? I only see one listing of it at and it didn't oc that far. Anyone else have this S code on their P4 3.0C? I see a lot of SL6WK and SL6WUs that oc well. Is there a site rather than that has info on the S codes?

EDIT: BTW, isn't the SL78Z an OEM only processor?
DaBuddMon said:
EDIT: BTW, isn't the SL78Z an OEM only processor?
No, BX is an Intel retail box code.....

BX80532PG3000D SL78Z (3.0C)

This is the only way of getting a guaranteed 30-capper without asking the supplier to check their stock for you. I doubt they'd be too keen on ripping retail boxes open on the off-chance you'll buy a CPU! They could check their OEM stock ok though. I did mention before that even with 30-cappers it's still a crap shoot so I wouldn't be too concerned about finding one. :)
Are there any other S codes I should look for? Don't they post the batch numbers on the boxes as well? Just wondering.
Don't worry about it. I just got a fresh 12cap 3.0C and its rocksolid at 3.75.
get the E if they let you return it within 7 days for exchange for C... i wanna see how hot yours gets :p
I got lucky, sorta. Got a 30 capper, but with D1 stepping. Had my 3.0 over 3.6 but freeked power supply out. Suspect there is a lot more left to this baby, need more juice.
Guys, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help! What does 30 cap mean? 12 cap? What are caps? I'm a newb, please help me. :( Thanks
Yule Bryner said:
Guys, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help! What does 30 cap mean? 12 cap? What are caps? I'm a newb, please help me. :( Thanks
Number of capacitators on the back packaging of the CPU. 30 cap one overclock generally better than 12 cap ones.
3.0c sl6w packdate 03/02/04 i have one does 4ghz on air my buddie has the same steping and pack date his does 4ghz on air. we got the from pcsupplusource its 9 bucks more for a hand picked steping and packdate. these are 30 caps d1 stepings there ee cores galatin just got the ee chache turned off
[hard]420 said:
these are 30 caps d1 stepings there ee cores galatin just got the ee chache turned off
Well they're certainly EE packaging but I'm not sure they're also EE cores. How do you know for sure? Have you ripped the IHS off one yet? ;)