Best 23" 120hz gaming NOT glossy


Aug 12, 2008
What is the best 23-24" 120hz gaming monitor that is NOT glossy. I hate glossy with a passion, but would like to try out 120hz BF3. Don't care about 3D at all just 120hz :). I currently have a 27" but I've never liked gaming on the 27" so I think I want to go back to a 23".
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i passed all the in" my first one was dell 20" then 24",27" finally the biggest was 30"
then i reverse back to 23.7" benq xl2410t,and i'm happy..i think the best option for gaming specially for bf3.

check the new one BenQ 2420T should be better
Planar SA2311W or BenQ XL2420T. Both are a bit better than the Alienware which is expensive for no reason.
you guys are bashing my aw2310! :D

I agree, the BenQ XLT looks pretty good.

The only reason to buy the AW2310 was because it was the first 23" 1080p 120hz lcd available (by a good 4 months up here in canada).

Since there are multiple choices now I doesn't make any sense to get it over the other ones.
I have no experience purchasing on non-US currency websites, is it complicated?
Planar SA2311W gets my vote. I own an Alienware AW2310 and it's kinda crappy. If you find yourself pulling out your laptop to read a document... maybe the monitor isn't the best.
Planar SA2311W gets my vote. I own an Alienware AW2310 and it's kinda crappy. If you find yourself pulling out your laptop to read a document... maybe the monitor isn't the best.

What makes you like the Planar over the Benq?

I still haven't purchased one yet so the more info the better :). I honestly may give up on the 120hz, seeing how so many people can't get BF3 to run at 120fps even with dual 7970's @ 1080p/ultra I don't think I would get the gain I am looking for, and I have no intention of running sub-par graphics to get 120hz :(
There isn't really anything in particular that makes me think the Planar is better than the BenQ. To be perfectly honest, the BenQ wasn't out when I was looking at these so I don't know much about it. I just know that the image quality in the Planar is better than the Alienware and I think it was designed for the professional market rather than for the enthusiast.
The XL2420T has supposedly the lowest input lag in the industry right now. You're going to be paying extra for a lot of extra features you may or may not ever use.
You can get the Benq XL2420T for 379.99 off their website with the coupon TeSPA$20. Coupon was supposed to expire on 3/22, but I just used it last night to order my XL2420T :)
Only if you want the extra features like the screen sizing and Nvidia 3D Vision 2 the BenQ offers, other wise I would go for the Planar, especially since it is pretty much as good as TN panels get and you might be sensitive to LED pwn flickering.
Planar also has very good U.S. support. Cross-shipping is standard with the warranty, so any problem you have with the Planar won't leave you without a display.
Good info on Planar but that model (SA2311W) appears to be discontinued? Also I haven't read stellar reviews on that one, but almost no review says anything bad about the Benq?
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People have complained about dark Overdrive trailing, but ive only ever seen it mentioned on this forum. For me personally, i don't see it. I've seen it on the 2410, but i can't find it on the benq xl2420.
People have complained about dark Overdrive trailing, but ive only ever seen it mentioned on this forum. For me personally, i don't see it. I've seen it on the 2410, but i can't find it on the benq xl2420.

Any overdrive trailing is extremely subtle and only shows up in cherry-picked tests on the XL2420T.
Good info on Planar but that model (SA2311W) appears to be discontinued? Also I haven't read stellar reviews on that one, but almost no review says anything bad about the Benq?

Yup, can't find it anywhere. I actually had an order in at one place, but they cancelled. Sadly, a dude on another forum confirmed this with Planar.

Iirc, newegg customer reviews were quite positive. Folks on are quite happy too. It was 280 at one point, supports nvidia 3d vision, matte, CCFL (no flickering when dimmed), height adjust goes low, and apparently has the same panel as the Samsung a700/750/950 series so color would not be an issue like the BenQ.

Bad about the BenQ? How bout this post just above yours?

...LED pwn flickering.

BenQ gave me terrible eye strain and headaches due to ultra low PWM frequency (see tftcentral or prads review, they both mention it). Colors were wack and I never could calm the gamma down. I had it next to one of the Samsungs and an Asus vg236h and it was painfully obvious how poor the color was.

That said, it was the fastest and 3d vision 2 was nice. Also, the stand rocked.

I settled with the Samsung s23a700d because it's dimmer than the 950 series. If set at 100 brightness it does not flicker. Then i use a software program like desktop lighter to dim. Because its glossy, I will only be using it for game. But honestly, it's pretty slick for $300 on sale if ur only doing 2d 120 for shooters/racers. IMO, 3d was a cool trick, but ultimately not the game changer 120 is.
I have no interest in 3d but unfortunately I also have no interest in glossy.

Glossy gives me a heache, I can't stand reflections.

I currently use an LED Monitor at home and at work and the flicker doesn't bother me apparently so I think I am safe there.

I probably would go with the Planar if I could after reading more on it, sucks that Planar is no longer making monitors.

I'm still debating what I am going to do, I want a new monitor but not enough to "jump" on the decision :).