Benchemall scores, FAR CRY, built in....


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2000
EDITED: I changed the Benchemall scores, I was not specifying my own custom system.cfg, there is an option to do so, or else it uses a "default" setting according to whether you select max or min details...

OK, I have been playing around with the config files a bit, FSAA settings, etc.

The following is a run using Benchemall utility, using the built in Fort Demo. I did not test at 1600x1200 as my LCD does not go that high :) Do the scores not seem odd? Vsync in my control pnel is set to Application controlled as are FSAA and AF. Chaning the config file Vsync setting does nothing as far as the benchemall scores this becuse I am completely cpu bound using the rig in my signature? Only at 1280 do my framerates show a significant drop...
The frame rate appears locked at 50fps regardless of resolution, although while in the demo you can see it moving around quite a bit as scenery changes. Actual in game play, using the below listed config, varies from a low of 30fps up to about 75fps. If I lock Vsync ON using the in game panel, it maxes out at 60fps for a high...very smooth and playable still. Transcend, since our 3DMark03 scores are so close I figure you could try this and see what you get, my average fps seems ok but I don't see the real high peaks as some poeple are showing....

Far Cry

Map: Fort Demo: BenchemallDefaultDemo

Custom config file: C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Crytek\Far Cry\system.cfg
640x480 not selected
run# 0: Average FPS: 49.11
run# 1: Average FPS: 48.91

run# 0: Average FPS: 48.80
run# 1: Average FPS: 49.02

run# 0: Average FPS: 43.24
run# 1: Average FPS: 43.52

1600x1200 not selected


The system.cfg file I used was exactly as below...just back up your old one and paste this in....

-- [System-Configuration]
-- Attention: This file is generated by the system, do not modify! Editing is not recommended!

ca_ambient_light_intensity = "0.2000000029802322"
ca_ambient_light_range = "10"
ca_EnableDecals = "1"
cl_installshieldversion = "44"
cl_lazy_weapon = "0.0000"
cl_projectile_light = "1"
cl_punkbuster = "0"
cl_saveubipassword = "1"
cl_weapon_fx = "2"
cl_weapon_light = "2"
d3d9_TextureFilter = "TRILINEAR"
e_active_shadow_maps_receving = "2"
e_beach = "1"
e_brushes_merging = "1"
e_cgf_load_lods = "0"
e_decals = "1"
e_decals_life_time_scale = "3.000000"
e_detail_texture_quality = "1"
e_EntitySuppressionLevel = "0"
e_flocks = "1"
e_light_maps_quality = "2"
e_max_entity_lights = "4"
e_obj_lod_ratio = "10.000000"
e_overlay_geometry = "1"
e_particles_lod = "1.000000"
e_particles_max_count = "8192"
e_shadow_maps = "1"
e_shadow_maps_from_static_objects = "1"
e_shadow_maps_view_dist_ratio = "20.000000"
e_shadow_spots = "0"
e_stencil_shadows = "1"
e_stencil_shadows_only_from_strongest_light = "0"
e_use_global_fog_in_fog_volumes = "0"
e_vegetation_min_size = "0.000000"
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = "1.000000"
es_CharZOffsetSpeed = "2.0"
es_EnableCloth = "1"
ExitOnQuit = "1"
fs_homepath = ""
g_gore = "2"
g_language = "english"
g_playerprofile = "therapture"
g_serverprofile = ""
g_timezone = "0"
game_GliderBackImpulse = "2.5f"
game_GliderDamping = "0.15f"
game_GliderGravity = "-0.1f"
game_GliderStartGravity = "-0.8f"
i_direct_input = "1"
i_mouse_accel = "0.0"
i_mouse_accel_max = "100.0"
i_mouse_mirror = "0"
i_mouse_smooth = "0.5"
log_FileVerbosity = "0"
log_Verbosity = "0"
mp_model = "objects/characters/mercenaries/merc_rear/merc_rear_mp.cgf"
net_cheatprotection = "1"
p_color = "2"
p_deathtime = "30"
p_lightrange = "15"
p_model = "objects/characters/pmodels/hero/hero.cgf"
p_name = "therapture"
r_Beams = "1"
r_Brightness = "0.483026"
r_checkSunVis = "2"
r_ColorBits = "32"
r_Contrast = "0.739210"
r_CoronaFade = "0.125000"
r_Coronas = "1"
r_CoronaSizeScale = "1.000000"
r_CryvisionType = "0"
r_DepthBits = "24"
r_DetailDistance = "16.000000"
r_DetailNumLayers = "2"
r_DetailTextures = "1"
r_DisableSfx = "0"
r_DisplayInfo = "1"
r_Driver = "Direct3D9"
r_EnhanceImage = "1"
r_EnhanceImageAmount = "1.000000"
r_EnvCMResolution = "2"
r_EnvCMupdateInterval = "0.050000"
r_EnvLCMupdateInterval = "0.050000"
r_EnvLightCMSize = "16"
r_EnvLighting = "0"
r_EnvTexResolution = "3"
r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = "0.001000"
r_Flares = "1"
r_FSAA = "1"
r_FSAA_samples = "4"
r_Fullscreen = "1"
r_Gamma = "1.174013"
r_Glare = "2"
r_GlareQuality = "2"
r_HeatHaze = "1"
r_Height = "1024"
r_MotionBlur = "1"
r_ProcFlares = "1"
r_Quality_BumpMapping = "3"
r_Quality_Reflection = "0"
r_RenderMode = "3"
r_ScopeLens_fx = "1"
r_SelfShadow = "0"
r_ShadowBlur = "2"
r_StencilBits = "8"
r_TexBumpResolution = "0"
r_TexLMResolution = "0"
r_TexQuality = "0"
r_TexResolution = "0"
r_TexSkyResolution = "0"
r_Texture_Anisotropic_Level = "4"
r_TexturesStreamPoolSize = "0"
r_Vegetation_PerpixelLight = "1"
r_VolumetricFog = "1"
r_VSync = "1"
r_WaterReflections = "1"
r_WaterRefractions = "1"
r_WaterUpdateFactor = "0.001000"
r_Width = "1280"
s_CapsCheck = "0"
s_CompatibleMode = "0"
s_DopplerEnable = "1"
s_DopplerValue = "1.0"
s_DummySound = "0"
s_EnableSoundFX = "0"
s_InactiveSoundIterationTimeout = "1"
s_MaxActiveSoundSpots = "100"
s_MaxHWChannels = "0"
s_MaxSoundDist = "500"
s_MinHWChannels = "16"
s_MinRepeatSoundTimeout = "200"
s_MusicEnable = "1"
s_MusicMaxPatterns = "12"
s_MusicStreamedData = "0"
s_MusicVolume = "0.0874999463558197"
s_SampleRate = "44100"
s_SFXVolume = "0.5325004458427429"
s_SoundEnable = "1"
s_SpeakerConfig = "5"
s_VisAreasPropagation = "10"
sv_mapcyclefile = "profiles/server/mapcycle.txt"
sv_maxrate = "30000"
sv_maxrate_lan = "100000"
sv_punkbuster = "0"
sys_firstlaunch = "0"
sys_script_debugger = "0"
sys_skiponlowspec = "0"
sys_spec = "1"
sys_SSInfo = "0"
sys_warnings = "0"
ui_BackGroundVideo = "1"
ui_EasyToolTip = "0"
ui_RepeatDelay = "200"
ui_RepeatSpeed = "40"
ui_ToolTipDelay = "1500"
ui_ToolTips = "1"
ui_TriggerUIEvents = "1"
ui_TriggerWidgetEvents = "1"
